This is an organisation dedicated to making calculators in as many programming languages as possible.
The following functionality must be given for a calculator to be valid.
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
Additionally for a calculator to be considered a working calculator the user needs to be able to input at least 2 numbers and receive the calculation result. The calculation result also needs to be correct. (floating point inaccuracy is fine if according to IEEE 754) The calculator also needs to work with at least 1 decimal place both as input and output. It is important that every calculator includes the surce code of itself.
To learn more about contributing to this project view
Project Name | Language |
AHKCalculator | AutoHotKey |
APLCalculator | APL |
AWKCalculator | AWK |
SHCalculator | Bash |
BASCalculator | Basic (FreeBasic) |
BFCalculator | Beef |
BECalculator | Berry |
BBCalculator | BlitzBasic (Blitz3D) |
BOOCalculator | Boo |
CSCalculator | C# |
CPPCalculator | C++ |
CCalculator | C |
CLJCalculator | Clojure |
COBCalculator | COBOL |
COFFEECalculator | Coffeescript |
LSPCalculator | Common Lisp |
PYXCalculator | Cython |
DCalculator | D |
DARTCalculator | Dart |
EXCalculator | Elixir |
ERLCalculator | Erlang |
F90Calculator | Fortran |
FSCalculator | F# |
GOCalculator | Go |
GROOVYCalculator | Groovy |
HSCalculator | Haskell |
HCCalculator | HolyC |
JAVACalculator | Java |
JSCalculator | JavaScript |
NJSCalculator | JavaScript (Nodejs) |
IPYNBCalculator | Jupyter Notebook |
KTCalculator | Kotlin |
LUACalculator | Lua |
MATLABCalculator | MATLAB |
MCalculator | Objective-C |
MLCalculator | OCaml |
PASCalculator | Pascal |
PLCalculator | Perl |
PHPCalculator | PHP |
PS1Calculator | PowerShell |
PYCalculator | Python |
RCalculator | R |
RKTCalculator | Racket |
RBCalculator | Ruby |
RSCalculator | Rust |
SCALACalculator | Scala |
SCMCalculator | Scheme |
SmallBASCalculator | SmallBasic |
SWIFTCalculator | Swift |
SQLCalculator | SQL (SQLite) |
TCLCalculator | TCL |
8XPCalculator | Ti-Basic (Ti Program) |
TSCalculator | TypeScript |
VCalculator | V |
VBCalculator | Visual Basic |
VBSCalculator | Visual Basic Script |
ZIGCalculator | ZIG |