Tinytools has been migrated to TinyToolSH.
Tiny scripts to improve your productivity.
- tgoeswall - make Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite images, your wallpaper.
- tmenu - A simple dmenu wrapper to create menus.
- tnotes - A simple dmenu wrapper to create and access your Markdown notes.
- tpomodoro - a simple script to manage your time using the pomodoro technique.
- tprogbar - a simple commandline tool to help you make your our ASCII progress bar.
- tsearch - A simple tool to request any search the way you want.
- ttodo - A simple dmenu wrapper to create and access your todo list.
- tyaml - A simple script to parse a yaml file.
Edit Makefile to match where to install tinytools and where to place default config files (tinytools is installed into the /usr/bin namespace by default).
Afterwards enter the following command to install tinytools (if necessary as root):
make install
To uninstall tinytools you can run:
make uninstall
Edimar Calebe Castanho (Calebe94) | Gabriel Gaboardi (Gabo) |
All software is covered under GNU General Public License v3.0.