Program that emulates a 6502 processor with component level functionality
Also adding a compiler to compile a mockup-language that is supposed to emulate 6502 assembly
You will need to compile in a standard no older than C++17 (using constexpr)
If you are using a linux terminal. Use the following command:
g++ -std=c++17 -O3 -o run <MAINFILE> && ./run
If the terminal does not run the command, try installing or updating g++
sudo apt install build-essential
If you are using a separate IDE (e.g Visual Studio). Follow these steps:
-> Copy all files to a newly made project folder (where Main.cpp or Source.cpp resides)
-> Check all files for possible errors with includes or preprocessor macros,
If errors exist: ~edit accordingly to follow windows directory standard
-> Run the program using your own main file
Comments on new language work only if //
is entered in the beginning of the line, not anywhere
Load_Data function only takes in 8 bits, but instructions may need 16 bits which needs a more complex solution to solve