This repo create a haxball room and allow customization mannualy.
In the config.js file you can add some global data for use it in the hooks.
Custom commands are added in the commands folder. The name of te file is the name of the command ex: ping.js -> !ping.
The default return of the file is a object with a two properties: handler and serverAction
The function to return receive 3 arguments: the room object, the player and the message
// commands/ping.js
// Client handler: this code run in the haxball browser, and the return data will be send to the server
// All command receive 3 args: the room object, the player and the message
const handler = function(room, player, message) {
return { message: 'PING!' }
// Server action: this code run on the server, and receive the return of the handler
const serverAction = (e) => {
console.log(`El user mando este comando: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`)
export default {
The hooks are pieces of code that add event listeners and handlers for haxball native events. For use them you can add a .js file in the hooks folder and return the following array:
// Client hook: this code run in the haxball browser, and the return data will be send to the server
// All client hook receive 2 args: the room object and the event
const playerUpdate = (room, e) => {
const players = room.getPlayerList();
return { currentPlayers: players[0] }
// Server hook: this code run in the server, and receive the return of clientHook as param
const serverHook = (e) => { console.log(`An user has join: ${JSON.stringify(e.currentPlayers)}`) }
// the event is the name of your custom hook
// the roomEvents is an array of haxball events that trigger your clientHook
export default [{
roomEvents: ['onPlayerJoin', 'onPlayerLeave'],
clientHook: updateAdmins,
# create migration
npm run migrate:create [name]
# run migrations
npm run migrate:run
- level system