MIT License
Simple named pipe bidirectional object transfer engine for .NET
Library that allows communication between applications on the same computer with named pipe structure. It supports sending objects with json boxing and unboxing.
To use Pipel, simply run a static method with the name parameter:
In order to process incoming messages, you need to connect the event to the appropriate method:
PipelEngine.Receive += PipelMessageReceived;
Receive Method Sample (PipeCommand is a custom object used in the sample application)
private void PipeMessageReceived(PipelMessage message)
this.Invoke(new MessageDelegate(PipeMessageReceived), message);
PipeCommand cm = PipeCommand.GetCommand(message);
if(cm.Type == PipeMessageTypes.TakePhoto)
txtMessages.AppendText(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ":(Object) " + cm.ConvertLoad<List<int>>() + Environment.NewLine);
else if(cm.Type == PipeMessageTypes.ShowMessage)
txtMessages.AppendText(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ":(Text) " + cm.Load + Environment.NewLine);
catch(Exception ex)
txtMessages.AppendText(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine);
To stop:
Send message examples:
PipelEngine.Send("Test Message", "other_app");
PipelEngine.Send(new List<int> { 125, 138, 245 }, "other_app");
PipeRpc supports the following features:
- Newtonsoft.Json library is used for serialisation;
- Information on which name the incoming messages come from;
- General boxing and unboxing methods;
- Simple operation and structure
Performance tests have not yet been carried out
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
-------------------- |----------:|-----------:|-----------:|
ReturnComplexObject | - us | - us | - us |
Cancellation | - us | - us | - us |
ReturnInt | - us | - us | - us |
Copyright (c) 2023 Can Iraktan. All rights reserved
This repository is licensed under MIT License - see License
for more details.