SpringBoot app using KEYCLOAK!
NB! This codebase is an adaptation from this baeldung-tutorial
# Clone this repo and verify compile
git clone GIT_REPO_URL
cd path/to/keycloak-springboot
mvn clean compile
# Run as spring boot app
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Now it should be available via http://localhost:8022
Building, publishing and running via Docker and Docker-Compose:
# set env vars for ease-of-use
# NOTE! please just replace 'zeusbaba' with your user
$ export dockerhubUser=zeusbaba \
export appName=keycloak-springboot \
export appVersion=1.0.0
$ export dockerImage=${dockerhubUser}/${appName}:${appVersion}
# build the app package, aka fat jar
$ mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage
## using Docker!!!
# build a docker image
$ docker build \
-t ${dockerImage} \
--rm --no-cache .
$ docker images
# (optional) publish the image to docker hub
$ docker push ${dockerImage}
# (optional) run the docker image locally
$ docker run \
-p 8022:8022 \
Now it should be available via http://localhost:8022