This project's goal is to create a framework that has been designed to efficiently route delivery drivers coming from a single location. It also provides an easy-to-use interface (on the frontend) for managers that create routes, as well as the drivers that deliver using those routes. To run application, view README in "frontend" folder.
All of our frontend pages are still in development. Currently, we have the file structure setup for our pages. In addition, we have a working example component in our "example" folder which we will use as reference in subsequent milestones.
Our original goal for milestone 1 was to complete the Data component page. That goal turned out to be impractical as our frontend team scrambled to implement a tool (REACT) that they had just learned. To stay productive, our frontend team decided to implement an example component which is working locally. Our team will reference that example as we create our Data component. We plan to have our Data component complete by 10/10.
All of our frontend pages are still in development. Currently, we have the outline of our Data page started. Our Data page consists of the Driver component and the Recipient component. These components are not interactive yet. Internally, our milestone 2 will be completed on October 31st. By October 31st, we hope to have the Driver and REcipient Components interactive, and the Routing page complete.
We have our Data page finished. We just need to test its connection to the backend. We are behind on our routing page. As we get more people moved to the frontend, that will allow us to pick up the pace on the routing page and our other pages.
We have our Data page finished and connected to the backend. We have the frontend of the routing page finished. We need to connect the routing page to the backend.
We have our routing page finished and connected to the backend. Our bulk file upload is also functional.
- None
- Add maps to visualize routes.