This program contain Hilbert–Huang Transform (HHT) and Holo-Hilbert Spectral Analysis (HHSA)
We will doing HHT with Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (CEEMD) or Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) to get several Intrinsic Mode Function (IMF)
And then use the result of IMF to do HHSA (Calculate (CEEMD or EEMD) with Upper Envelope (UpEnvelope in Code) of IMF as Input since we are focus on the ECG peak, you can change it to LowEnvelope by modify the code)
The parallel computing by OpenMP is doing on EEMD. We recommended that Ensemble Number in HHSA_profile.txt should equal to the multiples of CPU Threads Count.
In this code, we use "normal_distribution" random number generator to generate the Noise that add per EEMD iteration. You can change it to "uniform_real_distribution" by modify the code.
Original HHSA Paper here: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsta.2015.0206
And Instantaneous Frequency Paper here: https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S1793536909000096
- At leaset 2.4GB Free Memory to run our small sample. (HeartRate.txt)
Unzip Library: mathgl-8.0-MSVC to C:\mathgl-8.0-MSVC
open HHSA_CPU_OpenMP.sln with Visual Studio 2022 and Choose Release x64 then Build
Move files in Profile Folder to x64\Release Folder
copy dll from C:\mathgl-8.0-MSVC\bin to x64\Release
modify parameter in HHSA_profile.txt, modify input file in Run_HHSA.bat
Execute Run_HHSA.bat
(INPUT)_HHT.csv contain the result of HHT
IMF: Intrinsic Mode Function
Residual: The residual value after each mode decomposition
Up: UpperEnvelope
Low: LowerEnvelope
Mean: MeanEnvelope
FM: Frequency Modulation
AM: Amplitude Modulation
IP: Instantaneous Phase
IF: Instantaneous Frequency
(INPUT)_HSA.png is the Hilbert Spectra Analysis that plot the Instantaneous Frequency across time
(INPUT)_HHSA_mode(NUM).csv contain the result of HHSA on each mode of the HHT on IMF Upper Envelope
(INPUT)_HHS.png is the Holo-Hilbert Spectra that plot the AM Frequency and FM Frequency by HHSA result (Sum of all time)
(INPUT)_HHSA_3D.png is the Holo-Hilbert Spectra Analysis result which is a short time HHS according to TimeCell Duration along Time
Debian/Ubuntu: "apt-get install libmgl-dev g++ make"
CentOS: "yum install mathgl-devel gcc-c++ make" (I don't really test it, jsut copy paste)
cd to HHSA_CPU_OpenMP folder which contain Makefile: "make"
"./HHSA_CPU_OpenMP HeartRate.txt"
- This code is done in my spare time. Not verified by third party.