Quality control is important to verify that all Carnegie Hall Archives materials have been returned from the digitizing vendor and that digital files have been created properly.
First, compare returned documents with original Excel spreadsheet of what was sent to the vendor. Make sure all documents are accounted for.
- File opens and displays
- Proper formats have been created (e.g. TIFs and JPGs)
- Check color mode (e.g. RGB)
- Check bit depth (e.g.48-bit for color)
- Confirm correct orientation (vertical vs. horizontal) and dimensions
- Is the image complete?
- Check spatial resolution (e.g. correct resolution, inches/cm)
- Is the image cropped properly?
- Are there any missing pages or images?
- Tone (brightness, contrast)
- Is the color accurate?
- Are there any artifacts? (e.g. from dust, dropped out pixels, defects)
- Check for detail and sharpness
- Check for lighting/flare issues
- Confirm that the file name is accurate and adheres to file naming convention
- Check that embedded metadata exists and is accurate
- Check metadata spreadsheet for completeness