after a lecture on Monday I went home and installed Nextflow through the Ubuntu App.
This involved wrestling with the command line, so I have put a command line glossary in my repo
for the benefit of future me and any other beginners that pass this way.
On Monday we picked up a lot of resources about NextFlow and ideas about parallel computing,
today Wednesday was a practical session during which I set up the Assignment 3 repository and peopled it with some files.
Egon provided us with templates,
for Nextflow, and a short.tsv
file to start us off.
- emphasis on parallel computing
- examples of workflow systems : KNIME, Apache Taverna, BIOVIA
- a very important abstraction is the drawing of boundaries around each component (node), once that is done INPUT and OUTPUT can be clearly defined, OUTPUT can be cached, passed around, stored eg in KNIME in a relational database (ie not in memory) and a consequence is that you can parallelise.
- the structure is Open Source
- It is useful to ask yourself: can I explain the code in my assignments as a workflow?
Why yet another workflow?
Recent, since 2017. One design decision was not to make it graphical.
Information channels link nodes.
You can see some examples on
Egon's opinion:
- one defect of N is that it is hard to see what is going on in background. This makes it super-important to document what you think is going on. I struggle to see the data in the channel I cannot see easily how many processes have started
- NB reading from a channel is not at all the same as reading from a file eg the order is not guaranteed
- The multiline string defined within """ """ is something Groovy will run on the command line
- N is smart, but not v transparent, so you need to make up for this in your documentation.
- Manon asks in what platform we will be working - coding in a plain text editor like Notepad with extension ".nf"
- Docker: the nodes in the workflow can be Docker images, eg: """ blast cat """ where blast and cat are 2 programs AKA microservices the smallest Docker is around 30MB Docker get started is a useful resource; "fire up one of these nodes" the nodes are isolated modular bits of functionality IN -> thing -> OUT Docker image is a bit like an App Docker Hub a bit like an App Store (even includes its own OS therefore easy to move around between machines eg. if you need persistence of data you can keep a DB in there) docker pull thing docker run thing
- busybox is a small very small Linux-based OS
after a big Windows update last night, I reopen the Ubuntu app
and, due to my lack of ability with the command line interface,
no longer able to understand how to get the
to run anymore.
I try ./nextflow
Nextflow launches but can't find the tsv file.
I try ls -al to find out what files are in my directory.
I try the same code as yesterday, but get the error message
No such file: /home/caroliine/short.tsv
My user name is caroliine, I had forgotten that. (the command whoami will remind me next time!)
It seems this is my home directory (probably you return there at every restart(?)). (home directory is AKA ~)
Need to spend some time doing command line tutorials, it seems.
Feeling more happy after some time spent on the tutorial. ~ / relative and absolute paths clearer now
- JPlogP values;
- molecules encoded as SMILES
- start input file with SMILES
- use CDK to calculate JPlogP values (a measure of hydrophobicity a good predictor of biological properties)
- outline of expected repository experiment runs on laptop with 1,2, or 4 CPU's in use and report the effect on total computation time maybe even obtain a plot of this. Time: lowest, highest values, maybe a graph that compares different times on different numbers of threads to calculate JPlogP on 159,000 molecules. put this on the README in a text table for ease of comparison (note that Egon will not try to reproduce these calc time results) from SMILES: JPlogP pass to R (optional) and calc. (can also be done in Nextflow for extra points!) what is the Min, max, median JPlogP value of all the c.159,000 SMILES Expect to see 4 cores is not 4 times as fast. Expect 159,000 molecules from WikiData
- The building blocks have been provided in github/egonw "passes but does not calculate" we must create a function that passes the file and creates a logP value for each molecule we can ask stackoverflow how to define afunction in Groovy In addition, the cdkbook on github/egonw contains a lot of Groovy code eg code ReadSMILES.groovy
- The difference between logP descriptor (not open source) and JPlogP (open source) (Plante reference in Readme)
- Learn how to write code that "catches" exceptions eg LogP "throws an exception" if wrong SMILES
Awake at 5am thinking about this, so
- "? * concatenate > >> less q ."
- rm -i seems like a good option to avoid catastrophic accidental deletions.
- "man thing for looking commands up in the manual"
- "| pipes"
- dangers of su and sudo That was a pretty successful tutorial because now I can move about in my files and directories and run the code pulled from this github repo. (also look knowledgeable in front of my 13 yo son!)
- input and output clearly defined in processes
- communication channels
- process is run reactively when input becomes available
- execution abstraction : means can reuse code unaltered on local, cloud, whatever by simply redefining target execution platform in configuration files
- batch schedulers
- cloud platforms
- Nextflow executors
- Java((Groovy(Nextflow))) languages Nextflow can execute any piece of Groovy code or use any library for the JVM platform JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine. a VM easily moves tasks from one physical computer to another.
- nextflow.config a file in execution directory in which you define the pipeline configurations
- when working in Notepad use UTF-8 character encoding
"Playing with, commenting and deciphering the code Finding alternative ways to write the same thing Then noticed that different runs of were returning different answers. Sometimes prints 4 strings (of 5) Sometimes prints 2 strings or only 1! Def a bug not a feature of parallel programming. What is not working here?
It is quite funny to sometimes get world Hello! instead of Hello world!"
[fabulous_blackwell] - revision: 565bdfd565
executor > local (3)
[c5/0cafad] process > splitLetters [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[2a/cdb6d3] process > convertToLower (1) [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
[agitated_mcclintock] - revision: 565bdfd565
executor > local (3)
[31/f04c9a] process > splitLetters [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[6a/4f00d9] process > convertToLower (1) [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
The it identifier is an implicit variable that represents the value that is passed to the function when it is invoked. run -resume cached pipeline parameters params.thing that can be overridden on the command line with --thing double dash {} a closure defines a block of code that can then be passed around as if it were a string or an integer can have an anonymous closure ie just defined in the moment when needed
email from Egon:
this weekend I played more with the various options that Nextflow offers to control the number of processes,
but found this hard to use this clearly.
Basically, I did not get much beyond "try to use all" and "use only one".
The slides for this week (week 7) have some pointers, regarding my attempts.
The underlying problem may have to do with the fact that the calculation of the parsing of a SMILES and (logP) descriptor
calculation of a single compound is just way too fast, which may be confusing Nextflow in its scheduling.
For the assignment, please do look into it, but also do not worry if you actually do not see the speedup that we would expect.
Just report what you found.
- Possible that terminal cannot print out all 5 even on successful process retry magic fix does not fix sometimes process NOT successful unsuccessfully attempt include code to write to file to overcome this.
- Possible that it is required to use JavaDoc style commenting, which involves @link, @author, @param and uses "" html type formatting.
- Make a list of questions (user interface, cdk book and groovy, buffer, pseudocode) for Martina and Egon that will help us to move forward.
- Trialled running simple with the buffering line inserted but that creates error 'tuples'* see below
- Trialled maxForks = 1 - this seems to work without error but doesn't affect timing much
- Trialled using "time" and "date" on the runs of simple
$ time ./nextflow run gives
stuff real 0m3.825s user 0m10.172s sys 0m1.203s $ date; ./nextflow run; date
Mon Oct 14 15:18:45 CEST 2019 stuff Mon Oct 14 15:18:48 CEST 2019
- buffer tuples error
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.07.0
[amazing_mclean] - revision: 229fd47a88 [- ] process > printSMILES - WARN: Input tuple does not match input set cardinality declared by processprintSMILES
-- offending value: [[, CC1=C(C=CC(=C1)Cl)OC(C)C(=O)O], [, CC1=CC=CC2=CC=CC=C12 ], [, CC1CCCC(=O)CCCC=CC2=CC(=CC(=C2C(=O)O1)O)O], [, CC1CCCC(=O)CCCC=CC2=CC(=CC(=C2C(=O)O1)O)O], [< executor > local (1) [52/32869d] process > printSMILES (1) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔ WARN: Input tuple does not match input set cardinality declared by processprintSMILES
-- offending value: [[, CC1=C(C=CC(=C1)Cl)OC(C)C(=O)O], [, CC1=CC=CC2=CC=CC=C12 ], [, CC1CCCC(=O)CCCC=CC2=CC(=CC(=C2C(=O)O1)O)O], [, CC1CCCC(=O)CCCC=CC2=CC(=CC(=C2C(=O)O1)O)O], [, CC1CCCC=CC2CC(CC2C(C=CC(=O)O1)O)O]]
Martina replied to class email:
You provide the user with a .nf and .tsv file. The readme should instruct the user on how to run the nextflow script and give detailed information on how you obtained the .tsv file (including the query).
In your .nf file, you will have a process with multiple steps (you can split it in functions or not – up to you!). The process is the part that will be parallelized. For each molecule, the process will be started
- parse smiles,
- calculate plog,
- write result. You will time the complete .nf run (until all molecules are processed).
The output can either be a .tsv file with a logP value for each wikidata entry – calculation of average, median, max, min can then be done in R or Excel afterwards (not part of the parallelization script) or you can try to do it with NextFlow (more difficult since it cannot be done in the same process).
based on this clarification.
Egon sent an email "as additional note: it is normal in scientific computing that not all computations go well (bad input, limitations of the algorithms, etc).
It is how your software handles incorrectly calculated logP's that I find more interesting.
How can the user see which compounds failed (e.g. missing in the output)?
How well does your README describe how users can see what works and what does not?
Does your code describe what situations are well handled, what not?
It is your task (think lab notebook), to record your observations, and describe what the user should expect.
Clue to possible reasons behind errors:
Please remember that data is always dirty, and algorithms can be picky...
does the logP descriptor work for metals?
Do you try to calculate it for metals?
Egon directs us to a part of the cdk website
The CDK has implemented an algorithm based on the XLogP algorithm.
The code is available via the descriptor API.
It can be used to calculate the LogP for a single molecule.
The implementation expects explicit hydrogens,
so you need to add those if not present yet (see Section 14.4).
The calculation returns a DoubleResult following the descriptor API
useful from this: DoubleResult
and syntax new
But we have been asked to calculate the JPlogP value as opposed to the XLogP.
The partition coefficient describes how a molecular structure distributes itself over two immiscible solvents. The logarithm of the partition coefficient (LogP) between octanol and water is often used in cheminformatics to describe hydrophobicity.
Toy data set runs to get JPlogP values correctly but there are at least two problems with converting this to the big dataset: - I've got a superfluous println in there because the print that outputs the full set of 5 molecules does not include the wikidata ID and so I am too scared to delete one or other, - the full dataset of all molecules has 3 columns instead of 2 : ID, SMILES, isoSMILES
Let's look at the result of running:
caroliine@DESKTOP-ENJSVUC:~/tmp/Assignment-3-MSB1015$ time ./nextflow run
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.07.0
[mad_fourier] - revision: 81e9d98c1e
[- ] process > printSMILES -
executor > local (4)
[ae/ff4165] process > printSMILES (1) [ 0%] 0 of 4
JPLogP : 3.364195829454932 JPLogP : 2.797978430439075 Running.. JPLogP : 2.742736673289171 JPLogP : 3.476281307136401 JPLogP : 3.476281307136401 Output line: has JPlogP: 3.364195829454932 Output line: has JPlogP: 3.476281307136401 Output line: has JPlogP: 2.797978430439075 executor > local (5) [30/d56ea2] process > printSMILES (5) [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
real 0m7.093s user 0m18.844s sys 0m2.219s
The last week was devoted to Network Biology completing research project and studying for today's exam. Tbh I was also very demotivated by the assignment. I felt, when the assignment task was redefined for the nth time, like I had done a lot of work on trying to achieve some functionality that was now not part of the goal. Feeling better now, rationalising this as:
- good training for IRL, goals are constantly being redefined
- good training for programming skills, even if they don't go to the Assignment, they go towards my overall experience.
Challenges remaining:
- buffer question: buffer induces tuples error
- choice of maxForks / cpus / where does buffer fit into this - explanations unsatisfactory to me
- still questioning re Egon's email whether we will see any speeding up with more CPUs
- short.tsv had only 2 columns , data has 3 columns. This means that when you input data to the process, it needs to say
set wikidata, smiles, isosmiles
(keep naming consistent over all three)from channel
. Also when you create thechannel
, you need to make sure that isosmiles appears twice, in thesplitCsv
and thetuple
inside themap
Create Tool to Deal with the isoSMILES question : create short_with_isoSMILES.tsv for testing Refurbish old printJPlogP code Discover how to use nano to do more local testing and cut down on commits Discover that I can write cpus 4 in the process part of the code to control the parallelisation process Discover that I get an error when running with cpus 8 because I "only have 4 cpus available" good to know! Example of command line output first run with cpus 4, second run with cpus 1:
caroliine@DESKTOP-ENJSVUC:~/tmp/Assignment-3-MSB1015$ time ./nextflow run
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.07.0
[scruffy_bell] - revision: 55b8d064b4
[- ] process > printJPlogP -
executor > local (1)
[48/1ea657] process > printJPlogP (4) [ 0%] 0 of 1
JPLogP : 3.476281307136401
JPLogP : 3.364195829454932
JPLogP : 3.476281307136401
JPLogP : 2.797978430439075
executor > local (5)
[89/e1d2c1] process > printJPlogP (5) [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
real 0m6.823s
user 0m17.578s
sys 0m2.188s
caroliine@DESKTOP-ENJSVUC:/tmp/Assignment-3-MSB1015$ nano$ time ./nextflow run
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.07.0
[chaotic_gilbert] - revision: 793e5c9a89
[- ] process > printJPlogP -
executor > local (4)
[0a/fb0d8d] process > printJPlogP (3) [ 0%] 0 of 4
JPLogP : 3.476281307136401
JPLogP : 3.476281307136401
JPLogP : 2.797978430439075
JPLogP : 3.364195829454932
executor > local (5)
[8c/a95fd7] process > printJPlogP (5) [100%] 5 of 5 ✔
real 0m6.937s
user 0m18.453s
sys 0m2.156s
Error when introducing isoSMILES
< 'printJPlogP (3)'
Caused by: Unknown variable 'jplogp'>> this is the process did not run because not set up right for isoSMILES. Tried and failed to deal with the isoSMILES in the toy dataset needed to fork back from before isoSMILES in Possibilities:
- delete the third column
- work out how to rewrite the code with ifs?
Used the toy data file with 10 molecules and three columns
to create an improved printJPlogP that can deal with the three columns.
Lack of familiarity and the niche nature of the topic mean that
it is proving impossible to find how exactly to calculate JPlogP of the molecules that have no SMILES,
but only an isoSMILES. This github repo is the third result on Google for " cdk.fromsmiles" isosmiles !!!
Thanks to error catching (?) these molecules are displaying as JPlogP = NaN, which is, at least, better
than giving a bad value.
Due to time constraints I will leave this CDK work there and progress with the issue
of cpus, maxForks, buffer - different ways of constraining or forcing parallelisation.
caroliine@DESKTOP-ENJSVUC:~/tmp/Assignment-3-MSB1015$ time ./nextflow run
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.07.0
[soggy_cuvier] - revision: 8c42cfc18a
[- ] process > printJPlogP -
executor > local (4)
[1e/8616fa] process > printJPlogP (4) [ 0%] 0 of 4
executor > local (5)
[32/d1560f] process > printJPlogP (1) [ 20%] 1 of 5
116601 not found
CDKMolecule:F10S2 has JPLogP : NaN
CDKMolecule:F3NS has JPLogP : 1.5897999314804134
CDKMolecule:C9H10N2O3 has JPLogP : -0.01716909274364853
Running..le:C16H14F3N3O2S has JPLogP : 3.2035713875857192
Running..le:C6H12O has JPLogP : 1.6961867420121592
Error in parsing this SMILE
CDKMolecule:C12H21NO8S has JPLogP : -0.9084998555290851
CDKMolecule:C8H10FNO2S has JPLogP : 0.9041606892944587
executor > local (8)
[81/800a49] process > printJPlogP (9) [ 50%] 4 of 8
executor > local (10)
[61/58363f] process > printJPlogP (10) [100%] 10 of 10 ✔
real 0m14.334s user 0m35.703s sys 0m4.563s