Flutter Skeleton is an empty project that can be used to start your Flutter projects. The project contains all the tools you need to get your application off to a good start.
A declarative routing package for Flutter. https://pub.dev/packages/go_router
A reactive caching and data-binding framework. https://pub.dev/packages/riverpod
A code generator for data-classes/unions/pattern-matching/cloning. https://pub.dev/packages/freezed
A powerful HTTP networking package for Dart/Flutter. https://pub.dev/packages/dio
Type-safe i18n solution using JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files. https://pub.dev/packages/slang
Use FlexColorScheme to make beautiful Flutter Material Design themes. https://pub.dev/packages/flex_color_scheme
This package automatically generates iOS, Android, and Web-native code for customizing this native splash screen background color and splash image. https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_native_splash
A small dart library to generate Assets dart code from assets folder. https://pub.dev/packages/spider
Dart package to automatically organize your dart imports. https://pub.dev/packages/import_sorter