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Cleaner message printing (#614)
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AltGr authored May 3, 2024
2 parents 0f425dc + 19672d2 commit 8d659d0
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Showing 231 changed files with 3,833 additions and 2,646 deletions.
221 changes: 161 additions & 60 deletions compiler/catala_utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ let pp_marker target ppf =
let open Ocolor_types in
let tags, str =
match target with
| Debug -> [Bold; Fg (C4 magenta)], "[DEBUG]"
| Error -> [Bold; Fg (C4 red)], "[ERROR]"
| Warning -> [Bold; Fg (C4 yellow)], "[WARNING]"
| Result -> [Bold; Fg (C4 green)], "[RESULT]"
| Log -> [Bold; Fg (C4 black)], "[LOG]"
| Debug -> [Bold; Fg (C4 magenta)], "DEBUG"
| Error -> [Bold; Fg (C4 red)], "ERROR"
| Warning -> [Bold; Fg (C4 yellow)], "WARNING"
| Result -> [Bold; Fg (C4 green)], "RESULT"
| Log -> [Bold; Fg (C4 black)], "LOG"
if target = Debug then print_time_marker ppf ();
Format.pp_open_stag ppf (Ocolor_format.Ocolor_styles_tag tags);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,28 +164,117 @@ module Content = struct
let of_string (s : string) : t =
[MainMessage (fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_text ppf s)]

let basic_msg ppf target content =
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 0;
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,@,")
(fun ppf -> function
| Position pos ->
(fun msg -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov>%t@]@," msg)
Pos.format_loc_text ppf pos.pos
| MainMessage msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>[%t] %t@]" (pp_marker target) msg
| Outcome msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov>[%t]@ %t@]" (pp_marker target) msg
| Suggestion suggestions_list -> Suggestions.format ppf suggestions_list)
ppf content;
Format.pp_close_box ppf ();
Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()

let fancy_msg ppf target content =
let ppf_out_fcts = Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
let restore_ppf () =
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf ppf_out_fcts
let getcolorstr pp =
let buf = Buffer.create 17 in
let ppfb = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
Format.pp_set_formatter_stag_functions ppfb
(Format.pp_get_formatter_stag_functions ppf ());
Format.pp_set_mark_tags ppfb (Format.pp_get_mark_tags ppf ());
pp ppfb;
Format.pp_print_flush ppfb ();
Buffer.contents buf
(* The following adds a blue line on the left *)
Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
ppf_out_fcts with
out_indent =
(fun n ->
let lead =
getcolorstr (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<blue>@<1>%s@}" "")
if n >= 1 then ppf_out_fcts.out_string lead 0 (String.length lead);
if n >= 2 then ppf_out_fcts.out_indent (n - 1));
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 1;
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<blue>@<2>%s[%t]@<2>%s@}" "┌─" (pp_marker target) "";
(* Returns true when a finaliser is needed *)
let print_elt ppf ?(islast = false) = function
| MainMessage msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 2>@,@[<hov>%t@]@]" msg;
if islast then Format.pp_print_cut ppf ();
| Position pos -> (
Format.pp_print_cut ppf ();
(fun msg -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 1>@,@[<hov 2>%t@]@]" msg)
Format.pp_print_break ppf 0 (-1);
let pr_head, pr_context, pr_legal = Pos.format_loc_text_parts pos.pos in
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 2;
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<blue>@<1>%s@}%t" "" pr_head;
pr_context ppf;
Format.pp_close_box ppf ();
match pr_legal with
| None -> true
| Some pr_legal ->
Format.pp_print_break ppf 0 (-1);
if islast then (
restore_ppf ();
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 3;
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<blue>@<3>%s@}%t" "└─ " pr_legal)
else (
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 3;
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<blue>@<3>%s@}%t" "├─ " pr_legal);
Format.pp_close_box ppf ();
not islast)
| Outcome msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@;<0 1>@[<v 1>@[<hov 2>%t@]@]" msg;
| Suggestion suggestions_list ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@,@[<v 1>@,@[<hov 2>%a@]@]" Suggestions.format
let rec print_lines ppf = function
| [elt] ->
let finalise = print_elt ppf ~islast:true elt in
Format.pp_close_box ppf ();
if finalise then Format.fprintf ppf "@,@{<blue>@<2>%s@}" "└─"
| elt :: r ->
let _ = print_elt ppf elt in
print_lines ppf r
| [] ->
Format.pp_close_box ppf ();
Format.pp_print_cut ppf ()
print_lines ppf content;
Format.pp_close_box ppf ();
restore_ppf ();
Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()

let emit (content : t) (target : level) : unit =
match Global.options.message_format with
| Global.Human ->
| Global.Human -> (
let ppf = get_ppf target in
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 0;
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,@,")
(fun ppf -> function
| Position pos ->
(fun msg -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov>%t@]@," msg)
Pos.format_loc_text ppf pos.pos
| MainMessage msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>%t %t@]" (pp_marker target) msg
| Outcome msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov>%t@ %t@]" (pp_marker target) msg
| Suggestion suggestions_list ->
Suggestions.format ppf suggestions_list)
ppf content;
Format.pp_close_box ppf ();
Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()
match target with
| Debug | Log -> basic_msg ppf target content
| Result | Warning | Error -> fancy_msg ppf target content)
| Global.GNU ->
(* The top message doesn't come with a position, which is not something
the GNU standard allows. So we look the position list and put the top
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,7 +311,7 @@ module Content = struct
(fun pos ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<blue>%s@}: " (Pos.to_string_short pos))
pp_marker target ppf;
Format.fprintf ppf "[%t]" (pp_marker target);
match message with
| Some message ->
Format.pp_print_char ppf ' ';
Expand All @@ -247,6 +336,7 @@ type ('a, 'b) emitter =
?pos_msg:Content.message ->
?extra_pos:(string * Pos.t) list ->
?fmt_pos:(Content.message * Pos.t) list ->
?outcome:Content.message list ->
?suggestion:string list ->
('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 ->
Expand All @@ -258,47 +348,58 @@ let make
?(outcome = [])
?(suggestion = [])
~level =
@@ fun message ->
let t =
match level with Result -> of_result message | _ -> of_message message
let t = match header with Some h -> prepend_message t h | None -> t in
let t = if internal then to_internal_error t else t in
let t =
match pos with Some p -> add_position t ?message:pos_msg p | None -> t
let t =
match extra_pos with
| Some pl ->
(fun t (message, p) ->
let message =
if message = "" then None
else Some (fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_text ppf message)
add_position t ?message p)
t pl
| None -> t
let t =
match fmt_pos with
| Some pl ->
(fun t (message, p) ->
let message = if message == ignore then None else Some message in
add_position t ?message p)
t pl
| None -> t
let t = match suggestion with [] -> t | s -> add_suggestion t s in
cont t level
match level with
| Debug when not Global.options.debug ->
Format.ikfprintf (fun _ -> cont [] level) (Lazy.force ignore_ppf)
| Warning when Global.options.disable_warnings ->
Format.ikfprintf (fun _ -> cont [] level) (Lazy.force ignore_ppf)
| _ ->
@@ fun message ->
let t =
match level with Result -> of_result message | _ -> of_message message
let t = match header with Some h -> prepend_message t h | None -> t in
let t = if internal then to_internal_error t else t in
let t =
match outcome with [] -> t | o -> t @ (fun o -> Outcome o) o
let t =
match pos with Some p -> add_position t ?message:pos_msg p | None -> t
let t =
match extra_pos with
| Some pl ->
(fun t (message, p) ->
let message =
if message = "" then None
else Some (fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_text ppf message)
add_position t ?message p)
t pl
| None -> t
let t =
match fmt_pos with
| Some pl ->
(fun t (message, p) ->
let message = if message == ignore then None else Some message in
add_position t ?message p)
t pl
| None -> t
let t = match suggestion with [] -> t | s -> add_suggestion t s in
cont t level

let debug = make ~level:Debug ~cont:emit
let log = make ~level:Log ~cont:emit
let result = make ~level:Result ~cont:emit
let results r = emit (List.flatten ( of_result r)) Result
let warning = make ~level:Warning ~cont:emit
let error = make ~level:Error ~cont:(fun m _ -> raise (CompilerError m))
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions compiler/catala_utils/message.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ type ('a, 'b) emitter =
?pos_msg:Content.message ->
?extra_pos:(string * Pos.t) list ->
?fmt_pos:(Content.message * Pos.t) list ->
?outcome:Content.message list ->
?suggestion:string list ->
('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 ->
Expand All @@ -98,3 +99,4 @@ val debug : ('a, unit) emitter
val result : ('a, unit) emitter
val warning : ('a, unit) emitter
val error : ('a, 'b) emitter
val results : Content.message list -> unit

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