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Wishlist Smart Contract

This repository contains the code for the Wishlist smart contract. This contract allows users to manage a wishlist of items they want to buy and allows others to buy items from these wishlists.


The Wishlist contract allows users to:

  • Add items to their wishlist.
  • View the items on their wishlist.
  • Buy items from other users' wishlists.

Contract Details

Contract: Wishlist


  • Item
    • uint256 id: The unique identifier of the item.
    • string name: The name of the item.
    • uint256 price: The price of the item in wei.
    • bool bought: Whether the item has been bought.
    • address boughtBy: The address of the user who bought the item, if any.

State Variables

  • uint256 public nextId: The next id to be assigned to a new item.
  • mapping(address => Item[]) private wishlist: The wishlist of items for each user.


  • getWishlist(address _of) external view returns (Item[] memory): Returns the wishlist of a specific user.
  • addToWishlist(string calldata _name, uint256 _price) external: Adds a new item to the wishlist of the sender.
  • buyItem(address _for, uint256 _id) external payable: Allows a user to buy an item from someone else's wishlist.


  • NotEnoughFounds(): Thrown when the provided funds are not enough to buy an item.
  • AlreadyBought(): Thrown when an attempt is made to buy an item that has already been bought.

Test Coverage


solidity-coverage: v0.8.12

Instrumenting for coverage...



Compiled 1 Solidity file successfully (evm target: paris).

Network Info

HardhatEVM: v2.22.4 network: hardhat


  1. should deploy the smart contract
  2. addToWishList
  3. should add an element in the wishList


  1. should NOT buy item if not enough funds are provided
  2. should buy the item if enough funds are provided
  3. should NOT buy the item if the item has already been bought

5 passing (151ms)


File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
contracts/ 100 75 100 100
Wishlist.sol 100 75 100 100
--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
All files 100 75 100 100
--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------


To deploy the Wishlist smart contract with local node, use the following command:

npx hardhat ignition deploy ./ignition/modules/Wishlist.js --network localhost