Crash Bandicoot 2D game made during my free time using Javascript, through the Phaser framework for game development.
Preview using HD texture pack:
Preview using Minimalist view (useful for debugging):
Player can move and jump:
- Move in 2 directions (Left and Right)
- Be able to jump using spacebar
Player can interract with the environment:
- Normal box: gives player +3 apples
- Jump box: makes the player jump up
- TNT box: kills the player if he collides
- Apple: each apple adds +1
- Void: kills the player Player can die:
- By falling into the void
- By hurting a TNT box
- By colliding with an enemy
Enemy can move automatically:
- Move in 2 directions (Left and Right)
- Cannot jump
Others functionnalities:
- Player can restart the game once he either died or finished the level
- Can display the game in HD or minimalist view (see section Preview below)
If you are having issues make sure to pay attention to the phaser's version by using the 3.15.1. Further details available here.
- Phaser - Javascript Framework for game development.
- Wamp - A Windows web development environment.
- Git Kraken - Git GUI client
- Visual Studio Code - A Microsoft source code editor.
I use GitHub for versioning.
- Cédric M - Web developer