{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":326294162,"defaultBranch":"main","name":"Enternia","ownerLogin":"Ceterai","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2021-01-02T23:58:30.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1721164270.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"04ce0d66ec9a520ddb4e6735eeb9c67cba780a84","after":"3166911896cc76a9e785002b0a06d82cc95d3331","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-07-16T20:47:28.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.3.3b\n\nThis mini-patch refines already existing things and improves the quality of life overall.\n\nMain:\n\n- added 2 items;\n- grammar fixes;\n- lore expansion;\n- balancing.\n\nAlta:\n\n- added 2 more A.I. Chips:\n - Alta Security A.I. Chip;\n - Alta S.A.I.L. A.I. Chip.\n- made alta bodies less curvy - will later release a patch that brings back the original version.\n\nTranslation:\n\n- fixed typos in a number of objects and effects:\n - `/objects/alta/special/figurines/anglure/ct_nightmare_anglure.object` - `description`;\n - `/objects/alta/special/paintings/ct_alta_abstract_art.object` (and other paintings) - `longdescription`;\n - `/objects/alta/special/samples/phospholion/ct_phospholion_sample.object` - `altaDescription`;\n - `/objects/alta/special/terraformers/biome/alterash/astera/ct_moonrock_space_islands.object` - `longdescription`;\n - `/objects/alta/special/figurines/sporgus/ct_warped_sporgus.object` - `altaDescription`;\n - `/objects/alta/special/figurines/other/ct_alta_af.object` - `description`;\n - `/objects/alta/arknight/pod/ct_arknight_pod.object` - `description`;\n - `/objects/alta/special/terraformers/biome/alterash_prime/gheatorn/ct_gheatorn.object` - `description`;\n - `/stats/effects/alta/emotions/passion.statuseffect` - `description`;\n - `/objects/alta/elite/pod/ct_elite_pod.object` - `altaDescription`;\n - `/objects/alta/special/terraformers/biome/alterash/enchanted/ct_alterash_enchanted.object` - `longdescription`;\n - `/objects/alta/scout/drone_spawner/ct_alta_drone_spawner.object` - `longdescription`;\n - `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/bishyn/decorative/terminal/ct_bishyn_terminal.object` - `altaDescription`.\n- added altered species descriptions for decorative alta plants;\n- added a `longdescription` for Alta Energy Source;\n- added shared descriptions to `/items/buildscripts/ct_texts.config:lore`;\n- removed shared `longdescription` from most special objects.\n\nOther:\n\n- added recipes for Alta Shielders and included them as ingredients in other alta equipment;\n- added an entry to the My Enternia Guide that talks about the Alta Scanner;\n- made support for More Planet Info more granular, in that it now checks for each parameter before adding values to it;\n- made Yaara Eyes ferment a little slower (`0.003` -> `0.3`);\n- made slight adjustments to creature spawn rates and loot;\n- made Alta Constructor only ask for 16 Stardust instead of 256 to upgrade to tier 5;\n- fixed Brutefly and Bionfly - they no longer autodefeat when trying to perform an attack;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.3.3b"}},{"before":"d6c5b5f775fa67dec6f5c162cb1ed1653166b014","after":"04ce0d66ec9a520ddb4e6735eeb9c67cba780a84","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-06-29T23:03:39.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.3.3a\n\nThis mini-patch refines already existing things and improves the quality of life overall.\n\nIt also adds support for a couple more mods!\n\nIn time for the release of this patch, a couple more mods were released to provide more compatability and customization:\n\n- Alta A.I. Chips\n- EDS Alta S.A.I.L.\n- C.T.O.S. Alta S.A.I.L.\n- My Enternia Enhanced Storage Patch\n\nMain:\n\n- added support for Craftable Seeds;\n- added support for Wardrobe Interface;\n- added support for Recipe Browser;\n- added support for Starburst Rework;\n- major UI update;\n- progression rework;\n- updated the mod logo.\n\nAlta:\n\n- Alta Washer is now a container with 9 item slots.\n- Alta Bidet is now a sitting space.\n- updated A.I. chips to fit in with alta progression better;\n- updated interface for Alta Scanner, Alta Crafting Station and Alta Constructor.\n- added 10 Alta Emotions - visual status effects that can be acquired through eating certain alta food:\n - Bored\n - Confused\n - Curious\n - Determined\n - Happy\n - Inspired\n - In Love\n - Lustful\n - Passionate\n - Sad\n- added 4 GR \"Animus\" level 7 variations (currently just for testing):\n - GRS \"Animus-M\" ★\n - GRS \"Animus-T\" ★★\n - GRS \"Animus-C\" ★★★\n - GRS \"Animus-X\" ★★★★\n\nAlterash Prime:\n\n- made it possible to plase Isoslime objects both on ground and ceiling.\n\nWardrobe Interface:\n\n- added most alta armor and clothing to the Wardrobe with proper color options.\n\nStarburst Rework:\n\n- updated Immunity Effect script to accept SR electricity-related blocking stats (`/stats/scripts/ct_immunity.lua`);\n- updated following status effects:\n - Electroblockade - now provides immunity to the Mild Static SR effect;\n - Pulsoblockade - increased resistance to 25%;\n - Plasmablockade - now provides immunity to the Mild Static SR effect;\n - Ionoblockade - decreased resistance to 18%, now provides immunity to both Mild Static and Deadly Static.\n- updated the Stim, Augment and EPP series that use these effects to reflect the changes in their descriptions.\n\nTranslation:\n\n- changes to Stim/Augment/EPP descriptions might require translation;\n- new UI fields in Alta Crafting Station and Alta Constructor will require translation.\n\nDev:\n\n- updated some lua and python scripts to allow for more flexibility and provide more insight and comments;\n- added generic alta UI elemtents to an `/interface/alta` folder;\n- added `ct_alta_effects_2` tooltip type for armor items with 2 effects;\n- unified more filenames of object sprites, keeping files with old names for now for the sake of compatability;\n- added more single-frame sprites named `tiled.png` to objects for use in Tiled;\n- added a fully functional My Enternia tileset for use in Tiled.\n\nOther:\n\n- updated content rundown;\n- reworked most armor and equipment recipes to make them more interesting and utilize more items added by the mod;\n- reworked groups of a lot of crafting recipes;\n- adjusted Crafting Station progress with the updated UI;\n- adjusted armor and EPP item tooltips;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.3.3a"}},{"before":"d08888d33e5b99de5e67ec864cf4910b0e59d896","after":"d6c5b5f775fa67dec6f5c162cb1ed1653166b014","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-06-18T01:13:26.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.3.3\n\nThis patch is meant to fix any immediate issues coming from 2.3, as well as make some small additions to its new content.\n\nIt also adds custom alta S.A.I.L. modifications, so expect standalone alta S.A.I.L. patch mods in the future!\n\nMain:\n\n- added 8 items;\n- added 20 objects;\n- added more specific npc types;\n- added support for Scripted Artificial Intelligence Lattice (Customisable A.I.!).\n\nAlta:\n\n- added 8 Alta Pods for different alta factions, so you can now spawn according tenants with ease:\n - Arknight Pod;\n - Ceterai Pod;\n - Citadel Pod;\n - Combat Pod;\n - Elin Pod;\n - Elite Pod;\n - Enviro Pod;\n - Faradea Pod.\n- added 8 Alta Emblems - faction signatures and logos that you can put on walls:\n - Alta Emblem;\n - A.R.C.O. Emblem;\n - Arknight Emblem;\n - Ceterai Emblem;\n - EDS Emblem;\n - Elin Emblem;\n - Faradea Emblem;\n - Iora Gyera Emblem.\n- fixed phrases for faradea, medic, social worker and some researcher npcs.\n\nCustomizable A.I.:\n\n- added 4 Alta A.I. Chips to use with the Customizable A.I. mod:\n - available at tier 4+ - 4★★★ Alta Crafting Station;\n - available at the S.A.I.L. chip crafting interface (with the mod installed);\n - the chips will now be used in crafting recipes of some alta decorations and equipment pieces;\n - the first one (Alta Basic A.I. Chip) purely adds visuals to the S.A.I.L., while others provide a much bigger overhaul:\n - Alta Basic A.I. Chip - alta S.A.I.L. visuals in form of the Alta Emblem, nothing more;\n - Alta Ship A.I. Chip - full alta ship A.I. with according colors, sounds and text;\n - EDS A.I. Chip - EDS Command Center A.I. with according colors, sounds and text;\n - C.T.O.S. Chip - Project Ceterai Operating System with according colors, sounds and text.\n- made alta ship A.I. compatible with the mod, meaning it now accepts chips and has an according interface.\n\nMonsters:\n\n- added 4 more bugs:\n - Ion Klee;\n - Prism Wing;\n - Strizychar;\n - Vio Zych.\n- added 4 monster egg items for the new bugs;\n- some bugs are now used in certain special tier 4 recipes.\n\nTranslation:\n\n- newly added decorations and items, described in above sections, require translation;\n- moved some alta decorations for consistency:\n - all in `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/bishyn/decorative/ct_bishyn_*` to `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/bishyn/decorative/*`;\n - all in `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/calin/decorative/ct_calin_*` to `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/calin/decorative/*`;\n - all in `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/gheatsyn/decorative/ct_gheatsyn_*` to `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/gheatsyn/decorative/*`;\n - all in `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/hevika/decorative/ct_hevika_*` to `/objects/biome/alterash_prime/hevika/decorative/*`;\n - all in `/objects/alta/eds/haulters/ct_eds_*` to `/objects/alta/eds/haulters/*`;\n - all in `/objects/alta/eds/status_pods/ct_eds_*` to `/objects/alta/eds/status_pods/*`.\n\nDev:\n\n- updated Alta Zich to Alta Zych, which led to id changes throughout the mod;\n- updated merchant pools for engineer and mechanic (finally) - they now mostly contain alta items;\n- unified filenames of some object sprites, keeping files with old names for now for the sake of compatability;\n- added single-frame sprites named `tiled.png` to some objects for use in Tiled;\n- added a fully functional alta tileset for use in Tiled:\n- added more specific npc types instead of having them as tenants with modifications so they can be spawned directly and through Tiled;\n- added custom npcs behaviors to make alta npcs more vigilant around object stealing;\n- alta npcs now also alert nearby alta drones, causing them to attack the player if they steal anything.\n\nOther:\n\n- added 4 custom tier 4 food variants;\n- updated icons for perfect tier 4 food;\n- fixed compatability with Monsters Unique Sounds (SFX from Beta):\n - that mod creates and uses custom parameters in base monster init;\n - alta drones use a custom init that doesn't create those parameters, causing drones to explode on spawn;\n - adding `ouchTimer` to the custom init fixed this issue (although I think ideally this should be handled by the author of that mod).\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.3.3"}},{"before":"38a5be511fabee5bb200e07ede682deafe450a10","after":"d08888d33e5b99de5e67ec864cf4910b0e59d896","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-06-06T16:25:31.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.3.2\n\nThis patch is meant to fix any immediate issues coming from 2.3, as well as make some small additions to its new content.\n\nMain:\n\n- fixed Race Traits support;\n- added 20 objects;\n- added more food recipes, now at 214 prepared alta food recipes, and 225 food-related recipes in general;\n- please note that all recipes are only available in Alta Cookdecks and specialized alta cooking stations, only basic ones are available at other cooking stations.\n\nAlta:\n\n- added 12 Food Objects - decorations that give you random alta food when you click on them:\n - Alta Cake Serving;\n - Alta Cocktail Serving;\n - Alta Dessert Serving;\n - Alta Fresh Serving;\n - Alta Jam Serving;\n - Alta Meal Serving;\n - Alta Motsu Serving;\n - Alta Pie Serving;\n - Alta Punch Serving;\n - Alta Salad Serving;\n - Alta Soup Serving;\n - Alta Tea Serving.\n- added 8 more Alta Cooking Stations:\n - Alta Blender - for making milkshakes;\n - Alta Cakery - for making cakes;\n - Alta Conserver - for making jam, sap, extracts and honey;\n - Alta Icer - for making ice cream;\n - Alta Kitchener - for making soup, stew, boils and porriges;\n - Alta Oven - for making pizza;\n - Alta Shaker - for making cocktails;\n - Alta Stove - for making pies, charlottes, crumbles, tarts, etc.\n- added 10 more special food variants;\n- specialized cooking stations now also include certain vanilla recipes;\n- Alta Scanner now shows whether a modified item can be used as substitute for a different item in recipes:\n\nTranslation:\n\n- newly added decorations, described in above sections, require translation.\n\nDev:\n\n- added explicit icons to monster egg items for better compatability with Spawnable Item Pack;\n- moved the rest of treasure pools to separate files.\n\nOther:\n\n- added missing food recipes for tier 3 and 4 food;\n- added custom tier 3 and 4 food variants;\n- updated icons for perfect tier 3 and 4 food;\n- objects no longer show tags in base tooltips - they are still listed in the Alta Scanner, giving it additional purpose;\n- fixed support for Race Traits by mentioning it in the \"included\" list;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.3.2"}},{"before":"81fc852eb90a7e9fa3ebf1d65a0fec29ce1fcbdd","after":"38a5be511fabee5bb200e07ede682deafe450a10","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T11:40:05.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.3.1\n\nThis patch is meant to fix any immediate issues coming from 2.3, as well as make some small additions to its new content.\n\nMain:\n\n- added 12 decorative objects;\n- monster egg-related fixes.\n\nAlta:\n\n- added 4 more figurines:\n - Alta Figurine;\n - Alta Cake Figurine;\n - Ceterai Figurine;\n - Kira Figurine.\n- added 4 more samples:\n - Bion Sample;\n - Ionic Ferment Sample;\n - Yaara Sample;\n - Yonnur Sample.\n- added 4 more trophies:\n - Alta Trophy;\n - Crippit Scab;\n - Drone Visor;\n - Geological Trophy.\n- added 4 Alta Capital decorations:\n - Alta Blossom Plant;\n - Alta Capital Terminal;\n - Alta Stardust Bed;\n - Alta Stardust Plant.\n\nMonsters:\n\n- added 2 trophy hats:\n - Crippihead;\n - Impulse Bobmask.\n\nTranslation:\n\n- newly added decorations, described in above sections, require translation.\n\nDev:\n\n- added explicit icons to monster egg items for better compatability with Spawnable Item Pack;\n- moved the rest of treasure pools to separate files.\n\nOther:\n\n- gave hidden food recipes proper ingredients since they are now available through normal gameplay (in Alta Cookdecks);\n- fixed anglure monster eggs - they no longer cause errors;\n- fixed anglure animation - while still imperfect, it should no longer cause errors;\n- brought back codexes to Spawnable Item Pack;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.3.1"}},{"before":"c7b61f7acb4404f13eaa981e38ad4fc70acd65d3","after":"81fc852eb90a7e9fa3ebf1d65a0fec29ce1fcbdd","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T19:27:28.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.3 - Alta Cafe & Monster Buffet\n\nIt's time to go. You decide where - whether it's into the wild areas of alterash planets, looking for new alien creatures, or your own brand new alta kitchen, with a lot of new furniture and appliances!\n\nMain:\n\n- added 38 creatures, including monsters and bugs;\n- added 48 items, including shielders and spawn eggs;\n- added 156 objects, including furniture, kitchen & bathroom appliances, switches, logical elements. The mod now adds a total of 436 objects, with 308 being alta technology and furniture;\n- added Alta Cookdecks - a crafting table similar to outpost cooking station, extept with only alta recipes. Unlike other cooking stations, this one also includes hidden alta food recipes, and lets you cook perfect food variants right away:\n- added small category-specific kitchen crafting stations, like Alta Kettle, Alta Juicer, etc., that will only provide recipes of specific types. For example, the Alta Kettle only contains tea recipes:\n\nAlta:\n\n- added 6 shielders - consumable items that apply a temporary energy shield when used:\n - Enviro Shielder;\n - Combat Shielder;\n - EDS Shielder;\n - Elite Shielder;\n - Energy Shielder;\n - Force Shielder.\n- added a great amount of furniture, decorations, wired components and mini cooking stations:\n - Alta Furniture (20 objects):\n - Alta Mini Table - 4x2 blocks instead of 6x2;\n - Alta Seat - 3x2 instead of 4x2 of Alta Chair;\n - Alta Cafe Table - 3x2 table variation;\n - Alta Cafe Chair - 2x2 chair variation;\n\n - Alta Rest - 2x1 platform, similar to Alta Shelf;\n - Alta Light Bar - 3x1 instead of 4x2 of Alta Light, can be placed anywhere;\n - Alta Hatch - 5x1 horizontal gateway;\n - Alta Alien Plant - a variation of Alta Decorative Plant;\n\n - Alta Coral Plant - a variation of Alta Decorative Plant;\n - Alta Yaara Plant - a variation of Alta Decorative Plant;\n - Alta Lab Door - a lab variation of Alta Door;\n - Alta Lab Hatch - a 5x1 hatch. Can be placed both vertically and horizontally;\n\n - Alta Lab Trapdoor - a 2x1 hatch. Can only be placed horizontally;\n - Alta Lab Light - a lab variation of Alta Light Bar;\n - Alta Cafe Umbrella - a big umbrella for beaches and cafes;\n - Alta Cafe Striped Umbrella - a version of Alta Cafe Umbrella with a different design;\n\n - Alta Washer - a washing machine;\n - Alta Shirt Stack - a stack of white shirts;\n - Alta Skirt Stack - a stack of black skirts;\n - Alta Sweater Stack - a stack of light blue sweaters.\n - Alta Kitchen and Bathroom Appliances (16 objects):\n - Alta Plate - a single plate, 1x0.25 blocks;\n - Alta Cup - a single crystal glass, slightly off-center to add variety;\n - Alta Plate Stack - a full block of plates, you can place stuff on top;\n - Alta Dishes - a plate and a glass in a single block, if you don't have enough space;\n\n - Alta Pot - a single pot;\n - Alta Microwave - a compact microwave with campfire crafting recipes;\n - Alta Saturator - an alta kitchen appliance for making punch;\n - Alta Juicer - a juicer for making freshes;\n\n - Alta Kettle - an electric kettle for making tea;\n - Alta Cookdecks - a general cooking station with all alta food recipes, you can place stuff on top of it;\n - Alta Fridge - a simple fridge;\n - Alta Bin - a small recycling bin;\n\n - Alta Hand Dryer - a compact hand dryer;\n - Alta Bidet - an alta all-in-one bidet and toilet combination;\n - Alta Sink - a simple compact sink;\n - Alta Cooler - a small food cooler.\n - Alta Switches (8 objects):\n - Alta Light Switch - simple 1-block switch;\n - Alta Button - 1-block button that activates for less than a second;\n - Alta Touchpad - 1-block button that activates for approx. 5 seconds;\n - Alta Switch - 1-block switch with different look and sounds from the Alta Light Switch;\n - Alta Step - a tiny 1-block pressure plate;\n - Alta Vent - a 1-block draining element;\n - Alta LED - a 1-block basic light element, also used in crafting recipes for other lights;\n - Alta Circuit - a 1-block basic logic element, also used in crafting recipes for other objects.\n - Alta Logic (8 objects):\n - Alta Logic - And - a 3x1 \"and\" logic gate;\n - Alta Logic - Clock - a 2x1 ticking element;\n - Alta Logic - Delay - a 2x1 delay gate;\n - Alta Logic - Latch - a 3x1 save-state element;\n - Alta Logic - Not - a 2x1 \"not\" logic gate;\n - Alta Logic - Or - a 3x1 \"or\" logic gate;\n - Alta Logic - Timer - a 2x1 timer element;\n - Alta Logic - Xor - a 3x1 \"xor\" logic gate.\n - Security Stuff (4 objects):\n - Alta Security Barrier - a security version of the Alta Lab Barrier;\n - Alta Security Camera - a 1-block ceiling security camera;\n - Alta Security Rack - a wall- or floor- mounted weapon storage unit;\n - Alta Security Spike - a 1-block electric trap, can be turned on or off.\n - Misc Stuff (2 objects):\n - Alta Energy Block - a 1-block energy source, always on, also used in crafting recipes of some furniture;\n - Alta Vendor - a vending machine.\n- added 76 trophy/collectable objects that can either be found as monster/chest loot, or sold by some alta merchants:\n - Plushies (8 objects):\n - Aya Virma Plushie;\n - Boko Plushie;\n - Kira Plushie;\n - Kuda Plushie;\n - Narfin Plushie;\n - Omni Narfin Plushie;\n - Poi Plushie;\n - Valley Poptop Plushie.\n - Trophies (8 objects):\n - Anglure's Lamp;\n - Celestia's Trophy;\n - Io's Trophy;\n - Lumina Trophy;\n - My Enternia Trophy;\n - Narfin Trophy;\n - Poptop's Claw;\n - Stardust Trophy.\n - Samples (8 objects):\n - Alternia Sample;\n - Bionid Sample;\n - Ceternia Sample;\n - Enternia Sample;\n - Isoslime Sample;\n - Phospholion Sample;\n - Stardust Sample;\n - Warped Sample.\n - Paintings (12 objects):\n - Enchanted Sunset;\n - Alta Format;\n - Unanswered;\n - Speed And Safety;\n - Homely Gardens;\n - The Great Friendly Aric;\n - Over The Horizon;\n - A Friendly Glow;\n - Felistraza Beauty;\n - The Stardust Orchid;\n - Alien Mounds;\n - Among The Grove.\n - Figurines - 32 collectable figurines for almost every non-robot monster added by this mod - currently not actually a part of the monster collection;\n - Bugs - 8 bug jars for every bug added by this mod;\n- added 22 terraformers:\n - Alterash Microformers (12 objects):\n - Astera Microformer;\n - Enchanted Meadows Microformer;\n - Ayaka Forest Microformer;\n - Alterash Gardens Microformer;\n - Alterash Haven Microformer;\n - Alterash Riversides Microformer;\n - Snowy Alterash Ridges Microformer;\n - Starforest Microformer;\n - Antorash Plains Microformer;\n - Poptop Valley Microformer;\n - Warped Forest Microformer;\n - Yaara Grove Microformer.\n - Alterash Prime Microformers (8 objects):\n - Aric Microformer;\n - Enternia Asteroids Microformer;\n - Bishyn Halls Microformer;\n - A-Prime Gardens Microformer;\n - Gheatorn Microformer;\n - Hevikara Microformer;\n - Tavriya Microformer;\n - Tonnova Grove Microformer.\n - Terraformers (2 objects) - currently with WIP graphics:\n - Alterash Terraformer;\n - Alterash Prime Terraformer.\n- improved already existing furniture:\n - Alta Energy Source and Alta Pyramid now have multiple output nodes for better wire management;\n\nMonsters:\n\n- added 30 monsters:\n - Crawlers:\n - Bishyn Crippit;\n - Calin Crippit;\n - Crippit;\n - Crystalline Crippit;\n - Gheatsyn Crippit;\n - Hevika Crippit;\n - Ionic Crippit;\n - Lava Crippit;\n - Mical Crippit;\n - Obsidian Crippit;\n - Prism Crippit;\n - Stardust Crippit;\n - Ionic Crustoise;\n - Overcharged Crustoise.\n - Flyers:\n - Bionfly;\n - Brutefly;\n - Bionid Pteropod;\n - Isopod;\n - Berry Bobfae;\n - Impulse Bobfae.\n - Walkers:\n - Nightmare Anglure;\n - Warped Anglure;\n - Astral Narfin;\n - Ionic Narfin;\n - Omni Narfin;\n - Stardust Narfin;\n - Ionic Orbide;\n - Nightmare Orbide;\n - Aric Sporgus;\n - Warped Sporgus.\n- added 8 bugs:\n - Alto Zich;\n - Aya Bee;\n - Elin Bug;\n - Juviley;\n - Klee;\n - Klee Prime;\n - Starfly;\n - Unwarped Fly.\n- added a monster egg for every organic monster and bug.\n\nTranslation:\n\n- this update added a lot of alta objects and items, each of which requires translation. Refer to the Alta and Monsters sections of this changelog for the full list of new objects and items;\n- new shielder items are located under /items/generic/other/;\n- new bug spawner items are located under /items/active/unsorted/alta/spawner/bugs/;\n- new monster spawner items are located under /items/active/unsorted/alta/spawner/monsters/;\n- new monsters are located under:\n - /monsters/crawlers/;\n - /monsters/flyers/;\n - /monsters/walkers/.\n- new bugs are located under /monsters/bugs/, but they do not require translation as they can't be captured;\n- there are new items in /items/generic/food/other/special/ - please ignore them for now as they are currently WIP;\n- new objects are located under:\n - /objects/alta/basic/;\n - /objects/alta/cafe/;\n - /objects/alta/city/;\n - /objects/alta/security/;\n - /objects/alta/lab/;\n - /objects/alta/wired/;\n - /objects/alta/special/;\n - /objects/alta/capital/ - please ignore for now as they are still WIP.\n- moved following monsters:\n - /monsters/ct_poptop/ct_crystalpoptop.monstertype to /monsters/walkers/adultpoptop/ct_crystal_poptop.monstertype;\n - /monsters/ct_poptop/ct_rarecrystalpoptop.monstertype to /monsters/walkers/adultpoptop/ct_crystal_poptop_rare.monstertype;\n - /monsters/ct_poptop/ct_stardustpoptop.monstertype to /monsters/walkers/adultpoptop/ct_stardust_poptop.monstertype;\n - /monsters/ct_poptop/ct_valleypoptop.monstertype to /monsters/walkers/adultpoptop/ct_valley_poptop.monstertype.\n- moved following objects:\n - /objects/alta/basic/drone_spawner/ct_alta_drone_spawner.object to /objects/alta/scout/drone_spawner/ct_alta_drone_spawner.object;\n - /objects/alta/basic/energy_source/ct_alta_energy_source.object to /objects/alta/scout/energy_source/ct_alta_energy_source.object;\n - /objects/alta/basic/pod/ct_alta_pod.object to /objects/alta/scout/pod/ct_alta_pod.object;\n - /objects/alta/basic/terminal/ct_alta_terminal.object to /objects/alta/scout/terminal/ct_alta_terminal.object;\n - /objects/alta/city/security_aid/ct_alta_security_aid.object to /objects/alta/security/aid/ct_alta_security_aid.object;\n - /objects/alta/city/security_pod/ct_alta_security_pod.object to /objects/alta/security/pod/ct_alta_security_pod.object;\n - /objects/alta/city/security_stand/ct_alta_security_stand.object to /objects/alta/security/stand/ct_alta_security_stand.object;\n - /objects/alta/city/security_terminal/ct_alta_security_terminal.object to /objects/alta/security/terminal/ct_alta_security_terminal.object.\n- moved following items:\n - /items/generic/food/shop/ctcannedfood.consumable to /items/generic/food/shop/ct_alta_soup_canned.consumable;\n - /items/generic/food/shop/ctayasoda.consumable to /items/generic/food/shop/ct_aya_soda.consumable;\n - /items/generic/food/shop/cttsaycola.consumable to /items/generic/food/shop/ct_tsay_cola.consumable.\n\nDev:\n\n- updated IDs for poptops and shop food;\n- distributed treasure pools and spawn types into smaller files by categories;\n- deprecated certain spawn types;\n- removed old parallax files, now they are only present in the compatability patch.\n\nOther:\n\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.3 - Alta Cafe & Monster Buffet"}},{"before":"b581e8f89415f54004982dca5cf27bdbeb67ead6","after":"c7b61f7acb4404f13eaa981e38ad4fc70acd65d3","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-03-12T16:41:57.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.2.2\n\nA handful of bug fixes and improvements to prepare the mod for the next major version.\n\nThis purpose of this patch is also to celebrate a 🇨🇳 chinese translation patch that have just come out on Steam Workshop - 绮宇梦纪简中补丁 🩵\n\nMain:\n\n- furniture placement improvements;\n- build script optimizations;\n\nAlta:\n\n- improved existing furniture:\n - Alta Cabinets can now be placed on the wall. If done so, they will use a slightly different sprite and will still act as platforms;\n - Alta Shelves now also display differently when placed on the ground - they will look like small benches;\n - Alta Lab Server now has the input node in a more convenient location;\n - some alta furniture objects now mention that they can be places on multiple surfaces in their description;\n - some alta gateways and hatches can now be placed both vertically and horizontally, which is reflected in their descriptions. These include an already existing Alta Lab Gateway;\n- removed the food category from the Ultimate Crafting Station, since all food recipes will eventually be located in the Alta Cookdecks;\n- fixed improper categorization for basic alta items in the Alta Constructor;\n- added alta tech interface visuals - the 4 semi-bright areas on the body (one in the head and three in the torso) are the alta brain areas - 2 primary (active) areas, that work similar to human brains, and 2 smaller secondary (backup) areas, that work more similar to a solid state drive;\n- added proper visuals to the Analyzed debuff;\n\nWiki:\n\n- updated the wiki to match the contents of this version;\n\nDev:\n\n- improved the object buildscript to now automatically set `printable` to `false` and `tooltipKind` to `ct_alta_object` if not set;\n- removed those params from most objects if they match the defaults;\n- slightly optimized item buildscripts (by splitting them into multiple parts and making sure certain processes only occur if specific params are present);\n\nTranslation:\n\n- furniture items affected by improvements have small additions to their descriptions:\n - `/objects/alta/basic/cabinet/ct_alta_cabinet.object`;\n - `/objects/alta/basic/shelf/ct_alta_shelf.object`;\n - `/objects/alta/lab/gateway/ct_alta_gateway.object`.\n\nOther:\n\n- various weapon fixes, including Plasma Rifle, Sona Rifle and Phase Cannon;\n- reduced projectile frequency in Crystal Fall and Stardust Storm weather types;\n- removed mentions of deprecated dish IDs;\n- minor grammar fixes;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.2.2"}},{"before":"2650b2a2ba59a67de76c6876f29821a9581d20ab","after":"b581e8f89415f54004982dca5cf27bdbeb67ead6","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-03-02T13:56:51.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.2.1a\n\nThis small bugfix patch is a refinement & compatibility fix for the previous version, as well as a small clean-up of outdated and deprecated files and objects.\n\nIf you want to keep deprecated items, objects, planets, etc. - subscribe to the freshly released My Enternia - Removed Content mod!\n\nThis update is also to celebrate the mod finally reaching five stars in Steam Workshop! ★★★★★\n\nMain:\n\n- posted a separate mod that retains any old deprecated content as a backwards-compatability feature: My Enternia - Removed Content:\n - Steam Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3169344640\n - Starbound Forums Link: https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/my-enternia-removed-content.6282/\n You can use it if you want to keep years old planets or other things that were deprecated a long time ago. More details in the mod description;\n- added the Alta Scanner to the quickbar;\n\nAlta:\n\n- made the mod compatible with Alta Lights placed before 2.2.1;\n- the Alta Scanner can now be found in the quickbar around the bottom of the list (note that just like most quickbar tools, it's meant to be used in the admin mode or for creative purposes, not an actual survival/rp, as it's still an item you'd have to craft first if you care about the progress);\n\nWiki:\n\n- added an Alta Robotics page with information split from the main Alta page to make it load faster and more reliably;\n- moved more pages to a semi-manual state - EDS, Faradea, all modding-related pages;\n- added a \"cheat/creative crafting tables\" section to show if an item can be accquired in admin/creative places like Tabula Rasa, Spawnable Item Pack, Ultimate Alta Station or Ultimate Alta Constructor.\n\nDev:\n\n- added `README.md` files to some alta folders to help explain things, useful if you're using the modding wiki pages or are trying to understand where things re located in the mod;\n- updated most mod support files with proper links;\n- updated the main `README.md` with relevant information and some neat features;\n- moved the buildscripts slightly;\n\nTranslation:\n\n- moved loot items from `/items/active/unsorted/ct_alta_loot/` to `/items/active/unsorted/alta/loot/`;\n\nOther:\n\n- minor grammar fixes;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.2.1a"}},{"before":"2bcdc6852322c1194d21d915de53f2d56140de84","after":"2650b2a2ba59a67de76c6876f29821a9581d20ab","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-02-24T17:13:41.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.2.1\n\nThis time alta researchers have done a great job working on improving basic alta furniture, as well as providing support to alien (human) technology!\n\nThey have also come up with customized drone models that look just like ship drone variations! You can craft some of them, find them as loot or buy them from alta merchants.\n\nMain:\n\n- added 15 ship pet drone spawners;\n- added partial support for the Spawnable Item Pack mod - it now contains recipes for a lot of items and objects of this mod. If you want to see more recipes, use:\n - All recipes: Max Tier Alta Crafting Station, Alta Constructor, Cooking Table and Alta Datacenter;\n - Most Recipes: Tabula Rasa;\n - Majority of Recipes: Spawnable Item Pack.\n - Due to how SIP works, I wasn't able to make a lot of the recipes available there as they require parameters.\n- added support for Equivalent Exchange;\n\nAlta:\n\n- added extended descriptions to some vanilla items for the Alta Scanner;\n- improved graphics for held loot crates, sets, robot spawners and the Alta Scanner;\n- fixed Alta Energy Source, Alta Lamp, Alta Laptop, Alta Light, Alta Monitor, Alta Pods, Alta Lamppost, Alta Lab Server, Alta Ship Monitor - I would recommend re-placing them for changes to take place;\n- fixed Alta Mechanic and Alta Engineer npcs - they no longer crash on interaction;\n\nDev:\n\n- added a common switch/light script - `/objects/alta/switch.lua`. Will move most wired objects to used it instead of original ones;\n\nTranslation:\n\n- added a file with extended item descriptions - `/items/active/unsorted/alta/scanner/items.config`;\n- minor grammar fixes that shouldn't affect translation;\n- moved spawner items from `/items/active/unsorted/ct_alta_spawner/` to `/items/active/unsorted/alta/spawner/` - shouldn't affect translation as these files don't need to be translated in the first place;\n- planning to move loot items from `/items/active/unsorted/ct_alta_loot/` to `/items/active/unsorted/alta/loot/` in the next update;\n\nTabula Rasa:\n\n- added all recipes to the Tabula Rasa crafting table - `/spawnitem tabularasa`;\n- added `mod` category to most recipes in the mod to make them appear in Tabula Rasa, and added categories used by it for compatability - `materials`,`armors`, `weapons`, `consumables`, `tools`, `objects`, `other`;\n- added \"mod category\" buttons - My Enternia and Alta Species:\n - My Enternia button filters by all recipes from this mod;\n - Alta Species button filters by all recipes from this mod that belong to altas or are considered alta technology.\n\nOther:\n\n- made simple produce items like Ayas stackable (up to 1000 in a stack) to make them less inconvenient;\n- made it so the game knows for sure what mods to load before this one;\n- possibly fixed a server-related game crash when using Alta Scanner;\n- removed some deprecated status effects;\n- minor grammar fixes;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.2.1"}},{"before":"c54e8bb7b6a16e6877b0ec202c659c1977f5aafe","after":"2bcdc6852322c1194d21d915de53f2d56140de84","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-02-09T18:06:57.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.2 - Alta Colonies\n\nYou've finally received the first signal from nearby alta travelers! Seems like they're looking for a place to settle. If you'll make them feel at home, they will reward you with neat shinies, protect you, or even open up for trading!\n\nKeep in mind that a lot of deprecated items got removed in this version.\n\nMain:\n\n- added 92 tenants and 2 outpost visitors;\n- added the Alta Scanner - a lore tool that will let you know extensive information about items added by this mod (and more!);\n- removed a number of deprecated items and status effects;\n\nAlta:\n\n- added recipes for additional armor and weapon variations to the Ultimate Crafting Station;\n- added the Alta Scanner:\n - displays extended descriptions and certain species descriptions if the item has them;\n - displays item/colony tags of all items and objects;\n - displays additional info like breakability, species and where to find the item;\n - translation to alkey;\n\nWiki:\n\n- added a Tenants page that lists all possible tenants added by this mod and how to spawn them;\n- made crafting notes more granular, in that they now show general tier of the crafting table needed to craft them;\n\nDev:\n\n- removed oldest deprecated items and status effects that should no longer appear in the game;\n\nTranslation:\n\n- added a `/dialog/alta.config` file with all npcs lines and phrases;\n- expanded the `/species/alta_namegen.config` file with new alta names;\n- expanded the `/.meta/world.json` file with a couple of words in the `alkey` library;\n- expanded the `/items/buildscripts/ct_texts.config` file with a couple of tooltip texts;\n\nOther:\n\n- fixed outdated IDs in the Ayaka Loot Table loot pool;\n- minor grammar fixes;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.2 - Alta Colonies"}},{"before":"1356eaa2d5a358e8fce42ee163f5bdee1a512cff","after":"c54e8bb7b6a16e6877b0ec202c659c1977f5aafe","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-01-24T12:01:47.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.1.4a\n\nA small bugfix update in preparation for 2.2, that fixes technical issues left from 2.1.4 and other older bugs.\n\nThis might be the most stable & bugless update so far, which is nice.\n\nMain:\n\n- many small bugfixes;\n- perfected backwards compatability;\n- another id update;\n- Ultimate Crafting Station enhancements;\n\nAlta:\n\n- added recipes for additional armor and weapon variations to the Ultimate Crafting Station;\n- added recipes for all weapon/armor Weapon Upgrade Anvil upgrades to the Ultimate Crafting Station;\n- added more categories to the Ultimate Crafting Station (now at 34) and reworked some existing ones;\n- added missing dye recipes;\n- added more upgrade recipes to the Upgrade Station;\n- reworked sections in the Upgrade station;\n- reworked passive healing abilities and autoabilities to only heal you if you have 5 hp or more (for non-player entities);\n- fixed interface in the Alta Crafting Station;\n- fixed glowsticks not working properly;\n- fixed coloring on the Space Helmet;\n\nWiki:\n\n- updated some pages with fixed grammar and extended descriptions;\n- updated Mod Support pages with lots of new details;\n\nDev:\n\n- added an Information For Translators section to the `README.md` with information that might be relevant to translators;\n- added Translation sections to this changelog to denote any changes that might be important for translators;\n- added links to detailed commit/version changes to all version descriptions in changelog up until 2.0 (inclusive);\n- added tables of content both to the changelog file and the `README.md`;\n- added comments to some lua scripts and json files, including `/items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/aid.consumable` & `/items/buildscripts/ct_alta_item_builder.lua`;\n- added handling for outdated presets in item builders;\n- added handling upgrade parameters as presets in item builders;\n- moved more dev files to `.meta` (`changelog.mg` and `cockpit.config.patch.init.json`);\n- updated `/.meta/palettes/color_swaps.json`: removed unused palettes and reformatted existing ones, updated them accross multiple clothing items;\n\nTranslation:\n\n- added translation-related comments to tier 1-5 loot crate items;\n- added useful comments to the GSR Pod, the Metrocop Set and the Companion Drone spawner item;\n- updated mimic items in `/items/buildscripts/ct_mimics`;\n- moved english text from all item tooltips in `/interface/tooltips` and `/interface/itemdescriptions` to `/items/buildscripts/ct_texts.config` into keys `level`, `armor` and `tool` for easier translation;\n- created a `world.json` file in the dev `.meta` folder. It contains color codes and descriptions of concepts, biomes and factions added by this mod;\n- changed following filenames:\n - `/names/alta.namesource` to `/species/alta_namegen.config` and changed structure;\n - `/items/generic/crafting/ct_edsarmor.item` to `/items/generic/crafting/ct_eds_armor.item`;\n - `/items/generic/crafting/ctwood.item` to `/items/generic/crafting/ct_ayaka_wood.item`;\n - `/items/generic/produce/ctaya.consumable` to `/items/generic/produce/ct_aya.consumable`;\n - `/items/generic/produce/ctgil.consumable` to `/items/generic/produce/ct_gil.consumable`;\n - `/items/generic/produce/cttsay.consumable` to `/items/generic/produce/ct_tsay.consumable`;\n - `/items/generic/produce/ctwoodsap.consumable` to `/items/generic/produce/ct_ionic_sap.consumable`;\n - `/items/augments/back/ct_warpedaugment.augment` to `/items/augments/back/ct_warped_augment.augment`;\n - `/items/augments/pet/ct_warpedcollar.augment` to `/items/augments/pet/ct_warped_collar.augment`;\n - `/items/augments/pet/ct_yaaracollar.augment` to `/items/augments/pet/ct_yaara_collar.augment`;\n - `/items/armors/alta/other/eds_beret/ct_alta_eds_beret.head` to `/items/armors/alta/other/eds_beret/ct_eds_beret.head`;\n - `/items/armors/alta/other/eds_visor/ct_alta_eds_visor.head` to `/items/armors/alta/other/eds_visor/ct_eds_visor.head`;\n- text/description changes/additions in following files:\n - `/items/armors/alta/tier5/combat/chest/ct_combat_chest.chest` - added `presets` with a single preset;\n - `/items/armors/alta/tier5/combat/legwear/ct_combat_legwear.legs` - added `presets` with a single preset;\n - `/items/armors/alta/other/eds_visor/ct_eds_visor.head` - added `presets` with a single preset;\n - `/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config.patch` - added a comment separating deprecated values;\n - `/items/armors/alta/tier6/elite/protector/ct_elite_protector.back` - changed `shortdescription` slightly;\n - `/radiomessages/exploration.radiomessages.patch` - slight changes to `ct_loot_crate_msg` to make it shorter;\n\nOther:\n\n- fixed koywa treasure pools;\n- fixed upgrade parameters of some weapons;\n- fixed categorization on Warped Fumes;\n- copied Perfectly Generic Item section from Deprecation Station to the Upgrade Station;\n- updated `README.md` and added navigation, as well as some useful links;\n- updated color options on some clothing items to make them more aligned with the rest;\n- updated deprecation scripts - now items and objects with outdated IDs will stack perfectly with relevant items;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.1.4a"}},{"before":"845e5d960b0affdad90265b06b3b1d57f906da34","after":"1356eaa2d5a358e8fce42ee163f5bdee1a512cff","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-01-09T15:47:05.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.1.4\n\nAt last, a data patch that fixes drone malfunctions! You can now make sure that your drone spawners are safe to use...\n> Note that next version (2.2) will remove a lot of long-deprecated items and objects. Load you world and check inventories with those to update them to avoid them turning into Perfectly Generic Items. Deprecation Station will also get deprecated. It's no longer of much use, and the Perfectly Generic Item section will be moved to the Upgrade Station.\n\nMain:\n\n- many big bugfixes, lore additions and wiki improvements;\n- properly functional hazard objects and decorations;\n- pretty big mod cleanup;\n\nAlta:\n\n- fixed scout/EDS drone spawners:\n - increased amount of drones in the Alta Drone Station from 3 to 10;\n - fixed spam in EDS Spawner;\n - fixed EDS Drones exploding on spawn in low threat environments;\n- fixed defeat logic on some drones (like Frigate Drone);\n- seemingly fixed errors with \"liquidLineCollision\" on all droids & drones (?);\n- fixed Alta Lab Barrier - now it:\n - only damages when closed;\n - has according particles and looping electric sound when closed;\n - shows up in the Hazards tab in Alta Constructor;\n- fixed break sounds on EDS Haulters;\n- fixed Staris Soup food item;\n- fixed items no longer being upgradable at the Weapon Upgrade Anvil when having certain items in your inventory;\n- fixed some items not being upgradable at the Weapon Upgrade Anvil due to incorrect tags (forgot the `upgradeableWeapon` tag): Bishyn Spear, Niverisk, Protospear;\n- fixed tooltips on Alta City Sapling, Alta Lab Sapling and Alta Ship Sapling;\n\nWiki:\n\n- added trivia sections;\n- added extended descriptions to rifles, drones, droids, hazard objects, plants and some other things;\n- added screenshots for Defensive Drone R300, Ionic Drone and Lava Drone;\n- added species support;\n- made Alta page semi-automated, added in-game info;\n- fixed extended descriptions on monster spawner items;\n- minor adjustments and formatting update;\n\nDev:\n\n- added comments to some lua scripts;\n- moved dev landscape screenshots and previews and their psd files for versioning and to keep them in one place;\n- moved all dev/meta stuff like mod support scripts, palettes, mod descriptions and images to a `/.meta` folder to keep it clean;\n- the `/.meta` folder is excluded from actual releases and will only be present in the GitHub repo, as well as `.gitignore`, `changelog.md` and `README.md`;\n- reworked mod support scripts and added comments to make them cleaner and easier to understand;\n- optimized build scripts and made them cleaner;\n- made deprecation builders slightly more seamless;\n\nOther:\n\n- added particles to objects: Poison Crystals, Yaara Heart;\n- fixed upgraded item icons;\n- fixed upgraded calin sword;\n- fixed collision on hazard objects: Alternia Crystal, Poison Crystals, Yaara Heart, Yaara Roots, Warped Roots, Alta Lab Barrier, EDS Haulters;\n- fixed particles on hazard objects: Alternia Crystal, Yaara Heart, Yaara Roots, Alta Lab Barrier, EDS Haulters;\n- fixed levels on hazard objects: Alternia Crystal, Yaara Heart, Yaara Roots, Warped Roots;\n- fixed level inventory tooltips on objects;\n- moved text lines from item builder scripts into a `/items/buildscripts/ct_texts.config` file to make them easier to translate/change;\n- tried to fix emote issues for kaiteras (second alta gender), but wasn't successful;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.1.4"}},{"before":"160ebc9d589491219dfea9cb0e465c32038f6610","after":"845e5d960b0affdad90265b06b3b1d57f906da34","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-12-27T01:52:47.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.1.3\n\nFinally learning more about general alta traits and special abilities, you discover learn about their strongest side... but also about their weaknesses.\n\nMain:\n\n- added full support for the Race Traits addon;\n- added partial support for Frackin' Races/Frackin' Universe - no FU BYOS support. If you need it, you can get it with Alta FU Patch+;\n- added 1 radiomessage;\n\nWiki:\n\n- updated certain manual pages;\n- fixed related resources mix-up for Ghearun & Gheatsyn codexes;\n- fixed pickup radio message support;\n- added \"Alta Datamass\" and \"Empty Datamass\" aliases to the Datamass;\n\nOther:\n\n- added a radio message for ebooks;\n- added proper tags for augments and collars;\n- minor grammar fixes and wiki enhancemens;\n- fixed unlocked food recipes of food and produce;\n- fixed tags on all datamasses, docs and ebooks that have wrong tags;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.1.3"}},{"before":"8c751d4cf4ed2b2ec4217ad0f36a409348e918c9","after":"160ebc9d589491219dfea9cb0e465c32038f6610","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-12-11T10:51:28.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.1.2\n\nYou're discovering more knowledge about alta culture and are uncovering new databases along the way, with a few things to enhance equipment you already have.\n\nMain:\n\n- added 24 codexes;\n- added 25 radiomessages, that now display once you pick up specific items;\n- added a bit of recipes for custom items (most are only available at the ultimate crafting station);\n- new cosmetic items can be found as loot in biome chests;\n\nWiki:\n\n- updated certain manual pages;\n- added pickup radio message support;\n\nOther:\n\n- added extended descriptions to most food and codex items;\n- revorked perfect cooking system slightly;\n- enhanced some codexes and fixed grammar & phrazing in several places;\n- upgraded shields and perfect foods now have custom colors;\n- all t6+ armor items now have according consistent invisible bonuses, mentioned in their descriptions;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.1.2"}},{"before":"58322452614ecf048629fa87cd8362b08862e886","after":"8c751d4cf4ed2b2ec4217ad0f36a409348e918c9","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-10-09T20:13:42.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.1.1\n\nNow that datacenter is full of useful and intersting information, might as well use the most of it to prepare for upcoming threats!\nAlso, it seems like some melee blueprints have finished downloading... Might wanna try them out.\n\nMain:\n\n- most melee weapons are now finally usable! They's still WIP, but to a much lesser extent;\n- big wiki improvements and preparations for the next version;\n\nAlta:\n\n- adjusted a lot of alta recipes;\n- fixed grammatical errors in some android head items;\n\nWiki:\n\n- updated many manual pages;\n- made some manual pages non-manual: Bionid, Isoslime, Crystalline Prime, Ayaka, Phospholion;\n- added aliases for proper links and references;\n- added more extended descriptions;\n- added more species descriptions;\n- added banner support;\n- added category override support;\n- added parent pages support;\n- added related resources support;\n- added collapse blocks for big lists in loot and crafting sections;\n- added manual pages: Factions, Koywa, Elin Gardens;\n- added custom content support;\n- added the \"alkey\" key to item aliases;\n- added radiomessage support;\n- certain color codes now translate to bold instead of links;\n- enhanced tags;\n- fixed codex text display;\n- fixed many icons and references on manual pages;\n- fixed level and other params for codexes;\n- fixed whitespaces in file links;\n\nOther:\n\n- adjusted timings on a lot of recipes;\n- fixed and enhanced item & colony tags on most items;\n- enhanced the item builder scripts to now add race, rarity and element as tags;\n- enhanced some recipes with custom params (mainly crystalline deposits);\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.1.1"}},{"before":"194f6e223c60e21295a25427426d8c4b502ca031","after":"58322452614ecf048629fa87cd8362b08862e886","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-09-09T17:06:24.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.1 - Alta Decryption\n\nProvided database has been successfully analyzed by your datacenter, unlocking access to a number of informational entry and codexes for your archive.\nIt seems like melee blueprints are still decrypting, so you can take your time reading through all of those waiting for it to finish.\n\nMeanwhile, meet some experienced altas to get you accustomed to their culture and try out new equipment available at the crafting station! Trust me, you'll need it quite soon.\n\nMain:\n\n- still working on WIP weapons;\n- added 34 codexes, including 6 culinary codexes and a 4-part alta history codex series;\n- added more armor, augments and fixed armor coloring;\n- added extended descriptions for wiki and other future uses;\n\nAlta:\n\n- added 5 t5 helmets, 3 t6 helmets, 4 t6 epps, 6 t5 augments, 6 t6 augments, 6 misc augments, 2 misc collars, 4 misc helmets;\n- added 4 cosmetics;\n- deprecated some old augments and collars;\n- reworked visuals of all light alta objects;\n- rebalanced all armor;\n- made it so certain custom saplings can spawn in chests;\n- custom alta saplings now contain pools of possible trees, including rare trees that cannot normally be found anywhere else;\n- fixed coloring of armor items;\n- increased the amount of levels in the Alta Crafting Station;\n\nWiki:\n\n- properly updated manual pages: Alta, EDS, Ayaka, Alterash, Alterash Prime, Ceternia, Alternia, Enternia (added references to stim packs, as well as for Hevikai);\n- fixed headings in many manual pages and updated their contents;\n- added expanded descriptions with lore to a lot of items. These descriptions can only be seen on respective wiki pages (and in game files, obviously);\n- added proper item tags to a lot of items;\n\nOther:\n\n- added rare tree variations - Warped Yaara Node, Starfield Yaara Node, Golden Yaara Node (also Elin Ayaka, which technically was added in 2.0.1);\n- added missing Elite Droid and Stalker Droid recipes;\n- fixed grammatical errors for some effects;\n- fixed drone sorting in the crafting station;\n- things like Ceter-Sphere now require an according nade and 2 according stims to craft, which require according glowsticks to craft;\n- redistributed weapons and items more gradually over the planets;\n- enhanced and balanced all chest loot tables;\n- made names of certain items shorter to fit into tooltips;\n- removed deprecated loot tables, effects, plant sprites and radio messages;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.1 - Alta Decryption"}},{"before":"14420adb4e5d35f65ef1ad33f52cd8f916337fbe","after":"194f6e223c60e21295a25427426d8c4b502ca031","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-07-21T17:10:50.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.0.1\n\nMain:\n\n- fixed lots of bugs and crashes. See Other for more;\n- updated the Wiki to reflect new changes and improved some of its pages too;\n\nAlta:\n\n- added Electric Stim Pack, Impulse Stim Pack, Plasma Stim Pack and Hevikai Stim Pack - both craftable at Alta Crafting Station;\n- added Catalyst - a debug item that removes all permanent and ephemeral effects - craftable at max Alta Crafting Station;\n- added 26 custom debug saplings that grow into certain tree types added by this mod to be able to test them easier;\n\nMonsters:\n\n- fixed drone-related behaviour - ct_alarm_backup;\n- fixed shields on drones;\n- made drone spawn animation more visible;\n- fixed different monster projectiles and monster attacks;\n\nWiki:\n\n- properly updated manual pages: Weapons, Bionid, Ceternia, Alternia, Enternia;\n- added support for plants (trees, bushes and grasses);\n- improved support for biomes - they now show most attributes, as well as what can spawn in them;\n- improved support for everything else - if it spawns in a biome, it will now display on its page;\n- improved support for chests - they now show biome loot they can have (if associated with a treasure chest);\n\nOther:\n\n- added missing effects - Plasmoblockade, Pulsoblockade, Overcharged Air, Hevikai Strike, Hevikai Block and Hevikai;\n- added better descriptions to items showing where to find them;\n- moved Prismantler to deprecated;\n- fixed a crash when big drones try to jump;\n- fixed rarities/prices/levels for almost all objects;\n- fixed covers and sitting/laying offsets on all loungeable objects;\n- fixed velocity jump status effect;\n- reworked a lot of recipes:\n - reworked equipment and medicine recipes and united into the same tab;\n - split cosmetics into 2 tabs instead;\n - reworked some nature recipes and prepared them for the upcoming mech table;\n - reworked some crafting material recipes too;\n- reworked a lot of status effect scripts:\n - moved most scripts and made them more customizeable;\n - added more proper comments and descriptions to mod scripts;\n - added proper radio messages for some effects so the player can understand what they do and how to block them - Overcharged Air, Hevikai Strike and Hevikai;\n - added proper animation files and config;\n- updated mod support script stuff;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.0.1"}},{"before":"39de4d8bceead27e89435e26498e46ec7143bf50","after":"14420adb4e5d35f65ef1ad33f52cd8f916337fbe","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-07-09T15:59:22.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 2.0 - The Alta Race\n\nThe Altas are finally here! What secrets do whey hold? Will they share them... with you?\nThey absoultely will! Among tons of interesting information, you got new weapon blueprints, as well as more details about other already known equipment, even proper food recipes!\nIt seems you have also got a hold of some weird pods labeled \"GSR\". I wonder what's inside...\n\nMain:\n\n- created Mod Wiki. Find it here: https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki;\n- the Wiki contains in-detail info about pretty much everything in the mod, from items/objects/monsters to effects, biomes, weather and even worldbuilding concepts/lore;\n- the Wiki also includes extensive info for modders wanting to create mods on top of this mod;\n\n- added full support for the Improved Food Descriptions addon;\n- added full support for the More Planet Info addon;\n- added full support for the True Space addon;\n\n- added much more detailed GUI tooltips to many types of items:\n - weapon/shield tooltips now include more stats, element icons (shields too), full description, ability names and description, and whether it can be upgraded to anything;\n - armor/clothing/backpack/epp tooltips now have more slots for abilities and display them properly, as well as show upgrades if any;\n - drone spawners now include monster stats, resistances, ability names & descriptions and upgrades if any;\n - object tooltips now include health, list of colony tags, light color (if any) and a separate warning if the object doesn't drop itself;\n - all new tooltips include stuff like level and race;\n - all descriptions are color-coded with highlights;\n - new tooltips only apply to items added by this mod.\n- added 8 ranged wrist weapons and 8 unique ranged weapons (4 WIPs);\n- added 24 melee weapons (WIP): 8 light, 8 heavy and 8 spears;\n- added perfectly cooked versions to all food items added by the mod;\n\nAlta:\n\n- added Altas as a playable race! Right now with placeholder ship and mechs, as well as no npcs/tenants and no dungeons;\n\n- added GSR pods - loot crates that contain materials and rare weapons that you can't find anywhere else! (except for t6 crafting table);\n\n- revamped Alta Crafting Station to encourage exploration and make progression smoother:\n - now has 9 levels instead of 6: 2 T3 levels, 2 T4, 2 T5, 2 T6 and 1 final creative level with recipes for every item in the mod;\n - only levels 3, 5 & 7 require codexes to upgrade. Levels 2, 4, 6 & 8 only require resources found on planets added by the mod;\n - levels 2, 4, 6 & 8 are \"sub-tiers\" - they reveal improved stuff from the previous tier, as well as cosmetics, throwables, augments, etc.;\n - levels 1 & 2 contain T3 stuff, levels 3 & 4 - T4 stuff, levels 5 & 6 - T5 stuff, levels 7 & 8 - T6 stuff.\n\nOther:\n\n- added upgrades to one of the armor sets;\n- added custom item builder and object builder! They support and provide proper tooltips for:\n - item params:\n - level, price (leveled), price (fixed), race, element;\n - all damage params (leveled & fixed): damage/shot, energy/shot, firerate, dps, eps, damage/energy;\n - all shield params (leveled & fixed): health, knockback, eps, parry time, min time, cooldown time;\n - primary, secondary and passive abilities, as well as weapon upgrades (on any item, not just weapons);\n - works for almost any item type, including weapons, throwables, generics, shield, custom active items, codexes, etc.;\n - object params:\n - all mentioned above (object builder expands item builder);\n - all basic object params: health, slots, light color, colony tags, warning if the object doesn't drop itself;\n - damage params for traps, including damage element;\n- added informative yet concise visuals to the mod's description;\n- added custom minibiome chests to almost every biome added by the mod (see https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Loot-Items#Loot-Crate-Items);\n- biomes that remain without custom loot are: Poptop Valley, Snowy Ridges, Alterash Caves, Deep Alterash Caves, Electric Crystal Caves, Starforest, Antorash Plains, Obsidian Depths, Starfields, Alterash Core, Hidden Alta Labs, Alta Lab Debris, Alta Prime Labs;\n- the Hive minibiome can no longer spawn on Alterash planets;\n- improved other weapons and armor;\n- rebalanced pricing on a lot of items;\n- fixed alt abilities for some weapons;\n- fixed projectiles for some weapons;\n- fixed chars and pricing of some armors;\n- fixed some recipes, moved them to proper places;\n- moved some old weapons to deprecated and removed their recipes;\n- removed some of the oldest deprecated items;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 2.0 - The Alta Race"}},{"before":"ec20b11e9a335e725ef31c8fc0d6c117595b1935","after":"39de4d8bceead27e89435e26498e46ec7143bf50","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-05-05T21:00:05.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"Ceterai","name":"Ceterai","path":"/Ceterai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61030725?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update 1.7.1\n\nMain:\n\n- finished the gheatsyn droid (no longer WIP), as well as its spawner recipe. Now spawns in Gheatorn biomes on Alterash Prime planets.\n\nOther:\n\n- adjusted weapon sounds, animations and timings;\n- adjusted drone spawns;\n- fixed drone names;\n- fixed logic of some drones as well as Alta Mini Drone spawns;\n- fixed icons in the upgrader interface;\n- fixed teleporter collisions;\n- fixed triggers for some new objects;\n- fixed wrong status effects on some shields;\n- updated stim pack parameters;\n- updated most crafting table interfaces;\n- minor bug fixes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update 1.7.1"}}],"hasNextPage":false,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"startCursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyNC0wNy0xNlQyMDo0NzoyOC4wMDAwMDBazwAAAASBMLOn","endCursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyMy0wNS0wNVQyMTowMDowNS4wMDAwMDBazwAAAAMnGbWI"}},"title":"Activity · Ceterai/Enternia"}