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Warped Light

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 17 revisions

 Warped Light is a common lvl.1 light.
Can be sold for 8 pixels.
An organic biolight, that softly flickers in the dark.

Race descriptions: (Expand 8 items)
  • Alta: A glowing bulb, another form of warped growth. This one can be used as a wall light.
  • Apex: A wall light, previously a part of a living being.
  • Avian: A pretty soft wall light.
  • Floran: Floran like plant lightss. Even warpy evil onesss.
  • Glitch: Satisfied. These little glowing bulbs sure provide a comfy gentle light.
  • Human: Please tell me that this bulb won't explode.
  • Hylotl: Just forget about the origin of this wall light. Now. It's. Just. A. Wall. Light.
  • Novakid: Wow, a little glowin' orb!
Pickup Messages: (Expand 1 items)
  • Beware of the warped items you just accquired.  Warped is a form of wild growth found mainly on  alterash planets, that tends to spread uncontrollably and contaminate everything in its path.
    Warped things can be bioluminescent, but they also tend to be quite venomous too. I wouldn't recommend testing your luck.


Can be crafted:

Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 3 items)


Can be found as loot in:

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes:

Technical Information

Tags: common generic light warped
Level: 1
Race: Generic
In-game ID: ct_warped_light
File path (GitHub link): /objects/biome/alterash/warped/decorative/ct_warped_light/ct_warped_light.object

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