- iOS 13.0+
Use Swift Package Manager by adding the following line to Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/Chaehui-Seo/ReededGlassView.git", from: "1.0.1")
Use Cocoapods by adding the following line to Podfile
pod "ReededGlassView", "~> 1.0.1"
Place ReededGlassView
, that you want to apply effect, in the same hierarchy of the target image view (more specifically, above image view)
// Hierarchy example
Background View
└── Target Image View (Image behind)
└── Reeded Glass View (view to apply effect)
Set reeded glass effect with a public method like below
reededGlassView.applyReededGlassEffect(with: targetImageView)
reededGlassView.applyReededGlassEffect(with: targetImageView, widthType: .narrow) // Adding width type is available. (Default value is WidthType.default)
You can choose width type (among narrow, default, wide)
narrow | default | wide |
// You can set the width type when applying the effect in the first place by adding a parameter,
reededGlassView.applyReededGlassEffect(with: targetImageView, widthType: .default)
// or you can also set it using a separate method.
reededGlassView.setWidthType(to: .default) // .narrow, .wide
You can run the SampleApp Project located in SampleApp
All the functions provided by the package are testable through the SampleApp project.
(It takes some time to apply effects. A Spinner is added to express loading in the SampleApp.)
- The target image view and the reeded glass view must be in the SAME HIERARCHY.
- The target image view MUST BE SAME OR BIGGER than the reeded glass view above.