Mod for La Mulana 2 to restore the game's original music
- First you need to download the program DepotDownloader, which you can find here: - On this page, click on "Releases" on the sidebar and download the latest zip of the program.
- Extract the zip file anywhere you want, and locate "DepotDownloader.exe" inside of it.
- In this repository, look in the "depotdownloader" folder and download "get_old_depot.bat"
- Put the batch file in the same folder as "DepotDownloader.exe", then open the batch file with notepad.
- Replace USERNAME with your steam username, and PASSWORD with your steam password (scary, I know)
- Once you've done that, save the batch file and run it. DepotDownloader will connect to steam and ask for your steam guard key.
- Enter your steam guard key into the cmd window and hit enter.
- Wait for the download to complete (if it says it timed out, just leave it alone, it will recover)
- DELETE THE BATCH FILE, you do NOT want your steam credentials hanging around your computer. Remove it from the recycle bin too.
- Once that's all done, you will have a newly downloaded depots folder.
- Go in "depots\835431\5963057\LaMulana2_Data" and look for "sharedassets1.resource", it's roughly 554mb.
- Rename sharedassets1.resource to oldmusic.resource, and copy it to your "Steam\steamapps\common\La-Mulana 2\LaMulana2_Data" folder.
- Start up La Mulana 2, and check the version number in the bottom left on the title screen. Close the game when you're done.
- In this repository, look for the patches folder and find the version that matches your game (for example, 1_8_8_2 is Version
- Copy the LaMulana2OldMusic.exe from there into your "Steam\steamapps\common\La-Mulana 2" folder.
- Run the exe, hit Next a lot, and you're done!
- If you ever want to go back to the new music, delete "sharedassets1.assets" and rename "sharedassets1.assets.bak0000" to "sharedassets1.assets"
- Unfortunately this involves not only running an external program and entering steam credentials, but also trusting me with a sketchy looking exe file.
- I will also be providing UABE .emip files as well, if you are more comfortable using those. They require UABE:
- I'm very certain I don't have the rights to distribute the game's assets, and steam broke their old depot downloader, forcing people to use this external software.
- Steam also doesn't let you download random game files, so you need to essentially log-in with DepotDownloader.
- After that, in order to again not provide game assets, a patcher is used to patch the unity assets (which is either its own exe or a file used by another person's exe)