This project uses a simple Node.js and the Redis service to demonstrate how an app can benefit by caching data that's either rarely or never updated, in order to make less calls to the server, improve the app's speed by fetching cached data instead of springing up fresh data for every single call, and avoid the rate limit horror from APIs who force one.
In order to run Redis you need it on your machine. If you're on a Windows machine please visit this link and download Redis:
Mac users can use homebrew to set up the installation.
In order to use Node you need it on your machine. If you're on a Windows machine please visit this link and downlaod Node:
Mac users can use homebrew to set up the installation.
Once Redis and Node are both up and running, in a terminal of your choice
please run npm install
in order to fetch the project's dependencies,
and then run this app with npm start