Congratulations! After a lot of hard work in the data wrangling mines, you've landed a job as Lead Analyst for an independent gaming company. You've been assigned >the task of analyzing the data for their most recent fantasy game Heroes of Pymoli.
Like many others in its genre, the game is free-to-play, but players are encouraged to purchase optional items that enhance their playing experience. As a first >task, the company would like you to generate a report that breaks down the game's purchasing data into meaningful insights.
My final report includes the following:
Three observable trends based on the data:
- The most popular, reported gender demographic for video game players is far and away the Male demographic, at 84.03%. (Which, based on experience - is fitting, but we definitely need more female gamers!)
- The vast majority, at 44.79% of video game players - are in the age bracket of 20-24. The second most popular age group demographic is 15-19.
- According to the "Average Player Purchase" purchasing data, <10 year olds spent ~$4.54 per player, which is more than the most popular age demographic of 20-24 year olds. (Basically, this means that the parents of 10 year olds are giving their kiddos lots of in game purchase money! haha)
- Total Number of Players
player = len(purchase_data["SN"].value_counts())
player_count = pd.DataFrame([player], columns = ["Total Players"])
- Number of Unique Items
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Number of Purchases
- Total Revenue
# Purchasing Analysis (Total)
UniqueItems = len(purchase_data["Item Name"].unique())
Averageprice = purchase_data["Price"].mean()
NumPurchases = len(purchase_data["Item Name"])
Revenue = purchase_data["Price"].sum()
Pur_Analysis_Total = pd.DataFrame({"Number of Unique Items": [UniqueItems],
"Average Price": [Averageprice],
"Number of Purchases": [NumPurchases],
"Total Revenue": [Revenue]})
Pur_Analysis_Total["Average Price"] = Pur_Analysis_Total["Average Price"].map("${:.2f}".format)
Pur_Analysis_Total["Total Revenue"] = Pur_Analysis_Total["Total Revenue"].map("${:.2f}".format)
Pur_Analysis_Total = Pur_Analysis_Total[["Number of Unique Items", "Average Price", "Number of Purchases", "Total Revenue"]]
- Percentage and Count of Male Players
- Percentage and Count of Female Players
- Percentage and Count of Other / Non-Disclosed
# Gender Demographics
gender_groups = purchase_data.groupby("Gender")
total_count_gender = gender_groups.nunique()["SN"]
percentage_gender = total_count_gender/player*100
gender_demographics = pd.DataFrame({
"Percentage of Players":percentage_gender,
"Total Count": total_count_gender
#float $
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}%'.format
- The below each broken by gender
- Purchase Count
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Purchase Value
- Average Purchase Total per Person by Gender
- The below each broken into bins of 4 years (i.e. <10, 10-14, 15-19, etc.)
- Purchase Count
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Purchase Value
- Average Purchase Total per Person by Age Group
# Purchasing Analysis (age)
# Combined with the Purchasing Analysis from above!
bins = [0, 9.9, 14.9, 19.9, 24.9, 29.9, 34.9, 39.9, 150]
group_names = ["<10", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40+"]
purchase_data["Age Groups"]=pd.cut(purchase_data["Age"], bins, labels=group_names)
pd.cut(purchase_data["Age"], bins, labels=group_names).head()
age_groupings=purchase_data.groupby("Age Groups")
percentage_by_age= total_age_count / player*100
age_demographics= pd.DataFrame({
"Percentage of Players": percentage_by_age,
"Total Count": total_age_count
#float $
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}%'.format
- The below each broken into bins of 4 years (i.e. <10, 10-14, 15-19, etc.)
- Purchase Count
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Purchase Value
- Average Purchase Total per Person by Age
#using the data frame from previous exercise and use that the create the variables for this set
purchase_count_age = age_groupings["Purchase ID"].count()
average_purchase_price = age_groupings["Price"].mean()
total_purchase_value = age_groupings["Price"].sum()
average_purch_per = total_purchase_value/total_age_count
age_analysis = pd.DataFrame({
"Purchase Count": purchase_count_age,
"Average Purchase Price": average_purchase_price,
"Total Purchase Value":total_purchase_value,
"Average Player Purchase": average_purch_per})
#float $
pd.options.display.float_format = '${:,.2f}'.format
- Identified the the top 5 spenders in the game by total purchase value, then list (in a table):
- SN
- Purchase Count
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Purchase Value
# Top Spenders
top_spender_stats = purchase_data.groupby("SN")
purchase_count_sn = top_spender_stats["Purchase ID"].count()
avg_spender_purch = top_spender_stats["Price"].mean()
total_spender_purchases = top_spender_stats["Price"].sum()
top_spenders = pd.DataFrame({"Purchase Count": purchase_count_sn,
"Average Purchase Price": avg_spender_purch,
"Total Purchase Value":total_spender_purchases})
ascending_purch_values = top_spenders.sort_values(["Purchase Count","Total Purchase Value"], ascending = False)
#float $
pd.options.display.float_format = '${:,.2f}'.format
- Identified the 5 most popular items by purchase count, then list (in a table):
- Item ID
- Item Name
- Purchase Count
- Item Price
- Total Purchase Value
#isolate the Item ID, Item Name, and Item Price columns
items = purchase_data[["Item ID", "Item Name", "Price"]]
item_id_names = items.groupby(["Item ID", "Item Name"])
purchase_count = item_id_names["Price"].count()
total_purchase_value = item_id_names["Price"].sum()
item_price = total_purchase_value/purchase_count
most_popular_items = pd.DataFrame({
"Purchase Count": purchase_count,
"Item Price": item_price,
"Total Purchase Value": total_purchase_value
#sort largest values
asc_most_popular_items = most_popular_items.sort_values(["Purchase Count"], ascending = False)
#float $
pd.options.display.float_format = '${:,.2f}'.format
- Identified the 5 most profitable items by total purchase value, then list (in a table):
- Item ID
- Item Name
- Purchase Count
- Item Price
- Total Purchase Value
# Most Profitable Items
most_profitable = most_popular_items.sort_values(["Total Purchase Value"],ascending = False).head(3)
#float $
pd.options.display.float_format = '${:,.2f}'.format