Post-It is a full-stack web application that allows users to create accounts, post their thoughts, and engage with other users' ideas through comments. Express, share, and connect!
Back End
- Programmed using Typescript
- Deployed PostgreSQL database on Railway
- Used NextAuth.js for creating and authorizing users
- Used Prisma as an adapter for NextAuth.js to connect to the PostgreSQL database.
- Used Google OAuth API to authorize user sign ins using gmail
Front End
- Embedded HTML and CSS within Typescript as the web application
- Utilized Next.js 13 as the React framework
- git clone the repo
- Open terminal
- Run the development server
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
- Navigate your browser to http://localhost:3000 to see the web application!
Disclaimer: This project is still a work in progress.