This Project pulls daily Cornoavirus data from an api and uploads it to a google sheets file. I use the data from the google sheets file to populate multiple Tableau Visulizations. By uploading the data to a gogle sheet I can trigger the visualiztion to import new data daily. I call the api and upload the data to my sheet using an EC2 instance with cloud watch triggers. In retrospect, this would be easier to implement with serverless computing like AWS lambda or Azure Functions.
You check out my Tableau project here.
To setup your own tableau server for corona virus tracking, you will need to:
- Obtain OAuth2 credentials from Google Developers Console
- Create Google Sheet
- Create AWS EC2 Instance
- Pull Repo on EC2
- Transfer OAuth2 Json Credentials
- Setup Install Packages
- Setup a Cron Job for EC2
- Setup AWS Lambda Function to Start/Stop EC2 Instance
- Install Tableau
- Link Tableau Data Source to Google Sheet
Create Google Sheet (I recomend scrolling to the bottom of the page and increasing the number of rows. My First data set was more than 100 rows, which is the default option)
Install Packages
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade python3 -y
sudo apt-install python3-pip -y
sudo apt-get install python3-venv -y
Setup Virutal Enviroment and install pip packages
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install requests
pip3 install COVID19PY
pip3 install gspread
pip3 install --upgrade oauth2client
Setup a Cron Job for EC2 (Run Script on instance start)
- Stop instance
- Select instance, then Actions, Instance Settings, View/Change User Data
- Copy contents of userDataScript.txt into window
- Select plain text and save
- Install Tableau
- Link Tableau Data Source to Google Sheet (Video number 3)
- COVID19Py - @Kamaropoulos Coronavirus python API wrappet
- gspread -@burnash Python package for editing Google Sheets
- Chase Austin - GitHub
jhu - - Worldwide Data repository operated by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE).
csbs - - U.S. County data that comes from The Conference of State Bank Supervisors.