This script is using Terraform v0.12.29 and AWS Provider v3.7.0 - Removed now deprecated interpolation-only synatx/ expression from script on 09/21/2020 as initial version leveraged TF 0.11 version.
Terraform Script for Check Point Cloudguard TGW HA deployment - Recommended for demos or POCs. Assumes you're willing to deploy Mgmt in AWS. Tweak script accordingly should you have on-prem Mgmt. This template creates an AWS TGW environment with:
- 2 spoke VPCs,
- 1 Check Point Mgmt VPC and Mgmt Instance,
- 1 Cloudguard IaaS HA security VPC,
- Relevant VPCs, Subnets RT, TGW attachments,TGW Route Tables, Spoke 1 Jump instance, Spoke 2 private instance.
In this example I'm using local credentials file in the file. Change path to local credentials file accordingly as well as desired region it's a best practice not to hardcode your AWS credentials in your script - Other Authentication options for the AWS Provider can be found under the Authentication Section of Terraform AWS Provider Documentation.
Once Terraform template deployment is completed, follow steps from page 24/34 to configure the cluster object in Smart Console & Security Policy