This project was developed with Unity3D 2021.3.6f1 and set to basic 3D-usage by default
Run Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity to test
Detailed description and video about this demo please check
Currently 3 player skills can be only released in VR environment, as well as 3 moving circles.
- SteamVR
- HTC Vive
- EMG device. reference from
Open Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity
Show SteamVRObjects and hide NoSteamVRFallbackObjects
For testing this demo without VR environment and EMG device, I added damage image and gameover UI animation for basic 3D scene based on canvas, and a hand model follows the mouse. You can make a quick punch by clicking the space key.
Show NoSteamVRFallbackObjects and hide SteamVRObjects
Make sure the following variables of PlayerController under game object Player are from NoSteamVRFallbackObjects:
Gameover Cube
To provide an entire single player version for testing without VR and EMG device:
- Animate the punch with 2 hand models.
- Change the UIs of health bar for zombies and player.
- Add 3 player skills, and 3 moving circles on the right hand model get hide during skill cool down.
- Add Opening animation with game introduction and a menu