This project was performed to analyse the covid19 data available on the internet by using different basic SQL queries.Tableau Dashboard was also used to represent some of these obsevations in a easy to understand graphical way.
I'm a beginer in Data science.I have done my graduation in Civil engineering.
The actual data is regularly updataed on a day or weekly basis.I downloaded this dataset on 2May/2022. While downloading,it was a single csv file which i further split into two separate datasets using Exel.Name of these two separate files are CovidDeaths.xlsx and CovidVaccinations.xlsx.
- Europe has the highest death count among other continents
- United States suffered from highest deaths among other countries
- More than 6201514 deaths reported all over the world
- Low income Asian and African countries like India,Pakistan etc. performed really well dispite of there large population and remain successful in keeping there death counts low.