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Programming Resources

Here are some useful links and resources about C++.
Each link refers to an English page, unless I explicitly annotate it with (fr), which stands for French.
A resource annotated with (bis) is used in another link with the same name.


Awesome C (Various Stuff)
C Compiler Support
C99 Standard Paper
Declaration Demystifier
Discussion About auto
Duff's Device
Funny #pragma Handling in Early GCC Versions
Hidden Features in C
Memory Alignment
Obfuscation Tricks
switch (...) while (...) {}
The C Preprocessor in JavaScript ?
Typedef Old-Style Declaration (int typedef <-> typedef int, as typedef is a Storage Class)
Withdrawn 'entry' Keyword (see Multiple entry points in FORTRAN)

Array as Function Parameter

const / static / volatile in Array Type Specification
Static Array Indices in Parameter Declarations
Static Keyword Inside Array Brackets

GNU C (Non-Standard GNU GCC Extensions, Possibly Supported by clang)

Labels as Value (Computed Goto)
Lambda Functions


A Free Modern C++ Course (Still in Progress) (fr)
A Modern C++ Blog
Books List
C++ Compiler Support
C++ Quiz
Compile SFML for MinGW on Windows
Compile-Time Wordle in C++20
Compiler Predefined Macros
Configure a Library in an IDE (fr)
Contract Programming Articles (fr)
Debate About Bad Code at Work (fr)
DLL Files (fr)
Exercises (fr)
Flaws of OpenClassrooms C++ Course (fr)
Garbage Collection Support (C++23 Removal Proposal)
Javaquarium (OOP Exercise) (fr)
Know Standard Version) MSVC++ Compiler Conformance
MSVC++ Compiler Options
Private vs Protected Inheritance in C
Pseudo-Random Numbers
Setting up SFML in Visual Studio IDE
SG20 Education and Recommended Videos for Teaching C++ (Wayback Machine)
SG20 Education and Recommended Videos for Teaching C++ (Online but not Well-Formatted)
Smart Pointers (fr)
Stack, Heap and Smart Pointers (fr)
Standards Overview
std::pony (read the paper twice)
STL Algorithms (2010 : quite outdated, beware) (fr)
Template Specialization
using namespace std (fr)
Value Types
World Map of C++ Algorithms

Standard Papers

C++11 (fr)
C++14 (fr)
C++17 (bis)


Multiple Subroutine Entry Points


Change Commit Author
Gitmoji : Emoji in Commit message for GitHub
Learn Git Branching


Characters Code Pages in Windows
C and C++ Obfuscator
Finding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers
Intel VTune Profiler
Maths Expressions with LaTeX
Project Euler : Math Exercises Solved with Programming
Site du Zéro Forum Archives (fr)
Valgrind Memory Leaks
Why Should I Enable Compiler Warnings (C and C++ Oriented but Feasible in any Compiled Language)

Multi-Languages / Other Languages

Delayed Expansion in Batch (Windows cmd)
C and C++ Standard Papers
Compiler Explorer
Hidden Features of...
Introduction to Command-Line Compilation (C and C++ Oriented)
Jonathan Poelen's Blog

Nintendo DS

A turorial made by sverx, original version in Italian, translated in English using ChatGPT, here is the original source.
ARM Assembly Cheat Sheet
ARM Programming
Introduction to Nintendo DS Programming
Nintendo DS Reference (alongside with GBA)
Registers Overview
The PERN Project (Reverse Engineering)
The PERN Project - Day 01
The PERN Project - Day 01 (bis)
The PERN Project - Day 02
The PERN Project - Day 03
The PERN Project - Day 04
The PERN Project - Day 05
The PERN Project - The Game

Operating Systems

Running Multiple Processes on a Single CPU
Operating Systems: A Kernel-Oriented Perspective
Change Keyboard Layout in MS-DOS 6.22 (fr)

UNIX / Linux

Linux Ate my RAM
Unix Tree


Some useful links and resources about programming





