Ransomware written in Python3.x
Only works on windows
Can encrypt files with this extension : ['txt','jpg','jpeg','png','docx','doc','gif','html','ico','mp3','mp4','odt','odp','ods','odg','pdf','ppt','pps','pptx','py','zip','tar','md','xls','xlsx','wav','xml','log','exe']
1- Try to find the windows letter partition and create a folder named 'test' into {}\Users\{}\Appdata\
2- Then download images from Internet
3- Generate the encryption key
4- Send the encryption key to the server
5- Encrypt files and rename them with '.encrypted'
6- Change wallpaper with a dirty buffoon
7- Send the ransomware file into our folder
8- Add/Check the key in the registre for launch ransom every time victim turn on computer
9- Create a note in Desktop
10- Generate a Identification Key and save it into our folder
11- Write the deadline into a file
12- Launch the GUI
1- Decrypt files and rename them without '.encrypted'
2- Delete our folder and delete the key in the registre
Delete encrypted files
Pretty slow to encrypt big data
Internet connection is fundamental
Can't spread throught a network
If encrypted files are moved or renamed, decryption will probably fail
Listen for any connection
When a connection pop create a file with the IP target , decryption key , time
Edit line 36 and 37 to setup the ip and port of your server
Edit line 148 to change the directory to encrypt
Edit the 'check_files' function at line 253
Edit line 288
Edit line 606/625/662 to set up your bitcoin address
Edit line 690 to setup the direcotry to decrypt
Edit line 43 on server_ransomware.py to set your path
If you want to make a executable of this ransomware type : pyinstaller -w --onefile --hidden-import='pkg_resources.py2_warn' ransomware.py