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manage different types of processes using declarative syntax


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ParametricProcesses offers a parametric Worker type and a ProcessManager API capable of facilitating multiple forms of parallel processing and high-level declarative Distributed worker management.

using Pkg; Pkg.add("ParametricProcesses")
# Unstable:
using Pkg; Pkg.add("ParametricProcesses", rev = "Unstable")


Before trying to use threaded Workers (Workers{Threaded}), make sure to start julia with multiple threads!

julia --threads 6
  • For a full list of exports, try ?ParametricProcesses
using ParametricProcesses
procs = processes(5)
x = 5
firstjob = new_job(x) do x::Int64
   for n in 1:x
secondjob = new_job(x) do x::Int64
   for n in 1:x

distribute!(procs, firstjob, secondjob)
julia> distribute!(procs, firstjob, secondjob)
2-element Vector{Int64}:

julia>       From worker 7:	hello
      From worker 8:	world
      From worker 7:	hello
      From worker 8:	world
      From worker 7:	hello
      From worker 8:	world
      From worker 7:	hello
      From worker 8:	world
      From worker 7:	hello
      From worker 8:	world

The typical ParametricProcesses workflow involves creating a process manager with workers, then creating jobs and distributing them amongst those workers using assign! and distribute!. To get started, we can create a ProcessManager by using the processes Function. This Function will take an Int64 and optionally, a Process type. The default process type will be Threaded, so ensure you have multiple threads for the following example:

procs = processes(5)

We can create a process manager with workers of any type using this same Function, processes.

async_procs = processes(2, Async)

Workers are held in the ProcessManager.workers field, we can also add workers directly with the add_workers! function, or create workers manually and push! them.

julia> add_workers!(pm, 1, Threaded, "emma the worker <3")
2 |Threaded process: emma the worker <3 (inactive)

julia> w = Worker{Async}("steve the worker", 20)
20 |Async process: steve the worker (inactive)

julia> push!(pm, w)
2 |Threaded process: emma the worker <3 (inactive)
20 |Async process: steve the worker (inactive)

join("$(\n" for w in pm.workers)
"emma the worker <3
steve the worker

Workers can be indexed by their name or their pid.

julia> pm["steve the worker"]
20 |Async process: steve the worker (inactive)

julia> pm[2]
2 |Threaded process: emma the worker <3 (inactive)

Here is a list of other functions used to manage workers.

  • close(pm::ProcessManager) - closes all active Workers in pm.
  • delete!(pm::ProcessManager, pid::Int64) - closes Worker by pid
  • delete!(pm::ProcessManager, name::String) - closes Worker by name.
  • worker_pids(pm::ProcessManager) - returns worker process identifiers for all Workers in pm.workers
  • waitfor(pm::ProcessManager, pids::Any ...) - waits for pids to finish, then returns their returns in a Vector{Any}
  • put!(pm::ProcessManager, pids::Vector{Int64}, vals ...) - serializes data and defines in in the Main of each process in pids.

There is also @everywhere used to define functions and modules across all workers, as well as @distribute to use all available workers for iteration.

@time @distribute for x in 1:5
@time for x in 1:5

@everywhere is the more important of the two. put! can be used to transmit data, but this will not work for functions or modules -- @everywhere must be used for this, after the workers are open.

using ParametricProcesses

# make workers first
pm = processes(2)

# using a `Module`
@everywhere using JSON

# using a `Function`
@everywhere function sample()

jbs = (new_job(JSON.parse, "{\"x\":5}"), new_job(sample))

pids = distribute!(pm, jbs ...)
# -- v output
From worker 3:	sample
2-element Vector{Int64}:
# --

rets = waitfor(pm, pids ...)
println("x is $(rets[1]["x"])")
# - v output
x is 5
  • For a full list of exports, try ?ParametricProcesses

In order to use our threads to complete tasks, we will need to construct a sub-type of AbstractJob. The running type for this is ProcessJob, which may be called from the new_job binding. We provide this with a Function that takes arguments, as well as the arguments we seek to provide to that Function (if any).

new_job(f::Function, args ...; keyargs ...)
myjob = new_job(readdir, ".")

From here, we have access to the following functions to distribute our jobs amongst our Workers.


waitfor is used to wait for certain workers to finish their tasks, getting their returns as they complete.
Consider the following waitfor example:

pm = processes(4)

jb = new_job() do 
    @info "hello world!"
    return 55

assign!(pm, 2, jb)

ret = waitfor(pm, 2); println("worker 2 completed, it returned: ", ret[1])

# From worker 2:	[ Info: hello world!
# worker 2 completed, it returned: 55

Feasibly, you can pass the ProcessManager to all workers and manage processes from different workers by using @everywhere.


css property parsing

This simple example shows how jobs (which ideally would be more CPU intensive and less memory-intensive than this,) can easily be distributed amongst dependencies -- especially for simple Function calls like parse_props below:

using ParametricProcesses
using Test
procs = processes(2)

@everywhere function parse_props(s::String)
    propkeys = split(s, ";")
    filter!(t -> ~(isnothing(t)), [begin 
        splts = split(kp, ":")
        if length(splts) < 2
            splts[1] => splts[2]
    end for kp in propkeys])

firstset = join("$(rand(500:5000)):$(rand(500:5000));" for n in 1:5000)
secondset = join("$(rand(500:5000)):$(rand(500:5000));" for n in 1:50000)
thirdset = join("$(rand(500:5000)):$(rand(500:5000));" for n in 1:5000)
fourthset = join("$(rand(500:5000)):$(rand(500:5000));" for n in 1:100000)
fifthset = join("$(rand(500:5000)):$(rand(500:5000));" for n in 1:50000)
sets = (firstset, secondset, thirdset, fourthset, fifthset)
ret = vcat([parse_props(set) for set in sets] ...)
jbs = (new_job(parse_props, set) for set in sets)
ids = distribute!(procs, worker_pids(procs), jbs ...)
mret = vcat(waitfor(procs, ids ...) ...)
@test length(ret) == length(mret)

In the above example, distribute! is used to perform the tasks on 5 threads instead of one. While this does not necessarily offer a huge benefit to performance as parsing CSS is pretty simple and it is more CPU work to serialize the data for the thread, this examples does show pretty well how to easily replicate tasks across several workers.


There are several ways to contribute to the ParametricProcesses package.

adding workers

Adding your own Workers is pretty straightforward. We can create new functionality by creating a new <: Process or a new <: AbstractWorker. A Process is used to change the functionality of a Worker, an AbstractWorker extension usually means we need to facilitate different types of Worker data or ProcessManager functionality. Creating a Process is very simple, as a Process is simply an abstract type.

abstract type CUDA <: Process end

From here, we have a few bindings which will need to be defined:

create_workers(n::Int64, of::Type{Process}, 
    names::Vector{String} = ["$e" for e in 1:n])
assign!(assigned_worker::Worker{Process}, job::AbstractJob)

Pretty simple; these are the main functionality that changes when we are using different hardware -- allocating jobs, creating workers to do the jobs, and closing the workers will all be different depending on what Process we are using. Fortunately, a Worker will fit entirely into the API by simply extending these three, so with these simple functions we can easily create high-level bindings to distribute our jobs over a myriad of different worker types. If we wanted to create our own Worker, things would get a little more complicated. It is also possible to make your own sub-type of AbstractProcessManager or AbstractJob and extend that way. All of the information needed to follow consistencies for these super-types are available in the documentation.


We are not super picky on contributions, as the goal of chifi is to get more people involved in computing. However, if you want your code merged there are definitely a few things to be aware of before contributing to this package.

  • If there is no issue for what you want to do, create an issue
  • If you have multiple issues, submit multiple issues rather than typing each issue into one issue.
  • Make sure the issue you are solving or feature you want to implement is still feasible on Unstable -- this is the top-level development branch which represents the latest unstable changes.
  • Please format your documentation using the technique presented in the rest of the file.
  • Make sure Pkg.test("ParametricProcesses") works with your version of ParametricProcesses before making a pull-request.


manage different types of processes using declarative syntax







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