Stikman's Legend is an action game developed by Chikorita Lover, inspired by the Legend of Zelda series by Nintendo. The original version was created and released September 21, 2019 as a project for the Hackathon at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and featured one boss fight, a paper map, and a large map with bodies of water and lava. The game has since changed, and in August 12, 2020, development began for a proper v1.0.0. The update was scheduled for September 21, 2020 as a one-year-anniversary update, but was ultimately delayed for a September 28 release.
Scratch link:
Discord link:
Fandom wiki:
Release trailer:
Stikman Scratch, released March 31, 2018
Cactufine Fight, released November 26, 2018
Stikman's Baseball Tournament, released Christmas 2018