This fork was made specifically to work with Ubuntu or Pop OS 22.04 aka Jammy! DO NOT RUN THIS ON OTHER VERSIONS!
If you are going to set an image file that has spaces in its file name or folders, remember to scape them with backslashes.
First, you will need to install libglib2.0-dev-bin:
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev-bin
Then, you can download the script with the command below:
And set it as an executable with:
chmod +x jammy-change-gdm-background
Run the script with root privileges:
sudo ./jammy-change-gdm-background /path/to/my/image
If you see a message login image sucessfully changed
, then, when you restart gdm or reboot your
computer, your gdm background should be covered with the image you selected.
You can restore your original gdm theme any time with:
sudo ./jammy-change-gdm-background --restore
Now you can change that annoying purple color in Ubuntu or Grey in Pop_OS! to any color you like.
Just type:
sudo ./jammy-change-gdm-background \#yourhexcode
Your color hex format should have six characters like \#407294 or three characters like \#6ac.
if you use two or more monitors you may see a streched image through the displays as if they were one screen. This is the default behavior of GDM3 when dealing with multiple displays.