charts on the commandline with python.
requires python3 and BeautifulSoup (sudo apt install python-bs4) [options]
[f=date from YYYY-MM-DD]
[t=date to YYYY-MM-DD]
[l=limit (1-50)]
[s=y/n (display number of scrobbles, default no)]
[n=y/n (display rank numbers, default yes)]
example: u=joesmith c=albums f=2016-01-01 t=2016-12-31 l=10
Grabs the top 10 (l=10) albums(c=albums) of the user joesmith for the time between Jan 1st 2016 (f=2016-01-01) and Dec 31st 2016 (t=2016-12-31)
special characters in album- and songtitles result in "unknown" since BeautifulSoup (the python-library that does all the dirty work) seems to have a problem with those.
(suddenly works as expected...)