A Dense Text Detection model using Receptive Field Blocks
This repo contains text detection based on Receptive Field Blocks. The text detection model provides a dense receptive field, for predicting text boxes in dense natural scene images like documents, articles etc.
The model is also inspired from EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector, where the RRBOX part and loss function is taken from.
The features of the model are summarized below:
Keras implementation for lucid and clean code.
Backbone: Resnet50
Inference time for 720p images:
- Graphics Card: MX130
- Inference Time: 700ms
- Batch Size: 1
- CPU: Intel i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz
- Inference Time: 1750ms
- Batch Size: 1
The pre-trained model provided achieves 47.09(Single Crop, Resize Only) F1-score on ICDAR 2015, but was not trained on ICDAR 2015. To improve accuracy fine-tune on ICDAR 2015, and predict with multiple crops.
The model is tuned for predicting text boxes for natural scene documents, like bank statements, forms, recipts, etc, and evidently do OCR on these text boxes.
Please cite these paper, paper if you find this useful.
The model is hosted on my server so if you want to try it out live, click here and the model is hosted with the resolution resized to @480p. This is due to the model not fiting on my single core, 512mb RAM server. So accuracy will flounder due to the small image input.
Requirements from requirements.txt
The Pre-trained Model is available at this Link GoogleDrive
If you've downloaded the pre-trained model, run
python3 run_demo.py
the images are taken from test_images/input_images and the output is predicted to test_images/predicted_images
If you want to benchmark it on ICDAR 2015, run
python eval.py
the images are taken from eval_images/evaluation_images and the output is predicted to eval_images/predicted_boxes, text files will be then written to the output path. This format confides to the ICDAR text detection challenge format.
The training code is not uploaded as of now, but will definitely post it in the upcoming days.
Here are some examples, the images on the left represent source images, and the images on the right are images overlayed with the predicted bounding boxes.
If you encounter any issues, please create an issue tracker.
If you want to get more insight on the RF Block, just peruse the model architecture.
And a huge shout out for argman/EAST for providing C++ NMS.