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File metadata and controls

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Table of Contents


  • Blueprints/templates for containers; they are read-only and contain the application as well as the necessary environment.

  • Do not run themselves, but can be executed as containers.

  • Images are created in layers, which efficiently rebuild and share images.

    command definition
    docker images lists all docker images
    docker image inspect IMAGE displays configuration for the image
    docker rmi IMAGE removes the image if not being used by a container
    docker image prune removes all images nto being used by a container
    docker tag original_image cloned_image clones original image


  • Running, isolated instances of images, by adding a thin read-write layer on top of the image.
  • Multiple containers can be created/started based on one and the same image.
command definition
docker ps lists all running containers
docker ps -a list all containers (including stopped ones)
docker start CONTAINER starts container in detached mode by default
docker start -a -i CONTAINER starts container in attached/interactive mode
docker attach CONTAINER attaches to a detached container
docker logs CONTAINER displays logged output from container
docker stop CONTAINER stops the container if running
docker rm CONTAINER removes container if not running
docker container prune removes all non-running containers
  • copies local_folder and all its contents to the container_folder in the container
docker cp local_folder/. CONTAINER:/container_folder
  • copies container_folder in the container and its contents to the local_folder
docker cp CONTAINER:/container_folder local_folder


command definition
docker volume ls lists all available volumes
docker volume inspect VOLUME displays configuration for the volume
docker volume create VOLUME manually creates a volume
docker volume rm VOLUME removes volume
docker volume prune removes all anonymous volumes
  • uses a named volume when running a docker container to store persisting data
# creates a named docker volume
docker run -v VOLUME:/app/container_data_folder IMAGE

# creates a binding mount to the local machine
docker run -v "path/on/local:/app" IMAGE

# creates a binding mount to the local machines current directory
# changes made locally will be reflected in the container
docker run -v "$(pwd):/app" IMAGE

# creates a binding mount to the local machine in read only mode
# docker is no longer in read/write mode and can't make changes
docker run -v "$(pwd):/app:ro" IMAGE


localhost Connection to Container

  • when working with localhost in a docker container, change the localhost variable to docker's address domain understood by docker: host.docker.internal in your code.

    • this translates the IP address of your local host machine as seen by the docker container
  • when using a database in a docker container, and working on an backend application on your local machine:

    • run in detached mode -d to run database container in the background.
    • publish the container's database default port when running the container to allow the backend application to access the database.
# postgres database container
docker run --name postgresdb --rm -d -p 5432:5432 postgres

# mongo database container
docker run --name mongodb --rm -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
  • when using a backend application in a docker container, and working on a frontend application on your local machine:
    • run in detached mode -d to run backend container in the background.
    • publish the container backend port when running the container to allow the frontend application to access the backend.
# python backend container
docker run --name api-backend --rm -d -p 8000:8000 python-api

Container Connection to Container

  • when connecting a database container to another container, use docker inspect CONTAINER to find the IP address of the database container.dock

  • when using a frontend application in a docker container, and working with a backend application in a container:

    • publish the port of the backend container to allow the frontend container from accessing the backend.
    • publish the port of the frontend container to allow the local machine to access the browser portion of the appliaction
      • this may only be required with react applications due to js being ran in the browser instead of the server.

Building a Network

command definition
docker network create NETWORK creates a network for multi-containers.
docker network ls lists all available networks.
docker run --network NETWORK IMAGE builds and launches a docker container on a created docker network.

When using containers in a network, instead of localhost or host.docker.internal, use the name of the container and docker will automatically resolve.

# typical url connection to a localhost database from an application
url_local = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/swfavorites'

# url connection to a localhost database from an application inside of a docker container
url_local_docker = 'mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/swfavorites'

# url connection to a docker container database named 'mongodb' from an application in another container on the same docker network
url_mongo_container = 'mongodb://mongodb:27017/swfavorites'


  • the Dockerfile should be setup as optimally as possible to avoid a change in a layer running a subsequent layer not needing to be re-run.

# tells docker which base image to use for build.
FROM python:3.10

# sets the working directory to /app so commands are executed there.

# copies dependencies file to the working directory.
COPY requirements.txt /app

# adds dependencies needed for the image.
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

# copies the remaining code in local directory to the /app directory in the image.
COPY . /app

# sets which port docker will expose to the local machine as environment variable

# documents which docker image port is exposed to the local machine

# command ran when a container is built from the image.
CMD ["python", ""]

Build Image

# builds the image based on the Dockerfile in the current directory
docker build -t image-name .

-t: assigns a name:tag to an image

Run Docker Container

# builds and runs container with local_port:docker_port configuration
docker run -p 5432dock:5432 IMAGE

--name: names the container instead of random naming
-p : identifies local-host-port:docker-port information
-d : runs docker container in detached mode
-it: runs docker in an interactive mode
--rm: automatically remove container when stopped

# stops the docker container
docker stop CONTAINER
  • runs the container using an .env file for environment variables
docker run -p 9000:80 --env-file ./.env
  • connects to a detached container and passes a command to be ran
docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME flask run
# using -it flag will stay connected to the container for interactivity

Docker Compose

command definition
docker-compose up runs containers/volumes/etc. in docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up --build rebuilds images before running containers.
docker-compose build builds missing images and does not run containers.
docker-compose down stops running docker compose
  • use the build key in docker-compose.yml to specify the location of a Dockerfile to build an image for a service.

  • use the image key in docker-compose.yml to specify an already created image for the service.

  • the docker run flags -d and -rm are not needed in docker-compose.yml.

    • the container is removed by default when using docker compose
    • run the container in detached by running docker-compose up -d.
  • specifying a network when running docker compose is not required

    • docker compose will automatically create a new environment for all services specified inside docker-compose.yml and add them to that environment.
    • can still specify the networks the service should be accessible to by using the networks key in docker-compose.yml.
  • for any named volumes being used by your services, you must add the named volume to the volumes top-level key in docker-compose.yml.

  • can delete the volumes used by the docker compose by running docker-compose down -v.

  • when specifying a bind mount in the volumes key of a service, you can use a relative path from the docker-compose.yml file.

    • bind mounts are not specified in the top-level volumes key.
  • anonymous volumes are not specified in the top-level volumes key.

Utility Containers

  • useful for when setting up or configuring a project with packages that may not be installed locallly.

run a container in interactive mode while detached

docker run python:3.10 -t python-utility

# exec will allow to run commands in a container
docker exec -it python-utility pip install -r requests.txt