This is an extension on the chrome web store! Check it out at
This extension was built for people like me who don't want to commit to permanently banning unproductive sites on their computer but also don't have the willpower to manually start a lockdown every time they want to block productive sites. The extension is, as its name implies, a soft reminder to get back to work.
First, you choose a list of websites to mark as unproductive.
Then, whenever you go to an unproductive website, the extension will start a timer (you can adjust the length through options).
After this timer is over, the extension will turn the tab into a countdown (again, adjustable), during which you can close the tab but can't do much else on it. After the countdown is over, the normal tab resumes, and the timer is started again.
If you're on a different tab when the timer goes off, the extension will move you to the tab that just got frozen. If the tab has been closed, its timer gets canceled. As of right now, the extension doesn't work on tabs in multiple different chrome windows.
NOTE THAT IN ORDER FOR THE EXTENSION TO WORK, YOU HAVE TO SET THE LIST OF BLOCKED WEBSITES, TIMER LENGTH, AND FREEZING TIME LENGTH. These can all be done by just clicking settings on the popup from the extension.