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Java implementation of distributed reversible computation verification


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Implementation of Reversible Distributed Calculus (CCSK)

What is RCCS/CCSK?

The Reversible Calculus of Communicating Systems (RCCS) and the Calculus of Communicating Systems with Keys (CCSK) are two formal languages that describes the interaction of concurrent systems in a reversible paradigm. They are both described in Static versus dynamic reversibility in CCS (doi:10.1007/s00236-019-00346-6), and shown to be equivalent (in terms of labelled transition system isomorphism) in the same paper.

What is this project?

This project is the first to publicly available implementation a functional formal language (in this case, inspired by CCSK) that models concurrent reversible systems. At its core, this is a parser and evaluation tool. The program takes user input in the form of CCS processes (using the syntax specified below) and parses, tokenizes, and traverses it at the user's will (using CSSK's labelled transition system, described and exemplified in this documentation).

Everything in this program is original, including string traversal libraries and GUI. It is currently developed in the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, primarily by Peter Browning and Dr.Clément Aubert. Please, refer to our list of contributors for an up-to-date list of contributors.

Getting Started


You will need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (≥8) to execute this program. Download the .jar file in our latest release, potentially using this simple one-liner1:

curl -s \
| grep browser_download_url \
| cut -d : -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| wget -qi -

Then execute e.g., the process $((a+b) | \overline{b}) | \overline{a}) \backslash a$ using

java -jar IRDC-*.jar "(((a+b) |'b)|'a)\{a}"

To run with a GUI, use the --gui flag. Else, a command-line-interface will open instead, you can use it with:

java -jar IRDC-*.jar <FLAGS> "[Process]"

Some examples of processes are indicated in docs/ if you need inspiration.

The flags are documented below.


You will need Maven (≥3.0) and the Java Development Kit (≥17) to compile this program. Some of the possible phases are:

  • mvn package to build from source (the executable will be in the target/ folder),
  • mvn validate to test for checkstyle violations (we use google_checks.xml),
  • mvn test to run our pre-written unit tests (gathered in the src/test/java folder) that are designed to represent difficult a diverse range of different scenarios.

To run e.g., all the test methods whose name starts with simulationIsStructural in the tests.SimulationTest class, use

mvn -Dtest="tests.SimulationTest#simulationIsStructural*" test


We are thrilled that you consider contributing to our project. Please refer to our contributing guidelines.

Additional Information

Developer slang

Some parts of this program are named different from the convention. Some of the notable ones are are listed below:

  1. Channel names are referred to as 'Labels'
  2. Parallel operators (|) are referred to as 'Concurrent Processes'
  3. Deterministic operators (+) are referred to as 'Summation Processes'
  4. CCSK keys (a[k0].P) are referred to as 'Label Keys'

Syntax and Precedence of Operators

This program follows a slightly modified semantic structure based off of CCSK. Some notes are included below.

  • By default, all labels are given implicit null processes (a is implied to represent a.0). This is toggleable using the --require-explicit-null flag.

  • Channel labels are limited to lowercase english letters [a-z].

  • Complement channels are represented by an apostrophe before the label, 'a, 'b, etc.

  • Process names are limited to uppercase english letters [A-Z].

  • We assume that all channels sharing the same label are complements. This means that 'a is the complement to a, 'b to b, and so forth.

  • Restrictions are applied under the following format: a.P\{a,b,c}.

  • We assume that the operators have decreasing binding power, in the following order: \a, a., |, +.

    • This means that a|b\{a} will be interpreted as (a)|(b\{a}).
    • More specifically, a.a + b | c \{a} is to be read as (a.a) + (b | (c\a)) (infix notation) or + . a a | b \a c (postfix notation).
    • Of course, parenthesis take precedence over all operators.
    • Redundant parenthesis are permitted, e.g., (((a)|(b))) will be accepted but interpreted as (a|b).

Command arguments (flags)

This program can be configured by using command-line arguments, or flags. The flags are as follows:

Flag Description
--debug Enables debug mode. Will print info to stdout
--help Prints help message documenting flags
--dL Labels are visibly differentiated by integers
--hide-keys CCSK keys are hidden
--sA Alternative display mode for summation processes. Reversible summations are not annotated
--process-names-equivalent Processes names will be treated as being equivalent (P == Q)
--sC Alternative display mode for summation processes. Reversible summations are hidden after execution
--require-explicit-null Labels explicitly require a trailing process. Labels will no longer have an implicit null process attached
--hP Parenthesis surrounding complex processes will be omitted
--dN Null processes will be displayed explicitly
--iU Parser will ignore unrecognized characters in the process formula
--kL (Deprecated) Keys will be visibly similar to the label they represent
--gui Program will start with a GUI instead of CLI
--forward-only Program will run in a non-reversible paradigm
--interactive Run the program in interactive mode. In interactive mode, the given process will be displayed and the user will be prompted to give a label or key to act on.
--enumerate Run the program in enumeration mode (Default). In enumeration mode, the given process will be enumerated to completion, and the transition tree will be printed to stdout
--validate Run the program in validation mode. In validation mode, a user inputted file will be scanned for processes to parse. Processes in the file must be separated by newlines, with one process per line. Each process will be validated for syntax and formatting.
--equivalence Run the program in equivalence mode. In equivalence mode, your input will be in the form of a list of processes separated by commas (,). All equivalence relationships between the given processes will be printed.
--regenerate Run the program in regeneration mode. In regeneration mode, you may input a process that has already begun execution. It will then regenerate to its ancestor process and enumerate.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please refer to the file


When contributing, the project version must be appropriately incremented inside the pom.xml file. We use a semantic Maj.Min.Patch.Rev system, where:

  • Maj = Major feature or system overhaul
  • Min = Feature addition
  • Patch = Bug fix
  • Rev = Revision (code cleanup, minor edits)

When making changes, increment the version number according to changes made.


This project, in particular, is a working implementation of the Calculus of Communicating Systems with Keys (CCSk). Some of the other implementations of process algebras that are publicly available are:

The implementation of CCSk described in this master thesis is to our knowledge not publicly available.


  1. Inspired by