A Cisco SecureX Concrete Relay implementation using QRadar as a third-party Cyber Threat Intelligence service provider.
The Relay itself is just a simple application written in Python that can be easily packaged and deployed.
- We need an application that will translate API requests from SecureX Threat Response to the third-party integration, and vice versa.
- We need an application that can be completely self contained within a virtualized container using Docker.
Open the code folder in your terminal.
cd code
If you want to test the application you will require Docker and several dependencies from the Pipfile file:
pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pipenv && pipenv install --dev
You can perform two kinds of testing:
Run static code analysis checking for any semantic discrepancies and PEP 8 compliance:
flake8 .
Run the suite of unit tests and measure the code coverage:
coverage run --source api/ -m pytest --verbose tests/unit/ && coverage report
NOTE. If you need input data for testing purposes you can use data from the observables.json file.
In order to build the application, we need to use a Dockerfile
- Open a terminal. Build the container image using the
docker build
docker build -t tr-05-qradar .
- Once the container is built, and an image is successfully created, start your container using the
docker run
command and specify the name of the image we have just created. By default, the container will listen for HTTP requests using port 9090.
docker run -dp 9090:9090 --name tr-05-qradar tr-05-qradar
- Watch the container logs to ensure it starts correctly.
docker logs tr-05-qradar
Once the container has started correctly, open your web browser to http://localhost:9090. You should see a response from the container.
This application was developed and tested under Python version 3.9.
POST /health
- Verifies the Authorization Bearer JWT and decodes it to restore the original credentials.
- Authenticates to the underlying external service to check that the provided credentials are valid and the service is available at the moment.
POST /observe/observables
- Accepts a list of observables and filters out unsupported ones.
- Verifies the Authorization Bearer JWT and decodes it to restore the original credentials.
- Makes a series of requests to the underlying external service to query for some log data on each supported observable.
- Maps the fetched data into appropriate CTIM entities.
- Returns a list per each of the following CTIM entities (if any extracted):
POST /refer/observables
- Accepts a list of observables and filters out unsupported ones.
- Builds a search link per each supported observable to pivot back to the QRadar console and look up event logs with the observable there.
- Returns a list of those links.
POST /respond/observables
- Accepts a list of observables and filters out unsupported ones.
- Verifies the Authorization Bearer JWT and decodes it to restore the original credentials.
- Makes a series of requests to the underlying external service to query for actions available for given observables.
- Returns a list of those actions.
POST /respond/trigger
- Accepts an observable and an action.
- Verifies the Authorization Bearer JWT and decodes it to restore the original credentials.
- Triggers an action at the underlying external service.
- Returns an action result.
POST /version
- Returns the current version of the application.
Each event log in response from the QRadar API for the IP observables generates the following CTIM entities:
are based on the date and time the observable was seen in the logs and the log source that provided the event log.