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HDBT theme is a base theme for the City of Helsinki. It is based on the core theme stable9. The abbrevation comes from the words Helsinki Drupal Base Theme. Style follows the BEM methodology and javascript is written as ES6. The JS and SCSS files are compiled and minified with webpack.


This theme requires Drupal core >= 9.1.0.

Requirements for developing:


Command Make command Description
nvm use N/A Uses correct Node version chosen for the theme compiler.
npm i make install-hdbt Install dependencies and link local packages.
npm ci N/A Install a project with a clean slate. Use especially in travis like environments.
npm run dev make watch-hdbt Compile styles and js for development environment. and watch file changes.
npm run build make build-hdbt Build packages for production. Minify CSS/JS.

Consistent Node version defined in .nvmrc should be used. For development, use either nvm to select the correct version or make commands that select the version automatically. Run make the commands from the table above in the project directory of your instance. For more information, see

Set up the developing environment with nvm by running

nvm use
npm i

Explanations for commands.

  • nvm use : Install and use the correct version of Node.
  • npm i : As stated above; Install dependencies and link local packages.

Related files.

  • .nvmrc : Defines the node version used to compile the theme.
  • package.json and package-lock.json : Defines the node modules and scripts for compiling the theme.
  • postcss.config.js and postcss.plugins.js : Configurations for the postcss-tool that is run when the theme is built. You can read more about the tool here:
  • webpack.config.js : Configuration file for the webpack-tool that is used to actually build the theme. Similar tool to Gulp or Grunt. Usually if there is something wrong with the compiled theme files the culprit can be found here.
  • webpack.svgToSprite.js : This file is used to create a sprite of all the icons used on the site. It gets all the icons from the ./src, compiles them into a sprite under ./dist/icons and also creates a css-file where the icons are referenced called ./dist/css/hdbt-icons.css.

Structure for files and folders

The config-folder

The config folder includes configurations that are used when installing a new project from scratch. These configuration files are copied under the conf/cmi folder and used there. Therefore, altering them under the theme doesn't change anything unless you are building a new instance.

The dist- and src-folders

Under the ./src folder, there are all the theme components that are being compiled to the ./dist folder, such as CSS, JavaScript, icons, and fonts. The ./dist folder includes the compiled version of the same information created using the commands listed under the commands title.

The theme styles under the ./scss folder are structured by implementing principles from the ITCSS architecture but with small adjustments to make it work for the needs of the project.


Under the ./templates folder, the structure is similar to the base-theme stable9 with a few additions, such as the ./templates/module folder that includes templates for the helfi-prefixed modules created for this project.


The ./translations folder includes translations for all the translatable strings provided by the hdbt-theme.

Webpack entries

Any .js file in /src/js/ will be compiled to separate entry and minified into the /dist folder. Typescript entrypoints must be added separately. See webpack.config.js.

How to use entries in Drupal libraries


  version: 1.x
      dist/css/component-library.min.css: {}
    dist/js/component-library.min.js: {}

Library must be loaded on the page where it's used. It can be added via preprocess function or in a twig template. Read more about using libraries in Drupal from for example from here.

Usage as a base-theme

When building new projects using the drupal-helfi-platform you are provided with this theme. To maintain upgradeability of this theme you should never add it to your version control and/or make changes to this theme directly, but instead create a sub-theme that uses this HDBT-theme as the base theme for your project. You can read more about building sub-themes here:

This theme is under constant development and features, fixes and improvements will be added in new releases. To benefit from these updates use composer update drupal/hdbt to update the theme regularly. Please notice however that updating the theme can break some of the functionality that you have done in your site so test the changes carefully before applying them. The version control for this theme can be found from

How tos

My javascript has unexpected errors when loading a page in Drupal.

If you have compiled the code with dev-flag (nmp run dev), then the sourcemaps expects the JS files to be found in correct places. This means that JS preprocessing (minifying) should be turned off. Just add the following lines to local.settings.php.

$config['system.performance']['css']['preprocess'] = 0;
$config['system.performance']['js']['preprocess'] = 0;

I need to rebuild caches every time I build the css or change the twig files. How can I automate it?

You can create a local.settings.php and files to /sites/default/ folder and paste the following contents in them.

Keep in mind that using the Null Cache Backend is the primary culprit for caching issues. F.e. Something works in local environment, but not in production environment.

    debug: true # Displays twig debug messages, developers like them
    auto_reload: true # Reloads the twig files on every request, so no drush cache rebuild is required
    cache: false # No twig internal cache, important: check the example.settings.local.php to fully disable the twig cache

  cache.backend.null: # Defines a Cache Backend Factory which is just empty, it is not used by default
    class: Drupal\Core\Cache\NullBackendFactory


 * @file
 * An example of Drupal 9 development environment configuration file.
$settings['cache']['bins']['render'] = 'cache.backend.null';
$settings['cache']['bins']['page'] = 'cache.backend.null';
$settings['cache']['bins']['dynamic_page_cache'] = 'cache.backend.null';

$settings['skip_permissions_hardening'] = TRUE;

$config['system.performance']['css']['preprocess'] = 0;
$config['system.performance']['js']['preprocess'] = 0;
$config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'some';

I get some mysterious 404 errors on console after building my theme using the 'npm run dev'

The issue here is actually in the combination of source maps and theme js aggregation. The system cannot find the files associated with source maps because the aggregation names the files differently. What you need to do is disable js aggregation from Drupal. Go to /admin/config/development/performance and uncheck 'Aggregate JavaScript files'. Clear site caches and you should be able to continue with your work.

How can I add custom translations?

Add your UI translations to ./translations/{fi/sv}.po files like it is explained in Translation in Drupal documentation: These translations consists of:


$this->t('Example', [], ['context' => 'My custom context'])


{{ 'Example'|t({}, {'context': 'My custom context'}) }}


const variable = Drupal.t('Example', {}, {context: 'My custom context'});

And the way to add the actual translation in to f.e. fi.po is done like so:

msgctxt "My custom context"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Esimerkki"

To see these translation changes in an instance, run in container shell:

drush locale:check && drush locale:update && drush cr

And then flush all caches from top left drupal admin menu under "Druplicon".

If the translation are still not showing, make sure that your /public/sites/default/files/translations has sufficient permissions.

I have some php linter errors

You can lint or fix php in instance root's shell

To lint

vendor/bin/phpcs public/themes/contrib/hdbt --extensions=php,module,theme,inc --ignore="*.js,*.css" --standard=Drupal

To fix

vendor/bin/phpcbf public/themes/contrib/hdbt --extensions=php,module,theme,inc --ignore="*.js,*.css" --standard=Drupal

How to develop React apps

Add new REACT_SEARCHES entrypoint into webpack.config.js.

Add new library to libraries.yml file.

Inside Drupal: Load correct Drupal library to the page. Run npm run dev and make sure caches are disabled. Outside Drupal: Open React app index.html file in browser and run npm run dev.

To build minified js file into the /dist folder run npm run build.

Remember to update library version number when making changes to react search e.g. 1.1 => 1.2.

React libraries should have a preprocess: false setting that it won't be merged to other JS files. In that way if there's an error in some JS file it won't break every JS functionality on the site.


We are using the airbnb. The current eslint config is the bare minimum that should pass always everywhere. Extend as necessary.

Why is it so hard?

  • the eslint rules might be used from root (or beyond root) due to husky being funny
  • prettier overrides airbnb if setup incorrectly
  • root eslint rules (inside instance) might be very old
  • instance gitignore excludes subsequent eslints
  • when developing modules/themes under instance, the rules might chain in an unpredictable way

How to use the eslint rules

  • please use formatting and lint rules included in this repository
  • make sure that your IDE applies these rules and not others when using this repo in an instance
  • always use eslint formatting with prettier, never only prettier
  • always verify, never override lint-staged
  • fix your code before commit
  • only override eslint rules inline for readability

Visual regression testing

See Testing documentation.

BackstopJS is used for testing visual regressions. By default, the testing runs with Chromium as the browser engine. The tests run against the content from the helfi_test_content module, so it should be installed and the test content imported.

Fast test

Fast test is for a quicker check covering only two breakpoints, mobile and desktop. Also not all variants are checked in this mode.

  1. Before any changes, run npm run fast-reference for creating reference images.
  2. After the changes, run npm run build.
  3. To generate the test images and comparison report, run npm run fast-test.
  4. Check the results from the link given at the end of the test.

Full test

Full test is a more comprehensive test that covers multiple variants, edge cases and breakpoints.

  1. Before any changes, run npm run full-reference for creating reference images, or copy existing reference images from GitHub Actions: gh run download -n bitmaps -D backstop/full/bitmaps_reference
  2. Make the changes and run npm run build.
  3. To generate the test images and comparison report, run npm run full-test.
  4. Check the results from the link given at the end of the test.

Adding a new component to the test

  1. Add the component to the helfi_test_content module following the instuctions in its README.
  2. Add a test scenario for the component following the example of existing scenarios.

Filtering components to test

It's possible to filter which components are tested by adding the name or part of it in the end of the command.

A command npm run fast-reference list would test all components that have "list" in their name, for example "events list" and "news list".

Known issues

On a Windows + WSL2 setup with Chromium as the engine, the test might get stuck in the beginning for painfully long time. This probably can be fixed with some configuration but as a workaround, the engine for the tests can also be switched to Firefox or Webkit with the engineOptions option in backstop_dynamic_js.

'engineOptions': {
  'browser': 'chromium',
  // 'browser': 'firefox',
  // 'browser': 'webkit',

GitHub Actions

The visual regression tests are run against every "Ready to review" pull request by default.

Known issues

Image styles fail to load after Actions cache flush.

Tests are run with asyncCaptureLimit configuration, meaning multiple tests are run in parallel, causing image styles to return a 503: Retry after response.

This can be fixed by running the tests again.

Preview changes

Each test run will result in a preview site hosted as GitHub Pages where you can compare the test results against the latest reference images.

There should be a comment by github-actions user with the test results when the preview is ready.

Approve changes

Visual regressions can be approved by merging the pull request. New reference images will be generated automatically on commit to the main branch.


Due to limitations of GitHub Actions, only one test suite can be queued and run at a time; any additional run will be canceled automatically and must be re-started manually.

You can skip the visual regression testing by marking your pull request as "Draft" until it's actually ready for review.


Slack: #helfi-drupal (