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File metadata and controls

85 lines (73 loc) · 26.7 KB

Information Classification

In line with the NYC Cyber Commands "Information Classification Policy", information processed, stored or transmitted within this system will be classified with one of the criteria detailed below


Restricted Information

Information shall be designated as "Restricted" if the unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of such information could be expected to have a severe or catastrophic adverse effect on the City’s operations, organizational assets, or individuals.

Sensitive Information

Information shall be designated as "Sensitive" if the unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of such information could be expected to have a serious adverse effect on the City’s operations, organizational assets, or individuals or if such information is only intended for internal use.

Non-Restricted Information

Information shall be designated as "Non-Restricted" if the unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of such information could be expected to have a limited adverse effect on the City’s operations, organizational assets, or individuals, or if the public disclosure of such information is not likely to have an adverse effect on the ability of the City to deliver services efficiently and effectively.

Identifying Information

"Identifying Information" as defined in the New York City Administrative Code section 23-1201 and "Personal Identifying Information" as defined in the New York City Administrative Code section 10-501 must be classified as either "Sensitive" or "Restricted" Information, except where the Agency’s privacy officer or the City’s Chief Privacy Officer determines such classification is not required.


Information Key/Field Storage Location/Details Comments Classification Basis Classification City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). ID of an Account Delegate record. None Non-Restricted Information
account_delegates.accountId City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). ID of the users account this record is used to grant Delegated Access to. None Non-Restricted Information
account_delegates.delegateEmail City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). Email address that can be used to access the account specified by Account ID. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
account_delegates.status City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). Status of the Account Delegate record, which will be persisted as "Invitation Sent" or "Active". None Non-Restricted Information
account_delegates.inviteValidUntil City specific MYSQL Database Stored as date. The date after which an Account Delegate invitation can not longer be accepted. None Non-Restricted Information
account_delegates.createdBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that created the Account Delegate record. None Non-Restricted Information
account_delegates.createdAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the Account Delegate record was created. None Non-Restricted Information
account_delegates.updatedBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that last updated the Account Delegate record. None Non-Restricted Information
account_delegates.updatedAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the Account Delegate record was last updated. None Non-Restricted Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). ID of a Collection record. None Non-Restricted Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Name of a Collection record. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
collections.ownerId City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). ID of the user this record belongs to. None Non-Restricted Information
collections.createdBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that created the Collection record. None Non-Restricted Information
collections.createdAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the Collection record was created. None Non-Restricted Information
collections.updatedBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that last updated the Collection record. None Non-Restricted Information
collections.updatedAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the Collection record was last updated. None Non-Restricted Information
collections_documents.collectionId City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). The ID of the Collection in the Collection Document link. None Non-Restricted Information
collections_documents.documentId City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). The ID of the Document in the Collection Document link. None Non-Restricted Information
collections_documents.createdBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that created the Collection Document link. None Non-Restricted Information
collections_documents.createdAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the Collection Document link was created. None Non-Restricted Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). ID of the Collection Grant record. None Non-Restricted Information
collections_grants.collectionId City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(40). The ID of the Collection this record grants access to. None Non-Restricted Information
collections_grants.requirementType City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The type of requirement that a user needs to match to be granted access to this collection, e.g. A type of "INDIVIDUAL_EMAIL" means the users email field must match the value specified in "requirementValue" None Non-Restricted Information
collections_grants.requirementValue City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The value used in conjunction with the requirement type to grant access to the collection. e.g. If the type is "INDIVIDUAL_EMAIL" then this field will contain a fully formed email address. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
collections_grants.createdBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that created the Collection Grant record. None Non-Restricted Information
collections_grants.createdAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the Collection Grant record was created. None Non-Restricted Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). ID of the Document record. None Non-Restricted Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). User specified name of the Document. Identifying Information Restricted Information
documents.ownerId City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). ID of the user this record belongs to. None Non-Restricted Information
documents.source City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Source of the Document, e.g. Scan, Photo. For future use. None Non-Restricted Information
documents.format City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Format of the Document, e.g. PDF, PNG. Superseded by "file.contentType". None Non-Restricted Information
documents.type City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Type of the document, e.g. Social Security Card, Birth Certificate. For future use. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
documents.expiryDate City specific MYSQL Database Stored as date. Expiry Date of the physical document, e.g. for a Drivers License, the date it needs to be replaced. For future user. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
documents.createdAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the Document record was created. None Non-Restricted Information
documents.updatedAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the Document record was last updated. None Non-Restricted Information
documents.createdBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that created the Document record. None Non-Restricted Information
documents.updatedBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that last updated the Document record. None Non-Restricted Information
documents.description City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). User specified description of the Document. Identifying Information Restricted Information
documents.thumbnailPath City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Path to the system generated thumbnail for the Document. None Non-Restricted Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). ID of the File record. None Non-Restricted Information
files.documentId City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(40). ID of the Document this File belongs to. None Non-Restricted Information
files.order City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable int. The order of the File within the Documents File list. None Non-Restricted Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The original file name. Identifying Information Restricted Information
files.path City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(500). The path to the uploaded file (see "file uploads") or location to upload the file. None Non-Restricted Information
files.received City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable tinyint. Marker that the file has been uploaded into the system (see "file uploads") None Non-Restricted Information
files.contentType City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). Content Type, e.g. "application/pdf", "image/jpeg". None Non-Restricted Information
files.contentLength City specific MYSQL Database Stored as int. Content Length of the file. Used as part of the presigned upload request to enforce files are within the size tolerance. None Non-Restricted Information
files.sha256Checksum City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). SHA-256 Checksum of the files content. Used to verify that the content received for a file matches the intended file content. None Non-Restricted Information
files.createdAt City specific MYSQL Database Stored as timestamp. The date the File record was created. None Non-Restricted Information
files.createdBy City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(255). The user ID that created the File record. None Non-Restricted Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as varchar(40). ID of the User record. None Non-Restricted Information
users.givenName City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Given name of the user. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
users.familyName City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Family name of the user. Identifying Information Sensitive Information City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Email of the user. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
users.syncTimestamp City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable varchar(255). Last time the details of the user was synced with the user authentication store. None Non-Restricted Information
users.attributes City specific MYSQL Database Stored as nullable json. Any extra attributes stored against the given user. For future user. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
activity logs User specific AWS CloudWatch Log Stream in City specific AWS CloudWatch Log Group Stored as json. Written progressively as actions take place within a users account. Identifying Information Sensitive Information
file uploads City specific S3 bucket Binary objects. Encrypted with city-specific KMS key. Identifying Information Restricted Information
collection compilations City specific S3 bucket Binary objects. Has a 14 lifetime (applied by S3 lifecycle rule). Application will regenerate the file if its not available. Identifying Information Restricted Information