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Testing for Accessibility

We can test for accessibility issues with axe-core in Cypress using cypress-axe.

Running version of the below examples is located in


Adding accessibility commands

Here an example of functions you can add to commands.js to test accessibility with different window sizes and log them in a table:

// Logs a11y violations, taken from
function terminalLog(violations) {
    `${violations.length} accessibility violation${
      violations.length === 1 ? '' : 's'
    } ${violations.length === 1 ? 'was' : 'were'} detected`,
  // pluck specific keys to keep the table readable
  const violationData =
    ({ id, impact, description, nodes }) => ({
      nodes: nodes.length,

  cy.task('table', violationData)

// Check for accessibility issues with different window sizes.
// Taken from
Cypress.Commands.add('checkA11yWithMultipleViewPorts', () => {
    [1920, 1080],
  ].forEach((size) => {
    if (Array.isArray(size)) {
      cy.viewport(size[0], size[1])
    } else {
    cy.checkA11y(null, null, terminalLog)

Loading a sitemap and testing all pages

Credit to @thejuliekramer for figuring this out. Use the x2js package to load all URLs from the sitemap.

import 'x2js'

const X2JS = require('x2js')

Cypress.Commands.add('getSitemapLocations', () => {
  return fetch('/sitemap.xml')
    .then((res) => res.text())
    .then((xml) => {
      const x2js = new X2JS()
      const json = x2js.xml2js(xml)
      // formatting the array of urls and last modified dates as ["", "2019-04-08T14:34Z"]
      const urls = => [url.loc, url.lastmod])
      return urls

Cypress.Commands.add('isWithinTimeframe', (lastmod, timeframe) => {
  const now = new Date()
  if (lastmod != 'undefined') {
    var lastmod = lastmod
  } else {
    var lastmod = null
  const then = new Date(lastmod)
  const msBetweenDates = Math.abs(then.getTime() - now.getTime())
  const daysBetweenDates = msBetweenDates / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
  return cy.wrap(daysBetweenDates < timeframe)

Use the custom commands to check all pages for accessibility issues and do so only after set number of days since last modified. The following is the cypress.config.js file contents:

const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')

module.exports = defineConfig({
  env: {
    includedImpacts: ['minor', 'moderate', 'serious', 'critical'],
    daysSinceLastModified: 30,
    // Pages that should not be tested bc they redirect, etc.
    // @TODO: Find a way to do this more elegantly than listing in the config.
    disallowedList: ['node/12'],

Here is the accessibility test spec:

describe('Accessibility is honored', () => {
  it('on every page', () => {
    let timeframe = Cypress.env('daysSinceLastModified')
    cy.getSitemapLocations().then((pages) => {
      // Format of pages is ["", "2019-04-08T14:34Z"].
      pages.forEach((page) => {
        cy.task('log', `url: ${page[0]} lastmod: ${page[1]}`)

        // Strip the full page down to the path so we can match against disallowed list.
        let path = page[0].replace(Cypress.config('baseUrl') + '/', '')

        cy.isWithinTimeframe(page[1], timeframe).then((withinTimeframe) => {
          // Ensure the page has been changed in the timeframe and the page is not external.
          if (
            withinTimeframe &&
            page[0].includes(Cypress.config('baseUrl')) &&
          ) {
            cy.visit(page[0], { failOnStatusCode: false })

                includedImpacts: Cypress.env('includedImpacts'),

Axe rules options

Axe has many rules to test against for accessibility violations, but you can choose to filter out certain rules during a test run. The cy.checkA11y() has an object you can pass in to alter the rules definitions.

  // The first object is for Context.
  // The second object is for Options, which contains "rules".
    rules: {
      // There is one 'Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks' listed, but I can't find
      // this violation using other don't know how to fix.
      region: { enabled: false },

In that example, the test still checks all the other rules than "region", which is the rule name for making sure "all page content is contained by landmarks". This is a better alternative to skipping the test, it.skip() until you can fix the code that makes the rule pass.

However, it can be confusing to know what each rule stands for, and whenever you want to exclude or alter a rule definition, you should consult the Rules Description documentation. It is nicely broken out into different sections based on WCAG levels amongst other parameters.

Useful references