public function washString(string $string): string
Replace special chars to regular ones
public function removeAccents($string): string
Remove accents from a string
public function removeLetters(string $input): string
Remove letters from a string
public function cleanString(string $input): string
Replace special chars to regular ones
public function deleteWordsFromString(string $input, array $wordsList): string
Delete an array of words from a string
public function stripLineBreaks(string $input): string
Remove all line breaks from a string
public function niceSubStr(string $input, int $length = 200): string
Does a substr without cutting a word in two
public function stringToLabel(string $input): string
Convert a string to a "labeled" version, like hello-you-foo
public function generateRandomString(int $length): string
Generates a random string
public function startsWith(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
Check if a string starts with another string
public function endsWith(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
Check if a string ends with another string
public function removeExtraSpaces(string $input): string
Remove extra spaces