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React.js component library for building a seamless checkout and account management process


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MediaStore SDK


Breaking changes in version 4.0. See the imports section of this file for more information.

This is the Cleeng official component library to be used with React.js.

MediaStore SDK Library consists of components that will allow you to build a seamless checkout process, help visitors become subscribers, and then allow them to manage their subscriptions.

To find out more about MediaStore SDK, see:

Table of Contents



  • Node v14.15.0
  • React (v18.2.0)


// npm
npm i @cleeng/mediastore-sdk styled-components
// or yarn
yarn add @cleeng/mediastore-sdk styled-components


1. Import the required CSS

We removed CSS imports from third-party libraries in version 4.0 to improve compatibility with Next.js (which, somewhat controversially, doesn't currently allow CSS imports from the node_modules directory). You'll have to import them manually in your app:

// import the following stylesheets in _app.js for Next.js projects, or your main App component for other use cases

import '@adyen/adyen-web/dist/adyen.css';
import 'react-loading-skeleton/dist/skeleton.css';

2. Configuration

If you have the package downloaded locally and you want to begin to use it, you should start with the configuration. You can do this by using the Config class which has a few important methods to do it. Components may require additional config, so check the requirements for a component that you want to use.

Config functions save data to local storage (as CLEENG_* items). These data are required to make components work. You need to call these functions, before MSSDK components mount, usually only once.

Config methods

Method Param Description
setEnvironment 'sandbox' | 'production' Required for all components. Default: sandbox
setJWT JWT :string Customer authorization token received from login / registration / SSO endpoint
setRefreshToken refeshToken :string Customer refresh token received from login / registration / SSO endpoint
setPublisher publisherId :string Your broadcaster ID in the Cleeng system
setOffer offerId :string offerId is the ID of the offer created for your broadcaster in the Cleeng system
setCheckoutPayPalUrls {successURL: string, cancelUrl: string,errorUrl: string } PayPal redirection URLs, required for Paypal payment
setMyAccountPayPalUrls {successURL: string, cancelUrl: string, errorUrl: string } PayPal redirection URLs, required for update PayPal payment details. Query param 'message' with a readable error message will be added to errorUrl when an error occurs
setMyAccountUrl url: string My account URL. Needed for checkout legal notes
setOfferSelectionUrl url: string Url to offer selection page. Recommended for CTA when the customer has no active plan
setTheme styles:object More information in the Styling section.
setVisibleAdyenPaymentMethods paymentMethods: string[] Array of payment methods names that should be presented in Checkout and MyAccount. Available options: applepay, card, googlepay, ideal
setHidePayPal - Option to hide PayPal, by default PayPal will be visible when configured
setEnable3DSRedirectFlow - Set to true to force 3DS redirect flow.
setLanguage language :string Option to change language without reloading page
setTermsUrl termsUrl :string Option to Provide a URL for Terms & Conditions: This feature will display a link to them adjacent to the payment method.
setResetUrl resetUrl :string Option to Provide a URL for custom password reset page. This URL will be sent in an email with additional parameters: email, resetPasswordToken, publisherId

Usage sample

import { Config } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';

Config.setVisibleAdyenPaymentMethods(['card', 'applepay']);

Auth methods

Method Param Description
isLogged - Returns true if the customer is authenticated (valid JWT or existing refresh token in local storage)
logout clb removes all Cleeng data from local storage and redux. clb - optional callback function
Auth.logout(() => console.log('The customer has been logged out')));

3. Embed component (sample)

Each component needs to be wrapped into Provider, as in the example below. Component should be rendered in the browser - if you are using NextJS, turn off SSR for MSSDK components.

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Config, Purchase, Auth, store  } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from "react-redux";

// for NextJS:
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";

const Purchase = dynamic(
  () => import("@cleeng/mediastore-sdk").then(mod => mod.Purchase),
  { ssr: false }
// end of 'for NextJS'

export default function Home() {

  useEffect(() => {
    // your logic on mount
  }, []);

  return (
     {Auth.isLogged() ? (
        <Provider store={store}>
          <Purchase offerId="S222222222_US"/>
      ) : (

Available components

You can build a complete flow - allowing customers to buy your offering and use their customer accounts - with two main components:

  • Checkout - a full purchase flow (starting from registration to purchase)
  • MyAccount - a complete customer account environment

If you prefer smaller components, you can use these to implement the exact features you need:


Checkout is a complex component that covers the whole checkout process, from the registration to the purchase. It contains components listed below:

Config methods

Config.setPublisherId('123456789'); // required
Config.setMyAccountUrl(''); // required for legal notes
  // PayPal redirection URLs, required for PayPal payment
  successUrl: '',
  cancelUrl: '',
  errorUrl: ''
Config.setVisibleAdyenPaymentMethods(['card', 'googlepay']); // array of presented payment methods


  • offerId * - ID of Cleeng offer, for which Checkout component should be opened. Accepts offerId with or without the country suffix, eg. S531234647_PL, S531234647.
  • onSuccess - function called after a successful checkout process.
  • resetPasswordCallback - function called after a successful reset password request, when customer clicks 'Go back to the login page'
  • adyenConfiguration - an optional parameter that can be used to customize look and feel of the Adyen payment in purchase section. Read more information about Adyen configuration here.
  • couponCode - coupon code that should be automatically applied
  • hideRedeemButton - an optional parameter that can be used to hide 'Redeem here' button


import { Checkout, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import adyenConfiguration from './adyenConfiguration';

<Provider store={store}>
    onSuccess={() => console.log('success')}
    resetPasswordCallback={() =>
      console.log('redirect customer to the login page')


MyAccount is a big component that contains all profile-management-related features. The following sections are available in MyAccount:

Config methods

Config.setPublisher('111111111'); // required when JWT or refreshToken are not provided
Config.setJWT('xxx'); // optional, when Login should be skipped
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional
  // PayPal redirection URLs, required for update PayPal payment details
  successUrl: '',
  cancelUrl: '',
  errorUrl: ''
Config.setVisibleAdyenPaymentMethods(['card', 'googlepay']); // array of presented payment methods


  • customCancellationReasons - array of the custom cancellation reasons. List of these reasons will be displayed in unsubscribe popup. The provided cancellation reasons will replace our default ones. Every cancellation reason should have value and key. You can use this key in your translations file, otherwise value will be always displayed.
  • skipAvailableDowngradesStep - an optional parameter that can be used to skip available downgrades step in the unsubscribe process.
  • skipAvailableFreeExtensionStep - an optional parameter that can be used to skip available Free Extension step in the unsubscribe process.
  • adyenConfiguration - an optional parameter that can be used to customize look and feel of the Adyen payment in update payment details section. Read more information about adyen configuration here.
  • displayGracePeriodError - an optional parameter that can be used to display error when customer is in a grace period.

Usage sample

import { MyAccount, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import adyenConfiguration from './adyenConfiguration';

const customCancellationReasons = [
    value: 'Poor customer support',
    key: 'custom-cancellation-reason.poor-customer-support'
    value: 'Switch to a different service',
    key: 'custom-cancellation-reason.switch-to-different-service'

<Provider store={store}>


Register component is a basic Cleeng registration form (see an example here).

Config methods

Config.setPublisher('111111111'); // required


  • onSuccess * - callback function called after successful registration
  • onHaveAccountClick * - function called when customer clicks Have an account? below the registration form

* - required

Usage sample

import {Auth, Config, Register} from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';


{Auth.isLogged() ? (
   // your logic, when the customer is logged in
  ) : (
      onSuccess={() => console.log("success")}
      onHaveAccountClick={() => console.log("have an account clicked")}


Login component is a basic Cleeng login form (see an example here).

Config methods

Config.setPublisher('111111111'); // required
Config.setOffer('S123456789_US'); // optional, can be used as a replacement of setPublisher


  • onSuccess * - callback function called after successful login
  • onRegisterClick - function called when customer clicks Go to register button
  • onPasswordResetClick - function called when customer clicks Forgot password? button

* - required

Usage sample


  onSuccess={() => console.log('success')}
  onRegisterClick={() => console.log('register button clicked')}
  onPasswordResetClick={() => console.log('password reset button clicked')}


PasswordReset is a basic reset password form that can be used for resetting passwords (see an example here). You can pass a function that will be called after successful processing of the request with onSuccess prop.

Config methods

Config.setPublisher('111111111'); // required


  • onSuccess * - callback function called after a successful reset password request

Usage sample

<PasswordReset onSuccess={() => console.log('success')} />


Purchase is a component that gives you a possibility to buy an offer in the Cleeng system. You have to be logged in before showing that component.


  • offerId * - ID of Cleeng offer, for which Purchase component should be opened. If not provided, it will use the item from local storage with name 'CLEENG_OFFER_ID'
  • onSuccess - function called after a successful payment process * - required
  • adyenConfiguration - an optional parameter that can be used to customize look and feel of the Adyen payment in purchase section. Read more information about adyen configuration here.
  • couponCode - coupon code that should be automatically applied

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required conditionally, if Login or Register component is not used
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional
Config.setMyAccountUrl(''); // required for legal notes
  // PayPal redirection URLs, required for PayPal payment
  successUrl: '',
  cancelUrl: '',
  errorUrl: ''
Config.setVisibleAdyenPaymentMethods(['card', 'googlepay']); // array of presented payment methods

Usage sample

import { Purchase, Config, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import adyenConfiguration from './adyenConfiguration';

<Provider store={store}>
    onSuccess={() => console.log('success')}


Subscriptions is a component that will list all subscriptions that are linked with a given logged in customer. There is an option to cancel or resume the selected subscription from the list of subscriptions.


  • skipAvailableDowngradesStep - an optional parameter that can be used to skip available downgrades step in the unsubscribe process.
  • skipAvailableFreeExtensionStep - an optional parameter that can be used to skip available Free Extension step in the unsubscribe process.

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional

Usage sample

import { Subscriptions, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

<Provider store={store}>
  <Subscriptions skipAvailableDowngradesStep />


This component shows a list of available switches for a given subscription passed in offerId prop.

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional


  • offerId * - ID of Cleeng offer, for which possible switches should be displayed. Customer has to have access to this offer

  • toOfferId - Use to open the switch popup by default. It's a ID of Cleeng offer to which customer wants to switch.

  • onCancel - required when toOfferId is provided. A function that will be called when the customer resigns from the switch. This function should, at least, unmount the SubscriptionSwitches component

  • onSwitchSuccess - required when toOfferId is provided. A function will be called when the switch succeeds and the customer clicked the 'Back to My Account' button. This function should, at least, unmount the SubscriptionSwitches component

  • onSwitchError - required when toOfferId is provided. A function will be called when the switch failed and the customer clicked the 'Back to My Account' button. This function should, at least, unmount the SubscriptionSwitches component

If you are providing the toOfferId prop you need to validate if this switch is possible for the customer (to do so, use get available switches endpoint).

Usage sample

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional

Usage sample

import { SubscriptionSwitches, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

<Provider store={store}>
  <SubscriptionSwitches offerId={'S538257415_PL'} />


PlanDetails is a component that contains previously described components

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional


  • customCancellationReasons - array of the custom cancellation reasons. List of that reasons will be displayed on unsubscribe popup. The provided cancellation reasons will replace our default ones. Every cancellation reason should have key and value. You can use this key in your translations file, otherwise value will be always displayed.
  • skipAvailableDowngradesStep - an optional parameter that can be used to skip available downgrades step in the unsubscribe process.
  • skipAvailableFreeExtensionStep - an optional parameter that can be used to skip available Free Extension step in the unsubscribe process.
  • displayGracePeriodError - an optional parameter that can be used to display error when customer is in a grace period.

Usage sample

import { PlanDetails } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

const customCancellationReasons = [
    value: 'Poor customer support',
    key: 'custom-cancellation-reason.poor-customer-support'
    value: 'Switch to a different service',
    key: 'custom-cancellation-reason.switch-to-different-service'

<Provider store={store}>


PaymentInfo is a component that contains all information about customer payments. A customer will be able to:

  • see or change his/her payment methods, and
  • check all transactions that took place in the past.

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional
  // PayPal redirection URLs, required for update PayPal payment details
  successUrl: '',
  cancelUrl: '',
  errorUrl: ''
Config.setVisibleAdyenPaymentMethods(['card', 'googlepay']); // array of presented payment methods


  • adyenConfiguration - an optional parameter that can be used to customize look and feel of the Adyen payment in update payment details section. Read more information about adyen configuration here.
  • displayGracePeriodError - an optional parameter that can be used to display error when customer is in a grace period.

Usage sample

import { PaymentInfo, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import adyenConfiguration from './adyenConfiguration';

<Provider store={store}>


TransactionList is a part of the PaymentInfo component and contains only information about all transactions that took place in the past.

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional

Usage sample

import { TransactionList, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

<Provider store={store}>
  <TransactionList />


UpdateProfile is a component that displays all information about the current customer. It also gives the possibility to change that profile information.

Customers will also be able to reset their password or update consents from the UpdateProfile component.

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional


  • displayGracePeriodError - an optional parameter that can be used to display error when customer is in a grace period.

Usage sample

import { UpdateProfile, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

<Provider store={store}>
  <UpdateProfile displayGracePeriodError />


CheckoutConsents is a simple form that contains all consents that have to be confirmed by a customer.

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional


  • onSuccess * - callback function called after successful form submission, or immediately if there are no available consents fields to update
<CheckoutConsents onSuccess={() => console.log('success')} />


Capture component is a form that was created for collecting customer data that a broadcaster wants to collect. A broadcaster can enable the capture feature and configure its settings in the Cleeng broadcaster dashboard. For more information, see Cleeng Capture.

If there are any required, and unanswered, capture questions, this component will show a proper form. If there are no available capture fields and no onSuccess it will show the loader.

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional


  • onSuccess * - callback function called after successful form submission, or, if there are no available capture fields, immediate

Usage sample

<Capture onSuccess={() => console.log('success')} />


RedeemGift is a component that gives possibility to redeem the gift code and obtain access to the offer received as a gift. RedeemGift component is available only for authenticated users. If user is not logged in, MSSDK:auth-failed event will be emitted.

Communication (events)

Config methods

Config.setJWT('xxx'); // required
Config.setRefreshToken('yyy'); // optional


  • onSuccess - callback function called after successful gift code redemption
  • onBackClick - callback function enabling the user to go back to the previous view

Usage sample

import { RedeemGift, store } from '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

<Provider store={store}>
    onBackClick={() => console.log('Back to the Checkout')}
    onSuccess={() => console.log('success')}



If your application doesn't have a font specified, you can apply the default font (OpenSans) for all MSSDK components by:

import '@cleeng/mediastore-sdk/dist/styles/msdFont.css';

Styling options

There are two ways of styling MediaStore SDK components:

SetTheme function

The setTheme() function gives you a possibility to change basic colors for all MediaStore SDK components.

Here is an example how to do it:

  fontColor: '#ffffff',
  backgroundColor: '#292525',
  cardColor: '#675d5d',
  successColor: '#435dc5',
  primaryColor: '#435dc5',
  loaderColor: '#cccccc',
  errorColor: 'red',
  logoUrl: 'link-to-the-logo'
Custom styles

Another way of styling components from the library is creating custom styles and overriding default styles by those that you have created. Every MediaStore SDK library component has many classes that can be used to select an element that needs to be styled. Their names are based on BEM.

Here is a simple example how styles can be added:

.msd__header {
  background: #292525;
  border-bottom: none;
.msd__header div {
  background-image: url('./logo\ —\ white.png');
  background-size: auto 60%;
.msd__auth-wrapper {
  background: #292525;
.msd__input {
  color: #fff;
.msd__input__label {
  background: #292525;
  color: #fff;


Components provide a way of communication with your application. Components send the events when important actions occur. Most of the events send additional data that is returned in the detail field. The Event detail column, in the table below, presents what is returned from detail object. To react to events, add an event listener, like in the sample below:

window.addEventListener('MSSDK:Purchase-loaded', () =>
  console.log('Purchase component loaded')
window.addEventListener('MSSDK:redeem-coupon-failed', (evt) =>
  console.log('Customer tried to apply coupon:',
List of available events
Event Event detail Description
MSSDK:Purchase-loaded {order: {...orderObject } } The event will be emitted when Purchase component data is loaded.
MSSDK:purchase-successful {payment: { ...paymentResponse} } The event will be emitted after successful payment action. For the Adyen payment paymentResponse object is the repsonse from Adyen payment response when for Paypal it is an object with the external payment method ID.
MSSDK:purchase-failed {reason: "Rejection reason"} } The event will be emitted after failed Adyen payment action.
MSSDK:Adyen-error {error: "Error message", fieldType: "fieldType"} The event will be emitted when any of the Adyen errors occur, or when the customer fixes the input and the error message disappears.
  • error - string with an error message. It will be empty when the error message disappears from the form.
  • fieldType - informs for which field error occurred. Possible values:
    - encryptedCardNumber
    - encryptedExpiryDate
    - encryptedSecurityCode.
MSSDK:redeem-coupon-success {coupon: "coupon code", source: "checkout"|"myaccount", order: { ...orderObject }} The event will be emitted after a successful coupon application in the checkout or in my account.
MSSDK:redeem-coupon-failed {coupon: "coupon code", source: "checkout"|"myaccount" The event will be emitted after a failed coupon application in the checkout or in my account.
MSSDK:redeem-coupon-button-clicked {source: "checkout"|"myaccount"} The event will be emitted after clicking 'Redeem coupon' button in the checkout or my account.
MSSDK:redeem-button-clicked {coupon: "coupon code", source: "checkout"|"myaccount"} The event will be emitted after clicking 'Redeem' button in the checkout or my account.
MSSDK:unsubscribe-button-clicked {offerId: "S123456789_US"} The event will be emitted after clicking the 'Unsubscribe' button in my account. This button opens an unsubscribe pop up.
MSSDK:unsubscribe-action-confirmed {cancellationReason: "Selected reason", offerId: "S123456789_US"} The event will be emitted after clicking 'confirm unsubscribe' button in my account. This button cancels the subscription.
MSSDK:unsubscribe-action-cancelled null The event will be emitted after clicking unsubscribe cancellation button in my account unsubscribe popup. This button cancels the unsubscribe process.
MSSDK:resume-button-clicked {offerId: "S123456789_US"} The event will be emitted after clicking the 'Resume' button in my account. This button opens a resume pop up.
MSSDK:resume-action-confirmed {offerId: "S123456789_US"} The event will be emitted after clicking 'Confirm resume' button in my account. This button reactivates the subscription.
MSSDK:resume-action-cancelled null This event will be emitted when the customer resigns to resume the subscription. This button cancels the subscription reactivation process and closes the resume popup.
MSSDK:switch-button-clicked {fromOfferId: "S123456789_US", toOfferId: "S123336741_US", switchDirection: "upgrade", algorithm: "DEFERRED"} The event will be emitted after clicking the subscription switch (upgrade/downgrade) button in my account. This button opens an offer switch pop up.
MSSDK:switch-popup-action-cancelled {fromOfferId: "S123456789_US", toOfferId: "S987654321_US", switchDirection: "downgrade", algorithm: "DEFERRED"} The event will be emitted when the customer resigns from switching the subscription (upgrading/downgrading). This button cancels the subscription switch process and closes an offer switch popup.
MSSDK:switch-popup-action-successful {fromOfferId: "S123456789_US", toOfferId: "S123336741_US", switchDirection: "upgrade", algorithm: "DEFERRED", subscriptionId: "123456789", subscriptionSwitchId: "abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnqrs-tuvw-xyz"} The event will be emitted when a request to switch the subscription succeeds.
MSSDK:switch-popup-action-failed {reason: "Error message"} The event will be emitted when a request to switch the subscription fails.
MSSDK:cancel-switch-button-clicked { pendingSwitchId: 'aaa-bbb', fromOfferId: 'S123456789_US', toOfferId: 'S987654321_US'} The event will be emitted when a customer clicks the 'Cancel switch' button.
MSSDK:cancel-switch-action-cancelled { pendingSwitchId: 'aaa-bbb', fromOfferId: 'S123456789_US', toOfferId: 'S987654321_US'} The event will be emitted when a customer resigns from canceling the switch.
MSSDK:cancel-switch-action-triggered { pendingSwitchId: 'aaa-bbb', fromOfferId: 'S123456789_US', toOfferId: 'S987654321_US'} The event will be emitted when a customer confirms the intention to stop the switch.
MSSDK:cancel-switch-action-successful { pendingSwitchId: 'aaa-bbb', fromOfferId: 'S123456789_US', toOfferId: 'S987654321_US'} The event will be emitted when a request to stop the switch succeeds.
MSSDK:cancel-switch-action-failed { pendingSwitchId: 'aaa-bbb', fromOfferId: 'S123456789_US', toOfferId: 'S987654321_US'}, reason: "Reason message" The event will be emitted when a request to stop the switch fails.
MSSDK:edit-payment-button-clicked {paymentMethod: "card"} The event will be emitted after clicking the 'Edit Payment' button in my account.
MSSDK:update-payment-details-successful null The event will be emitted when a request to update payment method succeeds.
MSSDK:update-payment-details-failed null The event will be emitted when a request to update payment details fails.
MSSDK:remove-payment-details-button-clicked null The event will be emitted after clicking 'Remove your payment method' button in my account.
MSSDK:remove-payment-details-action-confirmed null The event will be emitted after clicking 'Remove' button in my account update payment details survey. This button removes selected payment method.
MSSDK:remove-payment-details-action-cancelled null This event will be emitted when the customer resigns to remove payment details.
MSSDK:auth-failed {source: "EditPassword" | "Payment" | "RedeemGift" | "fetchHelper", message?: "Refresh token is expired or does not exist", refreshToken?: 005f9ba7b7cbbb82327a7bb4667858afa6f3503a915b2244800960d3a96e1111 This event will be emitted when JWT token expires and there is no refreshToken or fetching refresh token fails.
MSSDK:good-news-page null This event will be emitted when "Good news" page is displayed.
MSSDK:payment-page null This event will be emitted when "Payment" page is displayed.

Adyen configuration

By passing a special prop adyenConfiguration we are giving a possibility to customize an Adyen instance. Components that accept this prop are MyAccount, Checkout, PaymentInfo and Purchase.

If the payment method is not presented in the paymentMethodConfiguration object, then it doesn't have any optional configuration available.

The example Adyen configuration object with described properties is shown below:

  checkoutReturnUrl: '', // Optional - use only if you provide support to payment finalization in checkoutReturnUrl. The url to return the customer in case of a redirection during the payment process in checkout component. By default customer is redirected to the page where the payment was triggered and components handle payment finalization.
  myaccountReturnUrl: '', // Optional - use only if you provide support to add payment details finalization in myaccountReturnUrl. The url to return the customer in case of a redirection during add/update payment details process in my account component. By default customer is redirected to the page where the action was triggered and components handle finalization.
  analytics: {
      enabled: false, // Indicates if you're sending analytics data to Adyen. Default: true.
  paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
    card: {
      name: 'Credit Card', //	String that is used to display the payment method name to the shopper.
      billingAddressRequired: true, // Set to true to collect the shopper's billing address and mark the fields as required. Default: false
      billingAddressMode: 'partial', // If billingAddressRequired is set to true, you can set this to partial to require the shopper's postal code instead of the full address. Default: 'full'
      brands: ['visa'], // Array of card brands that will be recognized. For a list of possible values, refer to Default: ['mc','visa','amex']
      brandsConfiguration: { // Object where you can customize the icons for different brands.
        visa: {
            icon: 'https://...'
      showBrandIcon: true, // Set to false to not show the brand logo when the card brand has been recognized. Default: true
      showBrandsUnderCardNumber: true, // Shows brand logos under the card number field when the shopper selects the card payment method. Default: true
      positionHolderNameOnTop: true, // Renders the cardholder name field at the top of the payment form. Default: false
      styles: {}, // Set a style object to customize the card input fields. For a list of supported properties, refer to
      billingAddressAllowedCountries: ['US', 'CA', 'BR', 'PL'], // Specify allowed country codes for the billing address. Default: The Country field dropdown menu shows a list of all countries.
      minimumExpiryDate: '05/26', // If a shopper enters a date that is earlier than specified here, they will see the following error: "Your card expires before check out date." Format: 'mm/yy'
      autoFocus: true // Automatically move the focus from date field to the CVC field. The focus also moves to the date field when the entered card number reaches the expected length. Default: true
    googlePay: {
      buttonColor: 'white', // default: A Google-selected default value. Currently black but it may change over time.
      // black: A black button suitable for use on white or light backgrounds.
      // white: A white button suitable for use on colorful backgrounds.
      buttonType: 'buy', // The type of button you want displayed on your payments form.
      // For a list of supported properties, refer to
      // Default: 'buy'
      buttonLocale: 'en', // The language on the button. Defaults to the locale set on the current AdyenCheckout instance. Supported locales include en, ar, bg, ca, cs, da, de, el, es, et, fi, fr, hr, id, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, no, pl, pt, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, th, tr, uk, and zh.
      buttonSizeMode: 'fill' // Specifies whether the button changes to fill the size of its container, or has a static width and height.
      // static: Button has a static width and height
      // fill: Button size changes to fill the size of its container.
      // Default: 'fill'
    applePay: {
      buttonColor: 'black', // The color of button to be displayed on the payment form. Possible values:
      // 'black' - Use on white or light-color backgrounds that provide sufficient contrast. Don’t use on black or dark backgrounds.
      // 'white' - Use on dark-color backgrounds that provide sufficient contrast.
      // 'white-with-line' - Use the white button with black outline on white or very light backgrounds that don’t provide sufficient contrast for a plain white button. Don’t place this button on dark or saturated color backgrounds. Use the white button instead.
      buttonType: 'plain' // The type of button to fit best with the terminology and flow of your purchase or payment experience.
      // The default value is 'plain' which displays basic "Apple Pay" logo button.
      // 'buy': 'buy with Apple Pay'
      // 'check-out': 'Check out with Apple Pay'
      // 'subscribe': 'Subscribe with Apple Pay'
      // For all possible values and styling guidance, see
    ideal: {
      showImage: true, //	Set to false to remove the bank logos from the iDEAL form. Default: true
      issuer: "0031", // Optional. Set to an iDEAL issuer ID to preselect a specific bank, refer to:
      highlightedIssuers: ['0761', '0802'] // Optional. Set to the iDEAL issuer IDs for banks you want to show on top of the dropdown menu.
      placeholder: 'Choose your bank' // Optional. The string you want to show as the dropdown menu text. Custom translation configuration overrides this value. Default: 'Select your bank'
  locale: 'en-US', // The language used in the Drop-in UI. For possible values, see the,
  translations: {}, // The text displayed in each localization can be customized, allowing you to replace the default text with your own. You can read more about it here
  openFirstPaymentMethod: true // When enabled, Drop-in opens the first payment method automatically on page load. Default: (screen < 991px) false / (screen > 991px) true.


This feature is during the development process. Some texts may not be ready for translation yet.

Translations allow you to add a new language version or to change default wording. Currently, mediastore-sdk components are available only in English.

Below, you can find a short guide on how to implement custom copies or translations.

  1. Create a cleeng-translations folder inside /public folder in your application
  2. In previously created folder you can create separate folders for needed languages, eg. /es for Spanish.
  3. Create a new file in a language folder and name it translations.json. Copy the content from English version and translate the values in that file to the needed language. If you only want to modify wording, you can add and update only the needed keys with values.
  4. To enable a new language, you have to add ?lng=es at the end of your url or set an entry in your local storage.
localStorage.setItem('i18nextLng', 'es');
  1. To change language without reloading the page you can use Config method, it will automatically change i18nextLng in local storage.

Some of the languages require different directions than the default left-to-right. MediaStore SDK components library support right-to-left direction which can be enabled by adding the dir attribute to html tag.

<html dir="rtl"></html>


Website security is a crucial thing nowadays and it is good to secure the website as much as it can be. Because part of the mediastore-sdk components library is a payment process, we wanna give you the possibility to make your website secure and safe.

One of the possibilities to secure your website is Content Security Policy and it is also an Adyen recommendation to do so.

There are several ways to implement Content Security Policy. One of the ways is to add the <meta> element in the header of the web application. Below you can find an example of the Content Security Policy which can be set to secure your website. This one example allows an application only to use resources that are needed for mediastore-sdk:

    default-src 'self';
    script-src 'self' https://* https://* https://* https://*;
    style-src 'self' https://* https://* https://* https://* 'unsafe-inline';
    img-src 'self' data: https://* https://* https://* https://* https://*;
    connect-src 'self' * *;
    frame-src 'self' * *;"

Related documentation


The Cleeng MediaStore SDK is open source and available under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for more information.