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jluna: An Introduction

This page will give an abbreviated overview of most of jlunas relevant features and syntax.

Table Of Contents

Please navigate to the appropriate section by clicking the links below:

  1. Initialization & Shutdown
  2. Executing Code
  3. Controlling the Garbage Collector
    3.1 Enabling/Disabling GC
    3.2 Manual Collection
  4. Boxing / Unboxing
    4.1 Manual
    4.2 (Un)Boxable as Concepts
    4.3 List of (Un)Boxables
  5. Accessing Variables through Proxies
    5.1 Mutating Variables
    5.2 Accessing Fields
    5.3 Named Proxies
    5.4 Unnamed Proxies
    5.5 Detached Proxies
    5.6 Making a Named Proxy Unnamed
  6. Functions
    6.1 Accessing julia Functions from C++
    6.2 Calling julia Functions from C++
    6.3 Accessing C++ Functions from julia
    6.4 Calling C++ Functions from julia
    6.5 Allowed Function Names
    6.6 Allowed Function Signatures
    6.7 Using arbitrary Objects in julia Functions
  7. Arrays
    7.1 Constructing Arrays
    7.2 Indexing
    7.3 Iterating
    7.4 Vectors
  8. Expressions
  9. Usertypes
  10. C-API
    10.1 Meaning of C-Types
    10.2 Executing Code
    10.3 Forwarding Exceptions
    10.4 Accessing Values
    10.5 Functions
    10.5.1 Accessing Functions
    10.5.2 Calling Functions
    10.6 Arrays
    10.6.1 Accessing & Indexing Arrays
    10.6.2 Mutating Arrays
    10.7 Strings
    10.8 Initialization & Shutdown


Before any interaction with jluna or julia can take place, the julia state needs to be initialized:

#include <jluna.hpp>

using namespace jluna;
int main() 
    // all your application here
    return 0;

When a program exits regularly, all julia-side values allocated through jluna are safely deallocated automatically.

Executing Code

jluna has two ways of executing code (represented C++ side as string): with exception forwarding and without exception forwarding. Code called without exception forwarding will not only not report any errors, but simply appear to "do nothing". If a fatal error occurrs, the entire application wil crash without warning.
Because of this, it is highly recommended to always air on the side of safety by using the safe_ overloads whenever possible:

// without exception forwarding
State::script("your unsafe inline code");
jl_eval_string("your unsafe code");

// with exception forwarding
State::safe_script("your safe inline code");

Garbage Collector (GC)

The julia-side garbage collector operates completely independently, just like it would in a pure julia program. However, sometimes it is necessary to disable or control its behavior manually. To do this, jluna::State offers the following member functions:

Enabling/Disabling GC


Manually Triggering GC

// always works, if currently disabled, enables, then collects, then disables again

Checking if the GC is Enabled

bool State::is_garbage_collector_enabled();

When using jluna and not pure C-API, most objects are safe from being garbage collected. It is therefore rarely necessary to manually disable the GC. See the section on proxies for more information.

Boxing / Unboxing

Julia and C++ do not share any memory. Objects that have the same conceptual type can have very different memory layouts. For example, Char in julia is a 32-bit value, while it is 8-bits in C++. Comparing std::set to Base.set will of course be even more of a difference.
Because of this, when transferring memory from one languages state to the others, we're not only moving memory but converting it by reformating its layout.

Boxing is the process of taking C++-side memory, converting it and then allocating the now julia-compatible memory julia-side. Conversely, unboxing is the process of taking julia-side memory, converting it and then allocating it C++-side. Boxing/Unboxing are handled by an overload corresponding of the following functions:

template<typename T>
jl_value_t* box(T);

template<typename T>
T unbox(jl_value_t*);

where jl_value_t* is an address of julia-side memory.

All box/unbox functions have exactly this signature. For unbox<T>, ambiguity C++-side is resolved using SFINAE:

// declaring box/unbox for fictional type "MyType"

jl_value_t* box(MyType value)

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, MyType>, bool> = true>
T unbox(jl_value_t* value)


The property of being (un)boxable is represented in C++ as two concepts:

// an "unboxable" is any T for whom unbox<T>(jl_value_t*) -> T is defined
template<typename T>
concept Unboxable = requires(T t, jl_value_t* v)

/// a "boxable" is any T for whom box(T) -> jl_value_t* is defined
template<typename T>
concept Boxable = requires(T t)

Given this, we can box/unbox any object that fulfills the above requirements like so:

Manual (Un)Boxing

size_t cpp_side = 1001;

// C++ -> julia: boxing
jl_value_t* jl_side = box(cpp_side);

// julia -> C++: unboxing
size_t back_cpp_side = unbox<size_t>(jl_side);

// verify nothing was lost in the conversion
std::cout << back_cpp_side << std::endl;

Any type fulfilling the above requirements is accepted by most jluna functions. Usually, these functions will implicitly (un)box their arguments and return types so, most of the time, we don't have to worry about manually calling box/unbox<T>.

This also means that any 3rd party user only needs to defined box and unbox<T> for their class and it will work with all jluna functionality, making their C++ type julia-compatible. We will learn more about this in the section on usertypes.

List of (Un)Boxables

The following types are both boxable and unboxable out-of-the-box.

// cpp type              // julia-side type after boxing

jl_value_t*              -> Any
jl_module_t*             -> Module
jl_function_t*           -> Function
jl_sym_t*                -> Symbol

bool                     -> Bool
char                     -> Char
int8_t                   -> Int8
int16_t                  -> Int16
int32_t                  -> Int32
int64_t                  -> Int64
uint8_t                  -> UInt8
uint16_t                 -> UInt16
uint32_t                 -> UInt32
uint64_t                 -> UInt64
float                    -> Float32
double                   -> Float64

jluna::Any               -> Any
jluna::Proxy<State>      -> /* value-type deduced during runtime */
jluna::Symbol            -> Symbol
jluna::Type              -> Type
jluna::Array<T, R>       -> Array{T, R}     * °
jluna::Vector<T>         -> Vector{T}       *
jluna::JuliaException    -> Exception

std::string              -> String
std::complex<T>          -> Complex{T}      *
std::vector<T>           -> Vector{T}       *
std::array<T, R>         -> Vector{T}       *
std::pair<T, U>          -> Pair{T, U}      *
std::tuple<Ts...>        -> Tuple{Ts...}    *
std::map<T, U>           -> IdDict{T, U}    *
std::unordered_map<T, U> -> Dict{T, U}      *
std::set<T>              -> Set{T, U}       *

* where T, U are also (Un)Boxables
° where R is the rank of the array

Accessing Variables

Let's say we have a variable var julia-side:

State::script("var = 1234")

To access the value of this variable we can use the C-API. We receive a pointer to the memory var holds using jl_eval_string, then unbox that pointer:

jl_value_t* var_ptr = jl_eval_string("return var");
auto as_int = unbox<int>(var_ptr);

std::cout << as_int << std::endl;

State::safe_return<T> essentially does the same except it will forward any exception thrown during return var (such as UndefVarError):

auto as_int = State::safe_return<int>("var");
std::cout << as_int << std::endl;

While both ways get us the desired value, neither is a good way to actually manage the variable itself. How do we reassign it? Can we dereference the c-pointer? Who has ownership of the memory? All these questions are hard to manage using the C-API, however jluna offers a one-stop-shop solution for all of these problems: jluna::Proxy.

A proxy holds two things: the memory address of its value and a symbol. We'll get to the symbol later, for now, let's focus on the memory:
Memory held by a proxy is safe from the julia garbage collector (GC) and assured to be valid. This means we don't have to worry about keeping a reference or pausing the GC when modifying the variable. Any memory, be it temporary or something explicitly referenced by a julia-side variable or Base.Ref, is guaranteed to be safe to access.

We rarely create a proxy ourself, most of the time it will be generated for us by State::(safe_)script:

State::script("var = 1234")
auto proxy = State::script("return var")

Use of auto simplifies the declaration and is encouraged whenever possible.

Now that we have the proxy, we need to convert it to a value. Unlike the C-APIs jl_value_t* we do not need to call box/unbox<T>:

// all following statements are exactly equivalent:

int as_int = proxy;   // recommended

auto as_int = proxy.operator int();

auto as_int = static_cast<int>(proxy);

auto as_int = (int) proxy;

auto as_int = unbox<int>(proxy) // discouraged

Where the first version is encouraged for style reasons. jluna handles implicit conversion behind the scenes, this makes it so we don't have to worry what the actual type of the julia-value is. jluna will try it's hardest to make our declaration work:

State::script("var = 1234")
auto proxy = State::script("return var")

size_t as_size_t = proxy;
std::string as_string = proxy;
std::complex<double> as_complex = proxy;

std::cout << "size_t : " << as_size_t << std::endl;
std::cout << "string : " << as_string << std::endl;
std::cout << "complex: " << as_complex.real() << " | " << as_complex.imag() << std::endl;
1234 | 0

Of course, if the type of the julia variable cannot be converted to the target type, an exception is thrown:

std::vector<double> as_vec = proxy;
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'jluna::JuliaException'
  what():  MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Int64 to an object of type Vector

This is already much more convenient than manually unboxing c-pointers, however the true usefulness of proxies lies in their ability to mutate julia-side values.

Mutating Variables

As stated before, a proxy holds exactly one pointer to julia-side memory and exactly one symbol. There are two types of symbols:

  • a symbol starting with the character # is called an internal id
  • any other symbol is called a name

The behavior of proxies changes, depending on wether their symbol is a name or not. A proxies whos symbol is a name is called a named proxy, a proxy whos symbol is an internal id is called an unnamed proxy.

To generate an unnamed proxy, we use State::(safe_)script.
To generate a named proxy we use Proxy::operator[].

State::safe_script("var = 1234");

auto unnamed_proxy = State::safe_script("return var");
auto named_proxy = Main["var"];

where Main, Base, Core are global, static, pre-initialized proxies holding the corresponding julia-side modules.

We can check a proxies name using .get_name():

std::cout << unnamed_proxy.get_name() << std::endl;
std::cout << named_proxy.get_name() << std::endl;
<unnamed proxy #9>

We see that unnamed_proxys symbol is #9, while named_proxys symbol is Main.var, the same name as the julia-side variable var that we used to create it.

Named Proxies

If and only if a proxy is named, assigning it will change the corresponding variable julia-side:

State::safe_script("var = 1234")
auto named_proxy = Main["var"];

std::cout << "// before:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "cpp   : " << named_proxy.operator int() << std::endl;
State::safe_script("println(\"julia : \", Main.var)");

named_proxy = 5678; // assign

std::cout << "// after:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "cpp   : " << named_proxy.operator int() << std::endl;
State::safe_script("println(\"julia : \", Main.var)");
// before:
cpp   : 1234
julia : 1234
// after:
cpp   : 5678
julia : 5678

We see that after assignment, both the value named_proxy is pointing to, and the variable of the same name "Main.var" were affected by the assignment. This is somewhat atypical for julia but familiar to C++-users. A named proxy acts like a reference to the julia-side variable.

Because of this behavior, it lets us do things like:

State::safe_script("vector_var = [1, 2, 3, 4]")
Main["vector_var"][0] = 999;   // indices are 0-based in C++
Base["println"]("julia prints: ", Main["vector_var"]);
julia prints: [999, 2, 3, 4]

Which is highly convenient.

Unnamed Proxy

Mutating an unnamed proxy will only mutate its value, not the value of any julia-side variable:

State::safe_script("var = 1234")
auto unnamed_proxy = State::safe_script("return var");

std::cout << "// before:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "cpp   : " << named_proxy.operator int() << std::endl;
State::safe_script("println(\"julia : \", Main.var)");

unnamed_proxy = 5678; // assign

std::cout << "// after:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "cpp   : " << named_proxy.operator int() << std::endl;
State::safe_script("println(\"julia : \", Main.var)");
// before:
cpp   : 1234
julia : 1234
// after:
cpp   : 5678
julia : 1234

We see that unnamed_proxy was assigned a new memory address pointing to the new value 5678. Meanwhile, Main.var is completely unaffected by this change. This makes sense, if we check unnamed_proxys symbol again:

std::cout << unnamed_proxy.get_name() << std::endl;
<unnamed proxy #9>

We see that is does not have a name, just an internal id. Therefore, it has no way to know where its value came from and thus has no way to mutate anything but the C++ variable.

When we called return var, julia did not return the variable itself but the value of said variable. An unnamed proxy thus behaves like a deepcopy of the value, not like a reference.

In Summary

  • We create a named proxy using Main["var"].
    • Assigning a named proxy mutates its value and mutates the corresponding julia-side variable of the same name
  • We create an unnamed proxy using State::(safe_)script("return var")
    • Assigning an unnamed proxy mutates its value but does not mutate any julia-side variable

This is important to realize and is the basis of much of jlunas syntax and functionality.

Detached Proxies

Consider the following code:

State::safe_script("var = 1234");
auto named_proxy = Main["var"];

State::safe_script(R"(var = ["abc", "def"])");

std::cout << named_proxy.operator std::string() << std::endl;

What will this print? We know named_proxy is a named proxy so it should correspond to the variable var, however we reassigned var to a completely different value using only julia. named_proxy was never made aware of this, so it still currently points to its old value:

std::cout << named_proxy.operator std::string() << std::endl;

While still retaining its name:

std::cout << named_proxy.get_name() << std::endl;

This proxy is in what's called a detached state. Even though it is a named proxy, its current value does not correspond to the value of it's julia-side variable. This may have unforeseen consequences:

State::safe_script("var = 1234");
auto named_proxy = Main["var"];
State::safe_script(R"(var = ["abc", "def"])");

std::cout << named_proxy[1].operator std::string() << std::endl;
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'jluna::JuliaException'
  what():  BoundsError
 [1] getindex(x::Int64, i::UInt64)
   @ Base ./number.jl:98
 [2] safe_call(::Function, ::Int64, ::UInt64)
   @ Main.jluna.exception_handler ~/Workspace/jluna/.src/julia/exception_handler.jl:80

signal (6): Aborted

Even though var is a vector julia-side, accessing the second index of named_proxy throws a BoundsError because name_proxys value is still Int64(1234), which does not have a second index.

Assigning a detached proxy will still mutate the corresponding variable:

State::safe_script("var = 1234");
auto named_proxy = Main["var"];
State::safe_script(R"(var = ["abc", "def"])"); // assign julia-side

State::safe_script("println(\"before:\", var)");

named_proxy = 5678; // assign cpp-side

State::safe_script("println(\"after :\"var)");
before: ["abc", "def"]
after : 5678

While this behavior is internally consistent, it may cause unintentional bugs when reassigning the same variable frequently in both C++ and julia. To alleviate this, jluna offers a member function Proxy::update(), which evaluates the proxies name and replaces its value with value of the correspondingly named variable:

State::safe_script("var = 1234");
auto named_proxy = Main["var"];
State::safe_script(R"(var = ["abc", "def"])");


std::cout << named_proxy.operator std::string() << std::endl;
["abc", "def"]

While not necessary to do everytime an assignment happens, it is a convenient way to fix a detached proxy.

Making a Named Proxy Unnamed

Sometimes it is desirable to stop a proxy from mutating the corresponding variable, even though it is a named proxy. While we cannot change a proxies name, we can generate a new unnamed proxy using the member function Proxy::value(). This functions returns a "fresh" unnamed proxy pointing to a deepcopy of the value of the original proxy.

State::script("var = 1234");
auto named_proxy = Main["var"];

auto value = named_proxy.value();   // create nameless deepcopy

// assigning either does not affect the other
value = 9999;
named_proxy = 4567;

std::cout << "named: " << named_proxy.operator int() << std::end,
std::cout << "value: " << named_proxy.operator int() << std::end,
named: 4567
value: 9999

Therefore, to make a named proxy unnamed, we can simply assign its value to itself:

auto proxy = /*...*/
proxy = proxy.value()

Calling .value() on a proxy that is already unnamed simply creates a deepcopy with a new internal id.

Accessing Fields

For a proxy whos value is a structtype, we can access any field using operator[]:

    mutable struct StructType
    instance = StructType(1234)

auto instance = Main["instance"];

std::cout << instance["_field"].operator int() << std::endl;

As before operator[] returns a named proxy and assigning a named proxy also assigns the corresponding variable. This means we can assign fields just like we assigned variables in module-scope:

    mutable struct StructType
    instance = StructType(1234)

auto instance = Main["instance"];
auto instance_field = instance["_field"];

instance_field = 5678;


Of course, we could also do the above inline:

Main["instance"]["_field"] = 9999;

Which is, again, highly convenient.


Calling julia Functions from C++

Accessing julia Functions

Proxies can hold any julia-side value. This includes functions:

State::safe_script("f(x) = sqrt(x^x^x)");

// with operator[]
auto named_f = Main["f"];

// or via return
auto unnamed_f = State::safe_script("return f");

Calling julia Functions

If the proxy is a function, it will be callable via operator(), .call and .safe_call, where operator() simply forwards the arguments to .safe_call:

auto println = Main["println"];

// with exception forwarding
println(/* ... */);
println.safe_call(/* ... */);

// without exception forwarding* ... */);

// inline:
Base["println"](Base["typeof"](std::set<std::map<size_t, std::pair<size_t, std::vector<int>>>>({{{1, {1, {1, 1, 1}}}}})));
Set{IdDict{UInt64, Pair{UInt64, Vector{Int32}}}}

As mentioned before, any boxable type including proxies themself can be used as arguments directly, without manually having to call box or unbox<T>.

Calling C++ Functions from julia

The previous section dealt with calling julia-side functions from C++. Now we will learn how to call C++-side functions from julia.
We first need register a function. Only lambdas can be registered:

Registering Functions

// always specify trailing return type manually
register_function("print_vector", [](jl_value_t* in) -> jl_value_t* {
    // convert jl_value_t* to jluna objects via box/unbox
    auto as_vector = unbox<Vector<size_t>>(in);
    std::cout << "cpp prints:" << std::endl;
    for (auto e : as_vector)
        std::cout << (size_t) e << std::endl;
        e = (int e) + 10;

    // return as jluna object or boxed, both will be forwarded to julia
    return as_vector;

Note the explicit trailing return type -> jl_value_t*. It is recommended to always specify it when using register_function.

Allowed Function Names

While arbitrary julia-valid characters (except . and #) in the functions name are allowed, it is recommended to stick to C++ style convention when naming functions. However, do feel free to specifically use postfix ! for mutating functions, as it is customary in julia.

# good:
"print_vector", "add", "(=>)", "modify!"

# discouraged but allowed:
"h!e!l!p!", "get_∅", "écoltäpfel", "(☻)"

# illegal:
"anything.withadot", "(#)", "0012"

See the julia manual entry on variable names for more information about strictly illegal names.

Calling Functions

After having registered a function, we then call the function (from within julia) using cppcall. Instead of a string we're using a Symbol that has the exact same contents as the string name used C++-side. cppcall has the following signature:

cppcall(::Symbol, xs...) -> Any

Unlike julias ccall we do not supply anything but the functions name and the arguments to be forwarded. The return type and type of the arguments is deduced automatically and we can use any julia type as arguments, not just C-friendly ones.

Calling our print_vector which first prints the entire vector, then adds 10 to each element in julia would look like this:

# in julia
result = cppcall(:print_vector, [1, 2, 3, 4])
println("julia prints: ", result)
cpp prints:

julia prints: [11, 12, 13, 14]

We see that we can use the result of the function directly, as if it was a regular julia-side function.

Possible Signatures

Only the following signatures for lambdas to be bound via register_function are allowed (this is enforced at compile time):

() -> void
(jl_value_t*) -> void
(std::vector<jl_value_t*>) -> void
(jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*) -> void
(jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*) -> void
(jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*) -> void
(jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*) -> void

() -> jl_value_t*
(jl_value_t*) -> jl_value_t*
(std::vector<jl_value_t*>) -> jl_value_t*
(jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*) -> jl_value_t*
(jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*) -> jl_value_t*
(jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*) -> jl_value_t*
(jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*, jl_value_t*) -> jl_value_t*

Templated lambdas are not allowed.

Using Non-julia Objects in Functions

While this may seem limiting at first, it is not. For example we can forward any C++ objects as as arguments not through the lambdas actual arguments but it's capture:

// a C++-object, uncompatible with julia
struct Object
    void operator()() // not const
        _field = 456;
        std::cout << "object called " << _field << std::endl;

    size_t _field = 123;

Object instance;

// wrap instance in mutable std::ref and hand it to lambda via capture
register_function("call_object", [instance_ref = std::ref(instance)]() -> void 

object called 456

This makes it possible to call C++-only members function of objects by simply wrapping them first.

Calling Non-Lambda Functions

While only lambdas of the mentioned signatures can be bound via register_function, we can still call an arbitrary function with arbitrary arguments (see above) by similarly wrapping it in one or more lambdas:

// a templated c++ function returning auto ...
template<typename T>
decltype(auto) fancy_non_lambda_func(const T& t)
    return std::forward<T>(t);

// ... can be passed by wrapping it like so:
register_function("fancy_f_int32", [](jl_value_t* jl_int) -> jl_value_t* {
    // convert from julia-value to cpp int
    int as_int = unbox<int>(jl_int); 
    // call cpp function
    auto res = fancy_non_lambda_func<int>(as_int);
    // then convert from cpp-value to julia-value and return
    return box(res);

register_function("fancy_f_string", [](jl_value_t* jl_string) -> jl_value_t* {
    // same for strings
    auto res = fancy_non_lambda_func<std::string>(unbox<std::string>(jl_string));
    return box(res);

Through tricks like this, any function and any object can be called from julia, however if we want to directly transfer memory between the two states, we will need to call box/unbox<T>.


julia-side objects of type T <: AbstractArray are represented C++-side by their own proxy type: jluna::Array<T, R>. Just like in julia, T is the value_type and R the rank or dimensionality of the array.

julia array types and jluna array types correspond to each other like so:

julia jluna
Vector{T} Vector<T>
Matrix{T} Array<T, 2>
Array{T, R} Array<T, R>

Where jluna::Vector inherits from jluna::Array and thus provides all of the same functionality while offering some vector-only methods in addition.


We can create an array proxy like so:

// make 3d array with values 1:27
State::safe_script("array = Array{Int64, 3}(reshape(collect(1:(3*3*3)), 3, 3, 3))");

// unnamed array proxy
jluna::Array<Int64, 3> by_value = State::script("return array");
auto by_value = State::script("return array").as<Array<Int64, 3>>();

// named array proxy
jluna::Array<Int64, 3> array = Main["array"];
auto array = Main["array"].as<Array<Int64, 3>>();

Where, just as before, only named proxies will mutate julia-side variables.

We can use the generic value type Any to make it possible for the array proxy to attach any julia-side array, regardless of value type. jluna provides 3 convenient typedefs for this:

using Array1d = Array<Any, 1>;
using Array2d = Array<Any, 2>;
using Array3d = Array<Any, 3>;

This is useful when the value type of the array is not know at the point of proxy declaration.


There are two ways to index a multidimensional array:

  • linear indexing treats the array as 1-dimensional and returns the n-th value in column-major order
  • multidimensional indexing requires one index per dimension

While both of these styles of indexing are available in julia, to keep with C-convention, indices in jluna are 0-based instead of 1-based.

jluna::Array<Int64, 3> array = Main["array"];
Main["println"]("before ", array);

// 0-based linear indexing
array[12] = 9999;

// 0-based multi-dimensional indexing, 1, 2) = 9999;

Main["println"]("after ", array);
before [1 4 7; 2 5 8; 3 6 9;;; 10 13 16; 11 14 17; 12 15 18;;; 19 22 25; 20 23 26; 21 24 27]
after [1 4 7; 2 5 8; 3 6 9;;; 10 9999 16; 11 14 17; 12 15 18;;; 19 9999 25; 20 23 26; 21 24 27]

While jluna cannot offer list comprehension, jluna::Array does allow for julia-style indexing using a collection:

auto sub_array ={2, 13, 1}); // any iterable collection can be used
[3, 14, 2]

To closer illustrate the relationship between indexing in jluna and indexing in julia, consider the following table (where M is a N-dimensional array)

N julia jluna
1 M[1] or M[0]
2 M[1, 2], 1)
3 M[1, 2, 3], 1)
Any M[ [1, 13, 7] ] M[ {0, 12, 6} ]


In jluna, arrays of any dimensionality are iterable in column-major order (just as in julia):

Array<size_t, 2> array = State::script("return [1:2 3:4 5:6]");

// iterate using value type
for (size_t i : array)
  std::cout << i << std::endl;
[1 3 5; 2 4 6]

We can create an assignable iterator by doing the following (note the use of auto instead of auto&)

Array<size_t, 2> array = State::script("return [1:2 3:4 5:6]");
Base["println"]("before: ", array);

for (auto it : array)
    it = static_cast<size_t>(it) + 1;

Base["println"]("after : ", array);
before: [1 3 5; 2 4 6]
after : [2 4 6; 3 5 7]

Here, auto is deduced to a special iterator type that basically acts like a regular jluna::Proxy (for example, we need to manually cast it to size_t in the above example) but with faster, no-overhead read/write-access to the array data.


Vector are just arrays, however similarly to Vector{T} in julia, their 1-dimensionality gives them access to additional functions:

State::safe_script("vector = collect(1:10)");
jluna::Vector<size_t> = Main["vector"];

vector.insert(12, 0);

for (auto e : vector)
    e = static_cast<size_t>(e) + 1;

[10000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 10000]

Note that Array<T, R>::operator[](Range_t&&) (linear indexing with a range) always returns a vector of the corresponding value type, regardless of the original arrays dimensionality.


(this feature is not yet implemented, simply use Array<T, 2> until then)


(this feature is not yet implemented)


(this feature is not yet implemented)


This section will focus on using the C-API in addition to jluna and from within C++

#include <julia.h>

Meaning of C-Types

  • jl_value_t*: address julia-side value of arbitrary type
  • jl_function_t*: address of julia-side function
  • jl_sym_t*: address of julia-side symbol
  • jl_module_t*: address of julia-side singleton module
    • jl_main_module: Main
    • jl_base_module: Base
    • jl_core_module: Core
  • jl_datatype_t*: address of julia-side singleton type
    • jl_any_type: Any
    • jl_type_type: Type
    • jl_module_type: Module
    • jl_integer_type: Integer
    • etc.

Executing Code

jl_eval_string("your code goes here")

Forwarding Exceptions in C

// nothing happens

// exception thrown
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'jluna::juliaException'
  what():  DomainError(-1.0, "sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).")
Stacktrace: <no stacktrace available>

Accessing Values in C

// by address:
jl_value_t* address = jl_eval_string("return value_name");

// by value
T value = unbox<T>(jl_eval_string("return value_name"));

// there is no memory-safe, GC-safe way to modify variables from within C only

Functions in C

Accessing Functions in C

jl_function_t* function = (jl_function_t*) jl_eval_string("return function_name");
// or
jl_function_t* function = jl_get_function((jl_module_t*) jl_eval_string("return module_name"), "function_name"))

Calling Functions in C

std::vector<T> cpp_arguments = /* ... */ // T is any boxable type

auto* function = jl_get_function(jl_base_module, "println");
std::vector<jl_value_t*> args;

for (auto a : cpp_arguments)
jl_value_t* res = jl_call(function, args, args.size());

Arrays in C

Accessing & Indexing Arrays in C

jl_array_t* array = (jl_array_t*) jl_eval_string("return [[1, 2, 3]; [2, 3, 4]; [3, 4, 5]]");

for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(array); ++i)    // 0-based
    std::cout << unbox<jluna::Int64>(jl_arrayref(array, i));    

// only linear indexing is available through the C-API
1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5

Mutating Arrays in C

jl_array_t* array = (jl_array_t*) jl_eval_string("return [1, 2, 3, 4]");

jl_arrayset(array, box<Int64>(999), 0); 
// box<T> with exact equivalent of T julia
// jluna does fuzzy conversion behind the scenes, C doesn't

jl_function_t* println = jl_get_function(jl_base_module, "println");
jl_call1(println, (jl_value_t*) array);

Strings in C

Accessing Strings in C

jl_value_t* jl_string = jl_eval_string("return \"abcdef\"");
std::string std_string = std::string(jl_string_data(jl_string));
std::cout << std_string << std::endl;

To modify strings, we need to cast them jl_array_t and modify them like arrays

Initialization & Shutdown in C

#include <julia.h>

int main() 
    // or
    jl_init_with_image("path/to/your/image", NULL);
    // all your application