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Merge pull request #11 from climate-machine/histograms
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Implement 'HistData' struct for convenient handling of timeseries
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dburov190 authored Sep 30, 2019
2 parents e622818 + edb1365 commit 49828b2
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Showing 4 changed files with 369 additions and 21 deletions.
327 changes: 316 additions & 11 deletions src/Histograms.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,181 @@ module Histograms
This module is mostly a convenient wrapper of Python functions (numpy, scipy).
Functions in this module:
- W1 (2 methods)
- W1 (8 methods)
- load! (3 methods)
- plot (2 methods)
- plot_raw (1 method)

import PyCall
import NPZ

scsta = PyCall.pyimport("scipy.stats")

# HistData struct ##############################################################
A simple struct to store samples for empirical PDFs (histograms, distances etc.)
Functions that operate on HistData struct:
- W1 (4 methods)
- load! (3 methods)
- plot (2 methods)
- plot_raw (1 method)
mutable struct HistData
samples::Dict{Symbol, AbstractVecOrMat}

HistData() = HistData(Dict())

Load samples into a HistData object under a specific key from a vector
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- key: Symbol; key of the samples group to load samples to
- samples: array-like; samples to load
If the `key` group already exists, the samples are appended. If, in addition,
the samples were in a matrix, they are flattened first, and then the new ones
are added.
function load!(hd::HistData, key::Symbol, samples::AbstractVector)
if haskey(hd.samples, key)
if isa(hd.samples[key], Matrix)
"hd.samples[:", key, "] is a Matrix; using vec(hd.samples)")
hd.samples[key] = vcat(vec(hd.samples[key]), samples)
hd.samples[key] = samples

Load samples into a HistData object under a specific key from a matrix
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- key: Symbol; key of the samples group to load samples to
- samples: matrix-like; samples to load
If the `key` group already exists, the samples are appended. If, in addition,
the samples were in a vector, the new ones are flattened first, and then added
to the old ones. If the samples were in a matrix and row dimensions don't match,
the minimum of the two dimensions is chosen, the rest is discarded.
function load!(hd::HistData, key::Symbol, samples::AbstractMatrix)
if haskey(hd.samples, key)
if isa(hd.samples[key], Vector)
"hd.samples[:", key, "] is a Vector; using vec(samples)")
hd.samples[key] = vcat(hd.samples[key], vec(samples))
elseif size(hd.samples[key], 1) != size(samples, 1)
println(warn("load!"), "sizes of hd.samples & samples don't match; ",
"squishing down to match the minimum of the two")
K = min(size(hd.samples[key], 1), size(samples,1))
hd.samples[key] = hcat(hd.samples[key][1:K, 1:end], samples[1:K, 1:end])
hd.samples[key] = hcat(hd.samples[key], samples)
hd.samples[key] = samples

Load samples into a HistData object under a specific key from a file
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- key: Symbol; key of the samples group to load samples to
- filename: String; name of a .npy file with samples (vector/matrix)
All the rules about vector/matrix interaction from two other methods apply.
function load!(hd::HistData, key::Symbol, filename::String)
samples = NPZ.npzread(filename)
if isa(samples, Array) && ndims(samples) <= 2
load!(hd, key, samples)
throw(error("load!: ", filename, " is not a 1- or 2-d Array; abort"))

Plot a histogram of a range of data by a specific key
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- plt: a module used for plotting (only PyPlot supported)
- key: Symbol; key of the samples group to construct histogram from
- k: Int or UnitRange; if samples are in a matrix, which rows to use
- kws: dictionary-like; keyword arguments to pass to plotting function
If `hd.samples[key]` is a matrix, all the samples from `k` row(s) are combined;
if it is a vector, `k` is ignored.
function plot(hd::HistData, plt, key::Symbol, k::Union{Int,UnitRange}; kws...)
if length(hd.samples) == 0
println(warn("plot"), "no samples, nothing to plot")
is_pyplot = (Symbol(plt) == :PyPlot)
if !is_pyplot
println(warn("plot"), "only PyPlot is supported; not plotting")

if isa(hd.samples[key], Vector)
S = hd.samples[key]
S = vec(hd.samples[key][k, 1:end])

plot_raw(S, plt; kws...)

Plot a histogram of whole data by a specific key
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- plt: a module used for plotting (only PyPlot supported)
- key: Symbol; key of the samples group to construct histogram from
- kws: dictionary-like; keyword arguments to pass to plotting function
plot(hd::HistData, plt, key::Symbol; kws...) =
plot(hd, plt, key, UnitRange(1, size(hd.samples[key], 1)); kws...)

Plot a histogram of samples
- S: array-like; samples to construct histogram from
- plt: a module used for plotting (only PyPlot supported)
- kws: dictionary-like; keyword arguments to pass to plotting function
The keyword arguments `kws` have precedence over defaults, but if left
unspecified, these are the defaults:
bins = "auto"
histtype = "step"
density = true
function plot_raw(S::AbstractVector, plt; kws...)
kwargs_local = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
kwargs_local[:bins] = "auto"
kwargs_local[:histtype] = "step"
kwargs_local[:density] = true

# the order of merge is important! kws have higher priority
plt.hist(S; merge(kwargs_local, kws)...)

# distance functions ###########################################################
Expand All @@ -27,11 +193,13 @@ Returns:
- w1_uv: number; the Wasserstein-1 distance
function W1(u_samples::AbstractVector, v_samples::AbstractVector;
normalize = true)
L = maximum([u_samples; v_samples]) - minimum([u_samples; v_samples])
normalize = false)
return if !normalize
scsta.wasserstein_distance(u_samples, v_samples)
u_m, u_M = extrema(u_samples)
v_m, v_M = extrema(v_samples)
L = max(u_M, v_M) - min(u_m, v_m)
scsta.wasserstein_distance(u_samples, v_samples) / L
Expand All @@ -45,22 +213,22 @@ Parameters:
- V_samples: matrix-like; samples from distributions (v1, v2, ...)
- normalize: boolean; whether to normalize the distances by 1/(max-min)
`U_samples` and `V_samples` should have samples in the 2nd dimension (along
rows) and have the same 1st dimension (same number of rows). If not, the minimum
of the two (minimum number of rows) will be taken.
`normalize` induces *pairwise* normalization, i.e. it max's and min's are
computed for each pair (u_j, v_j) individually.
- w1_UV: array-like; the pairwise Wasserstein-1 distances:
w1(u1, v1)
w1(u2, v2)
w1(u_K, v_K)
`U_samples` and `V_samples` should have samples in the 2nd dimension (along
rows) and have the same 1st dimension (same number of rows). If not, the minimum
of the two (minimum number of rows) will be taken.
`normalize` induces *pairwise* normalization, i.e. it max's and min's are
computed for each pair (u_j, v_j) individually.
function W1(U_samples::AbstractMatrix, V_samples::AbstractMatrix;
normalize = true)
normalize = false)
if size(U_samples, 1) != size(V_samples, 1)
println(warn("W1"), "sizes of U_samples & V_samples don't match; ",
"will use the minimum of the two")
Expand All @@ -75,6 +243,143 @@ function W1(U_samples::AbstractMatrix, V_samples::AbstractMatrix;
return w1_UV

W1(U_samples::AbstractMatrix, v_samples::AbstractVector; normalize = false) =
W1(vec(U_samples), v_samples; normalize = normalize)

W1(u_samples::AbstractVector, V_samples::AbstractMatrix; normalize = false) =
W1(u_samples, vec(V_samples); normalize = normalize)

Compute pairs of Wasserstein-1 distances between `key` samples and the rest
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- key: Symbol; key of the samples group to compare everything else against
- k: Int or UnitRange; if samples are in a matrix, which rows to use
- key2all_combined: Dict{Symbol, Float64}; pairs of W1 distances
Compute the W1-distances between `hd.samples[key]` and all other `hd.samples`.
If any of the `hd.samples` is a matrix (not a vector) then `k` is used to access
rows of said matrix, and then samples from these rows are combined together.
For any of the `hd.samples` that is a vector, `k` is ignored.
This function is useful when you have one reference (empirical) distribution and
want to compare the rest against that "ground truth" distribution.
k2a_row1 = W1(hd, :dns, 1)
K = size(hd.samples[:dns], 1)
k2a_combined = W1(hd, :dns, 1:K)
function W1(hd::HistData, key::Symbol, k::Union{Int,UnitRange})
key2all_combined = Dict{Symbol, Float64}()
for ki in keys(hd.samples)
if ki == key
key2all_combined[ki] = W1(hd, ki, key, k)
return key2all_combined

Compute a pair of Wasserstein-1 distance between `key1` & `key2` samples
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- key1: Symbol; key of the first samples group
- key2: Symbol; key of the second samples group
- k: Int or UnitRange; if samples are in a matrix, which rows to use
- w1_key1key2: Float64; W1 distance
Compute the W1-distance between `hd.samples[key1]` and `hd.samples[key2]`.
If either of them is a matrix (not a vector) then `k` is used to access rows of
said matrix, and then samples from these rows are combined together.
For vectors, `k` is ignored.
w1_dns_bal = W1(hd, :dns, :bal, 1)
K = size(hd.samples[:dns], 1)
w1_dns_bal_combined = W1(hd, :dns, :bal, 1:K)
function W1(hd::HistData, key1::Symbol, key2::Symbol, k::Union{Int,UnitRange})
u = if isa(hd.samples[key1], Vector)
vec(hd.samples[key1][k, 1:end])
v = if isa(hd.samples[key2], Vector)
vec(hd.samples[key2][k, 1:end])
return W1(u, v)

Compute vectors of Wasserstein-1 distances between `key` samples and the rest
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- key: Symbol; key of the samples group to compare everything else against
- key2all_vectorized: Dict{Symbol, Union{Vector{Float64}, Float64}};
either vectors or pairs of W1 distances
Compute the W1-distances between `hd.samples[key]` and all other `hd.samples`.
For each pair of samples (`key` and something else) where both groups of samples
are in a matrix, the returned value will be a vector (corresponding to rows of
the matrices); for each pair where at least one of the groups is a vector, the
returned value will be a Float64, and all samples from a matrix are combined.
This function is useful when you have one reference (empirical) distribution and
want to compare the rest against that "ground truth" distribution.
k2a_vectorized = W1(hd, :dns)
println(k2a_vectorized[:onl] .> 0.01)
function W1(hd::HistData, key::Symbol)
key2all_vectorized = Dict{Symbol, Union{Vector{Float64}, Float64}}()
for ki in keys(hd.samples)
if ki == key
key2all_vectorized[ki] = W1(hd, ki, key)
return key2all_vectorized

Compute a vector of Wasserstein-1 distances between `key1` & `key2` samples
- hd: HistData; groups of samples accessed by keys
- key1: Symbol; key of the first samples group
- key2: Symbol; key of the second samples group
- w1_key1key2: Union{Vector{Float64}, Float64}; W1 distance
Compute the W1-distance between `hd.samples[key1]` and `hd.samples[key2]`.
If both are matrices, the returned value will be a vector (corresponding to rows
of the matrices); if at least one of them is a vector, the returned value will
be a Float64, and all samples from a matrix are combined.
w1_dns_bal = W1(hd, :dns, :bal)
println(w1_dns_bal .> 0.01)
W1(hd::HistData, key1::Symbol, key2::Symbol) =
W1(hd.samples[key1], hd.samples[key2])

end # module

Binary file added test/Histograms/data/x2_bal.npy
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added test/Histograms/data/x2_onl.npy
Binary file not shown.

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