A simple C++ library which simulates hopefully will simulate astrodynamics.
This is my personal science project in which I try to connect my love for programming with my love for science. It's still nowhere near done or usable though I highly don't recommend anyone to use this library unless you know what you're doing (I certainly don't)
At the moment it can do these things:
- Create Entites in a sensible object
- Assign these entities to a Simulation instance
- Apply velocities to their positions consistently based on the simulation speed and it's delta time.
This project is my first attempt to do something usable with C++ and it most likely violates every unwritten rule of C++ programming. If that is the case I would love you to correct my mistakes in the Issues section for me to correct them. Please keep in mind that I don't merge pull requests. I take this thing as my personal project to learn C++. Sorry to disappoint...
Yes I'm aware that it's not really a library yet since it creates a binary.
Here is a short code example
Simulation simulation; // Create a Simulation instance
vector<double> pos1{0,0,0}; // Default positons of the 2 entities we're going to create
vector<double> pos2{500,800, 1000}; //
Entity entity1("Earth", 5.972*pow(10,24), pos1); // Creating 2 instances of the Entity class
Entity entity2("Moon", 7.348*pow(10,22), pos2); // Name, Mass (doesn't do anything yet), default position
simulation.addEntity(entity1); // Adding theese entites to the simulation
simulation.addEntity(entity2); // Note that preventing the entities from being in two simulations at once is not yet implemented
vector<double> velocity1 = vector<double>{150.3, 0, 0}; // Preparing the velocities
vector<double> velocity2 = vector<double>(0, 0, 70); //
entity1.setVelocity(velocity1); // Setting the velocities
entity2.setVelocity(velocity2) //
simulation.start(); // Starting the simulation
sleep(1); // Letting it run for 1 second
simulation.stop(); // Stopping the simulation
cout << entity1.getPosition()[0] << " " << entity1.getPosition()[1] << " " <<entity1.getPosition()[2] << endl; // Printing the results
cout << entity2.getPosition()[0] << " " << entity2.getPosition()[1] << " " <<entity2.getPosition()[2] << endl; //
Newton's law of universal gravitation(Implemented but broken atm.)- Newton's 3 laws of motion (Kind of implemented - not all of them)
- The above will hopefully make Kepler's astrodynamics work
Special thanks goes to Kurzgesagt - the channel which ignited my love for science after our school system dumped a bucket of water on it.