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Virtual Wan

This terraform module streamlines the setup and management of virtual wan components on azure, offering customizable choices for wan topology, connectivity and security policies.


The main objective is to create a more logic data structure, achieved by combining and grouping related resources together in a complex object.

The structure of the module promotes reusability. It's intended to be a repeatable component, simplifying the process of building diverse workloads and platform accelerators consistently.

A primary goal is to utilize keys and values in the object that correspond to the REST API's structure. This enables us to carry out iterations, increasing its practical value as time goes on.

A last key goal is to separate logic from configuration in the module, thereby enhancing its scalability, ease of customization, and manageability.


These modules are not intended to be complete, ready-to-use solutions; they are designed as components for creating your own patterns.

They are not tailored for a single use case but are meant to be versatile and applicable to a range of scenarios.

Security standardization is applied at the pattern level, while the modules include default values based on best practices but do not enforce specific security standards.

End-to-end testing is not conducted on these modules, as they are individual components and do not undergo the extensive testing reserved for complete patterns or solutions.


  • simplified virtual wan deployment
  • multiple secure virtual hub support
  • utilization of terratest for robust validation
  • ability to define and manage routing intents on virtual hubs
  • vpn gateway support on virtual hubs with multi-site and link connectivity
  • ability to configure multiple vpn gateway connections on sites
  • site to site vpn capabilities for secure connectivity between networks
  • point to site vpn support for secure client access to virtual hub
  • nat rules support for address translation on vpn gateways
  • expressroute gateway enablement on virtual hubs for hybrid connectivity


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
azurerm ~> 4.0


Name Version
azurerm ~> 4.0


Name Type
azurerm_express_route_gateway.er_gateway resource
azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway.p2s_gateway resource
azurerm_virtual_hub.vhub resource
azurerm_virtual_hub_security_partner_provider.spp resource
azurerm_virtual_wan.vwan resource
azurerm_vpn_gateway.vpn_gateway resource
azurerm_vpn_gateway_connection.vpn_connection resource
azurerm_vpn_gateway_nat_rule.nat_rule resource
azurerm_vpn_server_configuration.p2s_config resource
azurerm_vpn_site.vpn_site resource


Name Description Type Default Required
location default azure region and can be used if location is not specified inside the object. string null no
naming contains naming convention map(string) null no
resource_group default resource group and can be used if resourcegroup is not specified inside the object. string null no
tags default tags to be used. map(string) {} no
vwan describes virtual wan configuration any n/a yes


Name Description
vhubs contains virtual hub configuration
vwan contains virtual wan configuration


For more information, please see our testing guidelines


Using a dedicated module, we've developed a naming convention for resources that's based on specific regular expressions for each type, ensuring correct abbreviations and offering flexibility with multiple prefixes and suffixes.

Full examples detailing all usages, along with integrations with dependency modules, are located in the examples directory.

To update the module's documentation run make doc


Module is maintained by these awesome contributors.


We welcome contributions from the community! Whether it's reporting a bug, suggesting a new feature, or submitting a pull request, your input is highly valued.

For more information, please see our contribution guidelines.


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.
