STEP offers a handful of services (about 10)
adding endpoints
CRUD/login etc. for employees
sketch out the checkin endpoint API
Waiting room context (generally walkins rather than pre-set appointments)
someone comes in to the PreventionPoint office for STEP service: gives name
receptionist looks them up by name (assume they exist) /step/api/participants --> list json /step/api/participants?name=xyz --> list json
person says what service they want /step/api/services --> list json /step/api/services?name=xyz --> list json
receptionist indicates that the person wants that service --> that goes into a queue that other system users (e.g. doctors)
POST /step/api/participants/:id/services/:id --> adjust db and return confirmation ---> join table (appointment model?)
person might ask for more than one service could turn into multiple appointments
assume person is in system they are here to pick up a prescription see a behavioural specialist