Deep learning for medical segmentation and classification
Spring 2023, Cogito NTNU.
In this project we use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for computer vision. Using the U-Net architecture (Olaf Ronneberger, Philipp Fischer, Thomas Brox, 2015) as a basis, we tackle both classification-problems and segmentation-problems in the medical field.
Using the U-Net arcitechure we perform binary classification of
Dataset: Labeled Chest X-ray .
Segmentation of lungs
Dataset: LGG_MRI segmentation .
We performed lung segmentation achieving a F1 score of 0.957 and a IoU/jaccard score of 0.918.
Segmentation of Pneumothorax
As you use Doctor-AI for your own use, please cite the authors of the package:
@misc{doctorai2023, title={Doctor AI - U-Net for medical segmentation and classification}, author={Vilhjalmurson, Vilhjalmur and Myhre, Sveinung and Bohne, Erik and Constantinos, Joel and Zhao, Ine}, year={2023}, publisher={Cogito NTNU} }
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