Objective: Generate questions given a list of topics (i.e., domain -> frontent, js, go, backend, design) and dificulty along with test cases, correct answers , faqs
- Search Bar: user can type the topics and relevant details
- Output Field: Where the output is visible after optimisation and getting the data back from chatGPT
a: Question: Answer FAQ's UI - Export the generated Output into JSON
- make ChatGPT act as per the need/topic with relevant details
- provide questions, answers, faqs aligned with the topic and with details
- git clone this repo
- cd repo
- set the VITE_OPENAI_API_KEY in .env file
- npm install
- npm run dev
- nagivate to http://localhost:5173/
Contributors: Saroj Kumar Mahato (sarojkumar@criodo.com) Sarath Kumar (sarathkumar@criodo.com)