D3 Visualization of Colorado Single Year of Age over time.
A generational look at age for Colorado Counties. Data from the Colorado State Demography Office: 10-20-2015.
Includes Population Data from 1990 - 2015, and Forecast Data from 2016 to 2050.
A stateful app. Save a link of any county/year combination.
Download animation (AVI), or save a PNG of a specific county/year.
Created with D3.js and the JQuery UI. Screen Capture PNGs created with PhantomJS. Animation AVI downloads created with PhantomJS and FFMPEG.
The data is kept in two javascript files. all.js is a static file of age data from 2009 and earlier. all_supplementalV is the most recent age estimates and forecasts. The supplemental data is created using the AgeAnimationUpdate R project.