Scheduler for Colorado Demography tasks. Despite the name, uses node-schedule rather than cron. Deployed as Docker Container.
Schedules a suite of imports, uploads, and exports to maintan data currency on many of Demography's (and some of DOLA's) Applications.
Tasks include:
Special District dataset exports
- Queries DOLAs Special Districts database and extracts shapefile data for common categories of Special Districts.
Bureau of Labor Statistics data update
- Calls the BLS API to extract current Employment data for Colorado Cities and Counties
DOLA Grant Data Pipeline
- Queries static assets exported by DOLAs main Oracle database, links tabular data to geographic identifiers, and produces an output dataset suitable for ingestion by the Colorado Financial Services Grants Map.
Uploads DOLA data into Demography Database
- Keeps copies of standard DOLA lookup tables in Demography's PostgreSQL database for easier access.
Runs Database backup tasks
- Saves a weekly copy of the DOLA database.
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